Limequat-whey cheese tart or serendipity
>>Monday, April 19, 2010
You know what serendipity is... right? Well, one of the entries in the dictionary says it is "the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident". Fortunate discoveries can really be charming. I recently visited a plant depot in search of volcanic pebbles, but couldn't find any. Instead I bought a lovely zinc container, like the ones used as plant pots. I decided to use it as a fruit basket, for my photos. And then the day after I stepped into my favourite greengrocer's and what did I find? Some incredibly beautiful little fruits called limequats. I admit I had never heard about them in my life. They are hybrids of lime and kumquat, more similar to kumquat in shape, slightly bigger, and with a lighter and more yellow hue. Their pulp is acid like lime's. They were born to nestle in my fruit bowl... don't you think this is plain serendipity?
Limequat jam This jam was so good that I had to figure out something to add it to. Something that provided the perfect background for that acid note. The next day my parents showed up, just arrived from a trip to the Mediterranean island of Ibiza, bringing me a cookbook with traditional recipes. Among them was the famous fláo a delicious tart made with whey cheese.... Mmmm, it could be a good idea... yum. Don't you think this is plain serendipity? I finally didn't opted for flaó, as it includes aniseseed and fresh mint and I thought that would be too many different flavors in one single tart. But I did settle for the whey cheese tart concept (that is, ricotta cheese). So here it is, inspired by this wonderful recipe, and with whipped egg whites to make for a fluffier filling. Take into account that the recipe calls for the tart to be prepared in advance, so that it can cool down inside the oven as slowly as possible. Limequat-whey cheese tart Tart directions:
I warn you that I don't like sweets that are overly sweet, so maybe you'll need to add more sugar. I thought this jam had the most incredible aroma. Addictive. Maybe lime jam is as good, but I've never tasted it. Maybe I'll take to visiting the fridge and sniffing the jam jar, like I used to do with ras el hanout.
For the pastry crust, please follow my usual recipe, here. Of course, you can always use store-bought crust. But I won't forgive you. A couple or more tsp of cocoa powder can be added.
- Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
- Prepare the shortcrust pastry if you choose so. Divide it into 2 portions and freeze one of them (I always do it). Roll out the dough until it fits in the desired mold. I used a round mold of 27cm diameter. Butter and flour the mold, lay the pastry on top, press to fit and trim the edges. Put the mold into the freezer.
- When the oven is hot, take the mold out of the freezer, lay parchment paper on the pastry, put some beans on top for weight and bake for 15 minutes. Then take it out and leave to cool.
- Lower the oven temperature to 160ºC and slide in a tray for the Bain-marie water.
- Make the filling in the meantime. Tip the whey cheese in a large bowl and crumble with a fork. Then add the creme frâiche or cream and mix.
- Melt the white chocolate in the microwave or in a double boiler. Stir and add it to the cheese mixture. Add the sugar and mix thoroughly. Don't overbeat, as too much air in the batter can cause the filling to crack or collapse.
- Crack the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Add these to the cheese mixture and mix well. Whip the whites to stiff peaks and then add delicately to the rest of the filling.
- In the meantime, bring some water to the boil in a teapot, for the Bain-marie.
- Pour the filling on the tart base. Never mind if the filling appears to be excessive, nearly overflowing. Take into account that the filling shrinks when baked. Flatten the surface with a spatula.
- Cover with aluminum foil, avoiding to contact the filling. Slide the mold onto the oven tray or dish. Then pour the boiling water in the tray.
- Bake for 70 minutes (mine took this time). When done, turn off the oven and let the tart cool inside, covered, overnight if possible.
- The next day spread the jam on top of the filling. If the jam is too thick, like mine, warm it up a bit and add a couple tbsp water to make it runnier. Then refrigerate for a while, at lest I like it cold.

The combination of the cheesy filling with the jam was just incredible, as I expected. The only "imperfection" was the crumbly texture, a bit too crumbly. I guess the cause was the whey cheese, the consistency must be creamier if cream cheese is used. The white chocolate was hardly noticeable, only like a very far touch... delicious. I've got to find something else to use the jam, because it's just sublime...
- UnknownApril 19, 2010 at 10:17 PM
Beautiful photos, I would like to have a bite of this incredible tart!
Looks like an incredible recipe, a sweet ending to a special meal.- JoyApril 19, 2010 at 10:18 PM
I have never heard of limequat. Is it really sour? The tart looks great!
