Helluva Hazbin Story Ideas - Silver_Falchion (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone. Ever since first getting onto AO3 and beginning to read stories on the site, I've been coming up with plenty of ideas for both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel. However, I haven't had the time or the motivation to write these stories myself and I'm currently doing other stories which makes getting to the ones that pop up really difficult. As such, I've decided to follow the example of others and have this be where I'll offer up some of the ideas I come up for others to do as well.

As such, I'll be providing the basic story idea and how it came up plus some small details and the possible pairings in them which will be optional to include if you so wish. The summaries themselves can be changed to match what you wish to have it be so you can treat them more as a guideline for the rest of the story. Some of these stories will not have names due to me not having thought of them and while most won't have ratings, I will have stories which are intended to have more adult elements be labeled with '[Explicit]' to signify this.

Finally, if you are interested in any of these story ideas and want to use them, please feel free to do so as that's my intention. These stories are free for everyone to use and you can make free use of them if you so desire.

So, without further ado...

- Adopted Son of Jack Frost

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Moxxie

Summary: After having to kill someone with his dad and knowing his mother isn't there, a young Moxxie has fallen into a deep depression which makes Crimson decide to send him to the circus for some fun. Two of the gang are sent to watch over him, but a fire starts which kills them and Moxxie is about to be killed!

Or, he would if a magical imp named Blitzo didn't come flying in and stopping it with his icy powers.

Seeing a possible escape from his father, Moxxie joins the mystical ice spirit and heads off on a new life with him gaining powers. Now, years later, the imp heads to Wrath with his adopted father where he'll find love, have to contend with his birth father, and show how much he values his true dad.

An AU where Blitzo has taken on the role of Jack Frost (an idea I have for this and another idea) unlike in canon with what happened to him and Fizzarolli with him taking Moxxie in far sooner. And yes, this is meant to be both an 'Empowered Moxxie' story along with it being an obvious Millie/Moxxie story. Whether Loona and Stolas will be in it will be up to the writer since the focus is more on Moxxie and his family history rather than Blitzo.

However, Crimson is definitely supposed to be the Big Bad of the story since Moxxie is all he has to continue his crime family and needs him back. Of course, with Blitzo and Moxxie having powers, perhaps this results either comedy with the mafia being made fools of or drama as Crimson hires on others to help him fight back.

- The Red Death

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Alastor/Angel Dust

Summary: Hell has become plagued by a disease that is the twin of the Black Death in the mortal realm with a sinner of great power taking on its form. As he decides who live and dies on his own whim, the Red Death comes across a guard chasing someone and intervenes to kill the guard before turning to the other.

However, he lets them live as he's told of a great masquerade in a fortified castle and decides to head off to infiltrate it.

Using the castle as a place of safety for the sinners of nobility, Valentino holds a grand party which will last a week with his 'pets' being the entertainment for all. However, his favorite pet named Angel Dust ends up meeting a charming man by the name of Lord Alastor with the two seemingly falling for each other.

This is an old idea based off Edgar Allan Poe's “The Masque of the Red Death” and the 1964 film starring Vincent Price. In this case, a Medieval AU setting with Alastor as the titular disease finding out that Valentino – acting as Prince Prospero – is trying to stay away from him though with a twist as Angel Dust is a love interest for Lord Alastor. The main reason behind this one was me rereading the story and, after everything with Covid including getting it, figured that it would be very fitting.

This will be a RadioDust story with them obviously growing close as the week goes by though Val doesn't like it as he begins to notice. And though Alastor deciding the fate of his victims would suit him, the main idea I would have had is that he's become bored in his travels and now seeks a companion to be with him. It just so happens that when he goes to Val's castle to teach him a lesson, he ends up meeting Angel with both enjoying each other's company along with it leading to them growing attached.

One final thing is that while Alastor would be dressed up like everyone else during the masquerade, his appearance as the Red Death was supposed to be inspired by how the film portrayed them. Basically, the Radio Demon was to be wearing a red cloak over his body and a hood hiding his face – through what exactly the Red Death and his disguise as Lord Alastor appear as will be up to the writer to decide.

Optional Idea: One of the ideas with this one actually involves a crossover with Helluva Boss in which Blitzo is the one who Alastor saves and lets live. In this case, the castle belonged to Stolas only for Val to take it over and imprison the Prince along with his wife Stella (whether Octavia escaped or is also a prisoner is up to the writer). As such, Alastor accepts Blitzo's pleading to release Stolas and his family with it being done before he reveals himself. This one was more of a 'what if' idea, but it's up there for those involved.