- Tasty TrixApril 19, 2010 at 10:33 PM
I WANT this tart, and these limequats, and the jam! Is that too much to ask???? I wonder if I'll ever be able to find these?
I need some serendipity!- lisaiscookingApril 19, 2010 at 10:46 PM
I've never seen limequats, but they sound delicious! Very pretty pot for them, and your tart looks fantastic.
- TaniaApril 19, 2010 at 11:48 PM
The surface of the cake is absolutely magnificent!
- Lazaro CooksApril 20, 2010 at 12:57 AM
Beautiful photos. Never use a limequat before, but would love to. Great tart recipe.
- PattyApril 20, 2010 at 1:21 AM
OMG. I cannot BELIEVE how incredible your tart looks and how delectable it sounds! Am prepared to jump through the screen and try your serendipitously prepared dish! Great story and delicious recipe. Thanks for sharing!
- Valerie Harrison (bellini)April 20, 2010 at 1:38 AM
I have never heard of a limequat either until now Miriam. I will need to keep my eyes peeled.
- Belinda @zomppaApril 20, 2010 at 2:44 AM
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! YUM!
- AnonymousApril 20, 2010 at 5:47 AM
What a gorgeous tart! I hope to find limequats soon to try!
- AnonymousApril 20, 2010 at 1:54 PM
Wow! Limequates... those sound quite interesting. The tart looks very cheesecake-esque. I imagine that the taste is out of this world. I will now be on the look out for these delightful hybrids.
- bunkycooksApril 20, 2010 at 3:29 PM
This is a beautiful tart! I have never heard of limequats. I will have to take a look at the farmer's market next time I go.
- JoApril 20, 2010 at 3:45 PM
I've not heard of limequat as well. But it sure makes this tart look so delicious. I can only imagine how it taste like from the gorgeous pictures.
- MjoséApril 20, 2010 at 7:54 PM
Estas son las recetas perfectas para la operación bikinni que ya he empezado.
It looks delicious !!!!- Chef Dennis LittleyApril 21, 2010 at 3:16 AM
This looks positively incredible..I have never heard of Limequats but they sound delicious!!
- My Little SpaceApril 21, 2010 at 4:06 AM
It's been awhile! Hoping to follow up what I've left out... Mariam, you're such a great baker. Your bakings make me drool for days! And as always this tart looks awesome!
Have a wonderful day!
Blessings, Kristy- UnknownApril 21, 2010 at 4:33 AM
Serendipity would be if a slice of this were on my plate right now:-)
- sweetlifeApril 21, 2010 at 4:42 AM
limequat..oh I bet it is fab..what a great treat...wonderful pics
- Simones KitchenApril 21, 2010 at 3:55 PM
Delicious looking for sure. I don't think I have ever seen limequats before. Not around these parts but it looks gorgeous!
- singerinkitchenApril 21, 2010 at 4:25 PM
How beauitful! And it seems so fresh. Congrats on a beauitful presentation!
- tasteofbeirutApril 22, 2010 at 5:08 AM
I am glad you had not heard of these little gems either! What a great combo with the cheese! You really tempt me here! I really want to taste this, it is so so unique!- Brie: Le Grand FromageApril 25, 2010 at 5:51 AM
this looks amazing! i will have to find some of these myself!
- CristinaApril 27, 2010 at 1:57 AM
OMG! That tart looks so delicious. I envy your creativity and being able to find a new ingredient and make something wonderful like this. Limequats? Never noticed 'em in the stores. I'd be interested to taste it - might be good in a mixed drink. Lovely presentation!
- we are never fullApril 27, 2010 at 10:58 PM
wow - try saying that 10 times fast! i don't care what it's titled, this looks amazing. absolutely amazing. kind of the perfect line b/w sweet and savory.
- AnneMay 3, 2010 at 10:25 AM
That looks gorgeous! I just tried a cream cheese cake with white chocolate and strawberries which is also great. But yours one got this citrus flavour....
- AlinaMay 4, 2010 at 8:37 PM
Aww I love anything citrus, never seen limequats here, they look so pretty! AND I love that you added melted white chocolate to your cheese mixture... never thought of this - sounds like a brilliant idea!
- AnonymousOctober 23, 2010 at 7:54 PM
I have a limequate tree. I have had no idea what to do with the fruit. They are so pretty on the tree and now I know I can make jam from them. We love fruit trees here and only have plants that can produce something to eat or feed our honeybees. Thanks again for idea.
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