Optional Ending: This is supposed to be a RadioDust story, but I did come up with two endings to the story. The endings really only change once Val and the other nobles are dead leaving only a handful of people alive.

- Ending A: When the Red Death allows the survivors to leave, Angel Dust ends up asking to come with him which surprises the Red Death. However, Angel not fearing him and wishing to join him makes him agree and the two depart together.

- Ending B: With the other survivors leaving, the Red Death asks Angel Dust to come with him but the spider is unable to despite having fallen for him. Understanding of this, he gives Angel complete immunity to his disease and watches as the sinner he fell for walks away and the Red Death continues his travels alone.

Since I never got to this story and I felt that both endings match with what the story is about, I figured I'll give both for possible ideas.

- Untitled Story based off Jumanji

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Up to the writer

Summary: When Blitzo and Stolas begin to play 'Pirate', they stumble upon an old board game which they decide to play together. However, on his first turn, Blitzo is sucked into the game which freaks out Stolas making the young owl close the board game and hide it out of fear.

Twenty five years later, his two children find the game and get their mother Stella along with the drunk imp servant named Fizz to play with them. However, this results in chaos as Stolas is forced to play the game once again and Blitzo returns only to find out just what happened while he was in there.

Now they and Stolas' kids must finish the game to reverse the effects...something that Stolas doesn't want to happen.

An AU based off Season 2 Episode 1 “The Circus” and the original Jumanji film starring Robin Williams though with the game more medieval/knightly themed rather than jungle themed. The main reason behind this story was the idea of two characters playing the game being at conflict because one doesn't want to erase what he has while the other wants what he lost. In this case, Stolas not wanting to lose his children (he's got more in this AU) while Blitzo lost a good chunk of his life and wants it back.

The main reason behind the knight theming is actually so that the card/conjured text informs Blitzo that he “needs more training for his knighthood” and “keep at it until either a [insert two numbers here] are rolled”. Of course, this results in him being sucked into the game and then coming out twenty five years later as a knight (either a Goetia or dressed as a noble). Stolas wouldn't have a cake walk either, as him seeing the game again would trigger his memories and even some guilt for what happened.

Other than that, the idea is that Stella in this AU is a bit nicer (though how nice is based on the writer) and Fizzarolli ends up having to become a servant after Blitzo disappears and whatever happened with the circus happened. Heck, maybe this makes things worst for Stolas as Fizz would find out what happened with Blitzo and be pissed at the bird for causing everything.

Optional Idea: One of the ideas I had is that Paimon would be the original maker of the game and with Stolas in a meeting in the “present” time when the game is found again. Of course, he's horrified to see it and even more so when he realizes that his son played it before. This could lead to the game ending with Stolas and Blitzo returning back to when it started and Paimon quickly coming in to find them.

Thought of this idea mostly to show that Paimon does care for his son and growing attached to Blitzo during the story as the imp lost so much due to the very game he made. Perhaps this allows him to learn during the game's timeline what Blitzo was going to do and changing it to where he doesn't need to do it when the game ends.

- If you Truly Love Him

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Stolas & ???

Summary: Looking as his heart breaks and tears fill his eyes, Blitzo says, “But...I-I love him.”

Knowing he has him, Andrealphus simply replies, “If you really love him...you will let him go.”

Andrealphus supplies Blitzo with a potion to let him become a Goetia only for him to show Stolas with someone else. With this, his revenge against Stolas takes a turn as a curse comes upon Blitzo leaving him without emotions and sends him away.

Years later, the now Goetian Blitzo is found by Asmodeus and Queen Bee with them realizing easily that something terrible has happened.

Inspired by a fan made animatic with Blitzo and Andrealphus acting out a scene from Shrek 2, the Grand Marquis ends up giving Blitzo a potion to make him a goetia before he takes the form he's meant to “upon true love's kiss”. Of course, Andrealphus curses the potion which activates when Blitzo gives up upon seeing Stolas with someone else (of the writer's choice) with Blitzo leaving everything he knew behind.

Cut to years later with Stolas saddened as he since realized his love for Blitzo never wavered and the IMP family wanting the imp back. However, the two Sins finding him isn't the end of the story since he's still cursed to be without his emotions (and any other elements of the curse if you wish) and having to have Blitzo get true love's kiss. So...good luck to the IMP crew and the others to make him know just how much they love him!

- Hellhound Meets the Stars [Explicit]

Fandom: Crossover [Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss]

Pairings: Loona/Octavia, Charlie Morningstar/Vaggie, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: Five years ago, the Immediate Murder Professionals where bought up by the Radio Demon and hired on to the Hazbin Hotel staff as security. However, it hasn't been smooth sailing and Loona has been wanting for something else just to get away from the boredom her job has become.

Five years ago, a young owl had enough of her parent's fighting and tried to reach a family friend only to be snatched up by a certain moth Overlord. Now, she's the dancer Andromeda who only performs for those with the special tickets and is treated well by Valentino to keep her under his control.

Two souls – meant to help each other years earlier – finally meet up when Angel Dust gives a special ticket for Andromeda to Loona for some entertainment.

This is actually an old idea which is based on an AU where Alastor buys out IMP before Blitzo gets Stolas' grimoire and Octavia running away only to end up under Val's control. Though, Val's smart in this case since he knows who he's dealing with and keeps Octavia away from the sex acts to keep himself safe. After all, nothing would get him killed quicker than if it's discovered that a Goetian princess had been used as a sex toy by others.

However, Loona ends up getting a ticket which soon gets to the two together outside of their work hours and growing closer. Really, this idea was just to have Loona and Octavia get together in a way that would leave out any problems that would happen in the canon timeline. The five years is supposed to be five years from the original timeline (where Blitzo and Stolas meet) with Andromeda being Octavia's stage name to keep with the space theming.

- Safe with You

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairing: Depressed Boyfriend/Stu or Depressed Boyfriend/Bayou

Summary: During the rampage of the wrath dame, Quint thought he was going to die by her hand but finds himself rescued from death by his boyfriend. Now, the two quickly flee from the scene and from Crimson despite knowing what will come should they be found.

It's a tough road ahead, and one full of many twists and turns. However, Quint knows he'll always be safe when he's with the one he loves.

Not much to this one, basically an AU where Depressed Boyfriend – or Quint as some including myself call him – survives the episode and so does his boyfriend. I've seen him paired with Stu and Bayou, so whoever his boyfriend is will be up to the writer to decide. Basically, I just want a story that ends with a happy ending for my favorite character rather than him being killed by Millie.

- You Finally Know My Pain

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairing: Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Blitzo/Stolas, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, other pairings

Summary: When Stolas gives him an Asmodeus Crystal to end the deal, Blitzo takes it the wrong way and gets a little reckless on the next job due to his mind not being in the game. However, this ends up screwing him over as he takes an injury that results in him losing his right arm.

Now lacking one of his arms and unable to do what he could before, Blitzo begins to think himself as nothing but dead weight for everyone else. To his surprise, the last person he'd ever expect to save him from a downward spiral jumps back into his life.

Because Fizzarolli knows what he's going through, and part of him doesn't want to lose Blitzo.

This is basically an idea I have for a one-shot, but expanded out into a larger story where Blitzo loses his arm and Fizzarolli ends up being the one who ends up helping him out. Mostly because I like to think that Fizz hearing Blitzo lost one of his limbs would be something that Fizz would take seriously considering his own trauma. Probably wouldn't get the relationship they once had back, but at the very least allow the two to salvage what's left through the pain both have gone through.

The exact reason behind Blitzo losing his arm will be up to the writer, and also up to the writer is how bad both Blitzo and Stolas take the news. Plus, how exactly will Asmodeus react to the events and Fizz wanting to help his old friend through what's happening? How will the IMP Family react to not only Blitzo losing his arm, but his old friend now coming back to help him? Really, the possibilities for this story and how it plays out really are up to the writer.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 2: Chapter 2


The second set of story ideas.

Chapter Text

Hello, and welcome to another set of story ideas that I have. Feel free to take any that interest you and use either as inspiration or to write about! Now, without further ado...

- Untitled Godzilla Crossover Story

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Godzilla, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: After nearly seventy years of being imprisoned in Hell, Godzilla has finally escaped thanks to the bonds on him weakening over the years. Now freed, he sees a commercial on a television and decides on a simple plan.

Step 1, chase and nearly catch Blitzo when he's trying to get to Stolas' manor on foot.

Step 2, find out what he can about the company the imp owns.

Step 3, go to the company and ask for a job.

Eh, at least it'd be better than being bored out of his mind in the prison he's been in.

This is just the idea of a fun crossover story where Godzilla has been trapped in a secret prison in Hell after his brief battle against Heaven and Hell (the only time both sides worked together). However, he's escapes with him killing a guard, stealing their uniform, and walking out the door which leads him to trying to find something to keep him occupied while he's out. Where upon he sees the commercial for IMP and decides to join it because he's got nothing better to do.

In this case, Godzilla isn't supposed to be his normal height and was instead turned into being more akin to a hellborn to make it easier to imprison him. The other idea I had was that he has cuffs and a collar made by both angels and goetia meant to seal his powers away. However, they've finally become too weak with him breaking them over the course of the story allow him to get some of his powers back like his durability and his signature Atomic Breath.

Of course, the main story would be his time working for the Immediate Murder Professionals and how everyone else reacts to it. After all, the mighty Godzilla with powers that rival both Heaven and Hell letting himself be bossed around by an imp without a care in the world would be quite the sight.

Optional Idea: If desired, the writer could give Godzilla a love interest for the story. However, I would advise not making it Mothra since she being in Hell would be really out of place. It'd be like Alastor being welcomed into Heaven.

- The Shark and the Phoenix

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairing: Depressed Boyfriend/OC

Summary: Quint Corleone is your typical mafiosi under the command of the dreaded Crimson whose greed outshines common sense. At least, that's the only reason Quint can explain how he and the others were caught in an ambush, his boyfriend being killed in the fight, and him being captured by the rival gang to be executed on a live stream.

It seemed like the end...until he's found by a fiery Grand Marquis whose stealing the gang's wealth for others and offers to rescue him.

Now whisked away to the Wrath Ring, the shark demon finds himself with Phenex at his ranch with the phoenix giving him what he needs to build a new life in Wrath. However, as he continues to stay and get to know the phoenix, he can't help but start to fall for Grand Marquis.

Yeah, this is just a story with the pairing I came up with regarding Depressed Boyfriend/Quint getting together with Grand Marquis Phenex. Don't ask me why I like the idea, but it gives a lot to work with regarding the possible stories with the two. It could also be because DB is my favorite character from the show so far and I just want good things for him rather than just being killed.

Also, yes part of Phenex's story is him being a good person since he's trying to turn his small piece of Hell into Heaven (hence the ranch he owns) along with him pulling a Robin Hood on one of the gangs from Greed. Really, I'll let the writer decide how they'll portray Phenex since I'm offering it up so how you want him (or her) is up to you.

Optional Idea: If you want, perhaps Quint's original boyfriend actually survives the ambush at the start and ends up finding him later on. This could lead to a difficult choice for Quint to choose between...or maybe he'll decide to keep both and have them share him since polygamy is an option.

- Sorry, I f*cked Your Parents [Explicit]

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairing: Blitzo/Stella/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: When Blitz is discovered by security, Stella decides to join Stolas in escorting the imp to the bedroom only to end up in bed with them rather than killing the imp. To her utter surprise...she finds herself liking it!

Unfortunately, this means that Blitz now has two Goetia to please every full moon, a marriage to help rebuild after all these years, and their teenage daughter judging him. All because he decided to take a magic book to make his business a reality!

AKA, Helluva Boss but Stella is also part of the Full Moon deal.

I don't need to say much, since I think the summary speaks on its own. I mostly thought of this since I like the idea of kinder Stella in fanfics and this concept – while not original – allows for that to happen and act as a character arc. Other than that, go nuts.

- The Radio Demon

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel

Pairing: Alastor/Angel Dust, Angel Dust/Valentino (One Sided), Alastor & Husker, Alastor & Nifty

Summary: When he was alive, Alastor was in love with Anthony and both young men were ready to marry each other when three sinners decide to intervene. This results in Alastor being link to crimes that aren't his own and soon dying knowing who betrayed him, who stole his husband, and who framed him for the crimes.

Now in Hell for his actual crimes, Alastor turns himself into the dreaded Radio Demon and securing power while using two other sinners to find out what he needs. As a boon for his quest, he ends up getting help from Lucifer himself which results in him finding a great treasure cache in one of Hell's other rings.

He's now ready for his revenge on the Triple V and regaining his beloved Anthony back.

So, this is one of two stories that are inspired by the famous Count of Monte Cristo story but with it sticking with the Hazbin universe. In this case, the Triple V end up screwing Alastor over just so Valentino can get his fiance Anthony/Angel Dust all for himself. However, this ends up making Alastor want revenge which results in him getting Husker and Nifty to aid him plus Lucifer sending him to get what is the equivalent of the Monte Cristo treasure.

This idea was based on the 1935 version of The Count of Monte Cristo starring Robert Donat since that version of the Count would fit well for Alastor's character. Funny enough, it doesn't matter which version of the original story that the writer makes use of for this story since they would all work for inspiration.

- Helluva Sleeping Beauty

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas

Summary: On his first birthday, the young Prince Stolas was cursed by an evil witch to die on his eighteenth when he pricks his finger on a spindle. His parents order all spindles burned and sends their child to the Wrath Ring to keep him safe.

Having lived in the Wrath Ring all his life, Stolas is unaware of his true identity or the fact that he is due to marry someone he's never met. Before those events transpire, however, he's soon met by an imp by the name of Blitzo from the Pride Ring.

As they meet up more often, the two find themselves falling in love...as the evil witch finds out where the owl prince is.

This is meant to be a Sleeping Beauty AU inspired by artwork that someone did which has Blitz as Prince Philip and Stolas as Princess Aurora. So, here's the idea which has them in those roles though how Blitz is incorporated is up to the writer. As for the evil witch...Stella works, but that's just a thought.

- Princess of the Ice Marquis [Explicit]

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Andrealphus/Stolas

Summary: It all started the first time he met Andrealphus and Stolas was trying out a dress that he had found in the future Grand Marquis' room. However, when Andrealphus finds Stolas doing so, the two soon discover more about themselves than they thought.

Now, the two teens begin to see each other away from prying eyes as they grow far closer than even fate itself could have foreseen. However, Stolas couldn't give any care in regards to that.

All he wants is that icy peaco*ck dick.

Yeah, this is a pretty explicit story with older teenage Stolas and Andrealphus starting out as friends with benefits and growing from there. Really, this is just because I do like Andrealphus having Stolas as his lover/husband outside of canon. Plus, I just think it'd be interesting to see someone tackle how they'd fall in love if they actually were into each other.

And yes, the idea behind the last sentence of the summary is that they won't have full bird anatomy though the writer is allowed to do as they pleased. Other than that, there's not much to this story idea.

- Two Enchanted Rings

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Angel Dust/???, Charlie/Vaggie, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: After yet another day in his horrible life, Blitz ends up running into Angel Dust and offers him a possible job along with a ring he took from the human world. The sinner decides to think about it and wears the ring, but the next night finds himself in a room with his boss and a captured Blitz.

Valentino orders Angel to take Blitz and ends up having to do it despite not wanting to with him starting off with a kiss. However, as they kiss, the stroke of midnight happens setting off the rings and sending the two away and out of Val's hands.

The next morning, the Happy Hotel staff find them in Angel's room having completely changed and now must work with IMP to figure out how to break the enchantments on the rings they both wear.

This is a story idea I've had for a while based on an story that I read a year or two ago, but I'm not able to find now where Angel Dust ends up saving Blitz from Valentino. However, in this version he gives Angel one of two rings he took from a new job with both wearing them when the stroke of midnight hits. Basically, the rings are a pair of enchanted angelic rings which need to be worn for 24 hours before the enchantments take effect.

For the most part, the main enchantment is changing Angel Dust and Blitz to match the most powerful person they now. For Angel, that'd be Charlie which makes him a being that's a mix of an angel and a demon or sinner with him gaining magic allowing him to at least match other Overlords. For Blitz, it's obviously Stolas which turns him into a goetia with him gaining a swashbuckling persona along with dressing as one (either a fencer with a rapier or a pirate with a cutlass).

However, the enchanted rings hold a riddle which tells of how they can be taken off though both are different with each person: along with seeing their own self worth, Angel Dust must reclaim his soul from Valentino and Blitz must prove his own love to Stolas. Only when those are fulfilled will both demons be able to remove the rings. Which makes things difficult and ensures Val becomes the main villain of the story.

Optional Idea: Other possible powers the ring could have include: healing factor including from angelic weaponry; protection from mind control abilities (meant to counter Val's main power); teleportation; instant knowledge of new skill sets; and all weapons held by them before the change are now angelic in nature (the weapons return to normal once the rings are off).

If you have any questions for these story ideas, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 3


The third set.

Chapter Text

Here is another set of story ideas that are up for grabs for whoever or as inspiration for your own ideas. So, without any further ado...

- Blitzo Wire

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo & Stolas, Stolas/OC, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: One winter's night in Hell, everyone at the Hazbin Hotel sees how bad it's snowing with Charlie remarking about Blitzo remembering his past. When asked what she means, Charlie has everyone sit down and begins to tell them of a story from a time from before even she was born.

Come along for the tale, to see the story of the ice spirit Blitzo Wire and his quest to become part of Hell's old society to win the heart of a single father. Though it won't be easy, as he becomes the friendly rival of the noble Sir Phenex Goodfellow and must soon contend with a cruel and hate fueled ruler who also wishes to have the man's hand in marriage.

So, this is basically an adaptation of the Rankin/Bass Jack Frost special which I watched a few times growing up with Blitz having the title role. And as you can tell by the start of the summary, Blitzo Wire doesn't end up with Stolas since I really like the original ending of the special.

One of the things I had in mind was that Blitzo, a young Loona, Moxxie, Millie, Barbie, and Fizzarolli would be the icy spirits who are working for Asmodeus in the story. On the flip side, the Goetia are now meant to be like normal Hellborn with Stolas raising a young Octavia and Phenex taking the role of the knight who Stolas ultimately ends up with. As for the villain, that's up to you though I think Stella's off the table since Octavia is in the picture here.

- Don't You Forget About Me

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & Charlie, Blitzo/Stolas, Charlie/Vaggie

Summary: After the events of Ozzies and a bad night at the Hotel, Blitz ø and Charlie end up bumping into each other with both deciding to head off for a drink somewhere. However, before they get there, they seemingly disappear in a flash of light with no one able to find them afterwards.

Many decades later, Sir Pentious is in the basem*nt of IMP headquarters as he and his Egg Bois finish repairing an old machine made by two older sinners. Discovering a number out of place in the calculations, the sinner corrects it and causes the machine to activate to bring Charlie and Blitz ø out.

Now in the far future, watch as Charlie and Blitz ø meet their love ones in the future along with how their businesses and their new friendship can change Hell itself.

Based off the song of the same name, the idea here is Charlie and Blitzø being snatched out of their time by an invention that was meant to find and bring them home. However, the inventors (Loopty and Lyle) didn't have the numbers right causing Charlie and Blitzø to be in limbo, the machine to explode, and only being fixed far later by Sir Pentious.

Of course, a lot would happen in that time. The main idea would be that the Happy Hotel and IMP ended up joining together to stay afloat without either of their leaders and have been able to slowly build up over time. Alastor would help both stay up with Vaggie trying (and succeeding in some cases) to save souls and Loona is now on her third year of leading IMP after M&M retired.

As for everyone else, that's up to the writer but here's a few ideas I've had for it:

- Loona has a spell over her to slow her aging to let her wait for her dad to come back

- Vaggie is overseeing a new hotel being built with her fulfilling Charlie's dream

- Moxxie and Millie have retired, but I had only Millie make it to see Blitzø again though Moxxie never stopped searching

- Angel has gotten free of his contract with him and Alastor being in what is basically a marriage

- Stolas has long since been on medical watch for drug usage after seemingly losing his only love and rarely leaves his palace

- Lucifer and Lilith have been openly supporting and secretly funding both companies after losing their only child

- Octavia has gotten married to Loona and is with a child with her having grown to hate Blitzø for what he did to her dad (if you want, you can just switch Loona out for another character)

- Loona and Alastor would be the first two people after Sir Pentious and his Egg Bois to see Charlie and Blitzø as they're in the main office of IMP HQ.

And that's mostly it. The main idea wasn't just to focus on the future that Charlie and Blitzø left which was carried on by others, but also on them becoming close as well. They wouldn't get together, but they would grow thanks to the other before returning back to their own time. The original ending was them joining their businesses together as a single company and expanding their found families in a single action.

- Improv Club

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Charlie/Vaggie, Alastor/Angel Dust

Summary: Deciding to use part of her father's home for some fun, Charlie and her girlfriend Vaggie set up some fliers to create a Improv Club which meets at her house. This attracts a lady who likes cleaning, a man who just left his job behind, a radio host, an older man interested in steampunk, and a bartender just there for the drinks.

Well, at least everyone seems to be willing to get along!

This is a human AU for Hazbin Hotel where Charlie is allowed by her parents to set up an Improv Club at their home which results in the cast of Hazbin Hotel coming together. It's meant to be a more light hearted story where they work out their issues while also having fun with the improv they do. How exactly everything goes will be up to the writer, so have fun!

- Strange Friends

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss

Pairings: Angel Dust & Stolas

Summary: After another argument with his wife, Stolas decides to put on a sinner disguise and heads to a strip club to try and relax. However, his eyes catch the star dancer Angel Dust and soon has a private meeting which lets them talk and get to know each other.

Oh, how things change when you find yourself a friend whose willing to just speak with you. Soon, the two souls find themselves growing a close friendship as they also grow other closer to others and help each other through their troubled times.

Inspired by the story “Favours for Favours” by HelluvaNin666 (highly recommend reading it if you're interested), here's basically that story but Stolas and Angel Dust meet before the events of either show and become close friends. How would this effect both, and the relationships that they will have? Well, at least this would let both get a lot of their chests with each other and perhaps give each other certain tips (plus gossip) with who they end up falling for. Who do these two end up together with? Well, the writer gets to choose so there you go!

- An Omega meets Real Alphas [Explicit]

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairing: Blitzo/Stolas/Striker

Summary: Paimon was horrified when he learned that his son Stolas was born an Omega, making his life much more dangerous due to how rare it is among Goetia. To keep him safe, the king uses his magic to make it seem that his son is really an Alpha like many other Goetia.

Years down the road, Blitz is working on the Tumbleweed Ranch with his Alpha status being rivaled by a cowboy mercenary named Striker. However, this year Blitz is ready to meet his old childhood friend for the first time in years though this is changed when Stolas catches him fighting Striker.

Upon first meeting the two adult Alphas, the spell breaks and reveals Stolas to both...

I've seen quite a few Helluva Boss stories that are based on the Omega verse so here's another story idea which involves that. However, this time Stolas is the Omega between him and Blitz because...well, Blitz deserves to be the Alpha for once. In this case, I also have Striker in this to mix up the formula so now it's all three characters getting in on the action.

Whether Stella is involved with Stolas' story or it's just the three guys will be up to the writer since the entire idea was just Stolas being with either imp. Plus, of course, a whole lot of explicit content since that's why I thought of it originally.

- The Princess and the Hellhound

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Loona & Octavia, Stolas/Stella, Blitzo/Verosika

Summary: Wanting away from her royal duties, Octavia sees the visit of a Hellhound named Loona as a blessing and uses her magic to make them look like each other. The disguised Octavia is quickly escorted away while Loona remains to see what royalty is like for a bit.

As they do so for a few days, Octavia is able to convince the disgraced President Caim to be her protector and Loona acts on motions despite not having the family necklace. However, the conspiring Andrealphus soon realizes who Loona is and Prince Stolas is nearly killed on a hunting trip.

With Stolas now needing to step down, Andrealphus takes his chance to have the corrupt Captain of the Guards kill the real Octavia and threatens Loona with death if she doesn't agree to be his puppet.

An obvious Prince and the Pauper AU which was inspired by a sword fight from the 1937 film adaptation starring Errol Flynn. As you can tell, Loona and Octavia play the title roles while Andrealphus is the villain and Caim plays the role that Errol Flynn did. Main reason is just because I figured it would work for a fun story plus it's one of several times I've been thinking of such a story.

The pairing between Blitzo and Versoika is optional, since I wasn't sure who else to put with him as they're meant to be commoners compared to Octavia and her family. With Stella, she and Stolas are meant to be in love in this AU but other than that what she's like is fair game.

- Blitz of the Ars Goetia

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Tilla/OC, Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: With their father having ran off with the ill gotten loot, Blitzo and Barbie Wire help as best they can to save the circus along with make sure their mother recovers. However, their fortunes change when a Goetia visits and decides to help them out with the Goetia soon marrying a recovered Tilla.

After several more years, Blitz decides to head off on his own and bids his successful friend Fizzarolli and his sister farewell as he leaves to make his own mark on the world. Soon, he's got the Immediate Murder Professionals up off the ground with his crew at the ready.

Now, all he needs is to find a way to make it work...well, that shouldn't be a problem for him.

So, I've had an idea where Tilla ends up marrying a Goetia which results in Blitz, Barbie, and possibly Fizzarolli to become part of the Goetia family due to it. Also, this results in an AU where Blitz now has a rank (though a secret) and possibly a few powers which will be determined by the writer.

As for the particular Goetia that becomes Blitz's step parent (plus the possible new owner of the circus), I think any of those lower than the Princes such as Marquis Leraje, Earl Raum, or President Amy will work to make the marriage be secret. Either way, the new status of the imps gives them some new perks which could be useful in their lives. As to whether this follows the Helluva Boss show or goes in a completely different route...well, that's up to the writer to decide.

If you have any questions for these story ideas, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 4: Chapter 4


Yet another round of ideas.

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone. Here's another set of story ideas which are open to anyone or free to use as inspiration for your own works. This one will just have Helluva Boss stories just because I don't have any ideas for Hazbin Hotel stories. So, without further ado...

- The Merowl Prince and the Imp Captain

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas

Summary: In the Great Ocean of Hell, Stolas has lived there for all of his live though distraught about having to marry his friend Stella when neither want it. However, when he's kidnapped for ransom by shark demons, the prince finds himself being rescued by a group of imp pirates lead by the infamous Captain Blitz.

Now on their way back to return him, the pirates keep the prince safe while he and Blitz begin to grow close to each other. However, it won't be smooth sailing as the shark leader Chaz wants Stolas as his bride and another infamous imp pirate is chasing after the prince for a reward.

The standard Pirate/Mermaid AU with Blitzo as a pirate captain and Stolas as the merman he falls for. And yes, both Striker and Chaz are meant to be the villains while Stella is Stolas' friend who'd rather marry someone else that she's fallen for. Mostly because it allows some leadway for both Stolas and Stella while also avoiding the question of Octavia in this story.

Nothing to say regarding Blitz though who his crew would be is up to the writer since there's many choices to go with. Perhaps Millie and Moxxie are part of it, and maybe some of the sharks from Crimson's Mafia are part of the pirate crew as well. Really, that part isn't as important as the two main stars plus who's after Stolas.

- A Shark at IMP

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairing: Depressed Boyfriend/Stu, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo/Stolas

Summary: After a deal gone wrong, Crimson has had enough of the “worthless garbage” and fires Quint who he believes to have caused it. Now having to find work elsewhere, Quint must leave his boyfriend Stu who promises to keep in touch and heads for another ring.

As it so happens, Blitz is thinking of hiring another person to help get more jobs done and – after a meeting about it – puts out an ad to look for a new hire. Well, Quint stumbles upon it and ends up deciding to go through with it...causing him to find the don's missing son.

Now, Quint has to keep his find hidden from Crimson while having to deal with his new job and finding himself helping his boss through his relationship problems.

This is an idea I was thinking about regarding Quint joining IMP before the events of 'Exes and Ohhs', so here is that but without the elements I was going for. So, in this AU, Quint is fired for something he didn't do (perhaps Crimson was the problem?) and ends up getting a job with IMP and finding Moxxie in the process. Of course, hilarity ensures as he has to work with Moxxie, keep the knowledge that he's found the don's son hidden, and go on assassination missions.

Though, whether the events of 'Exes and Ohhs' happens in this AU just with Quint as part of IMP instead of Crimson's Mafia is up to you. However, one thing I was thinking of was Quint and Stu being together with them still meeting up even after the former loses his position in the mafia. Mostly because Quint deserves some happiness in his life since his true name is just 'Depressed Boyfriend'.

Optional Idea: Perhaps in the event of 'Exes and Ohhs' happening, Crimon tries to bring Quint back into the fold under the quise of finding Moxxie for him. This could lead to a small rift between Quint and IMP which could lead to him standing against Crimson on Moxxie's side. Perhaps – depending on how far Quint comes as a character – he ends up tricking Crimson into letting him call “Blitz's boyfriend” leading to his former boss basically telling Stolas that he'll kill Blitz and leading to the Prince coming in personally.

- Barbiɇ Wire (Spelled without an 'E') [Explicit]

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairing: Barbie Wire/Stella, Millie/Moxxie, Barbie Wire & Loona

Summary: After the fire that nearly killed both Fizz and her mother, Barbiɇ Wire decides to forge her own path while trying to find her twin brother whose gone missing. Along the way, she ends up starting an assassination company with two lovebirds and her adopted daughter Loona.

However, things turn interesting as she ends up sleeping with Princess Stella and makes a deal with her husband to keep banging his wife in exchange for his grimoire and one job from him. One that she'll do, if only to bring closure for both the Prince and herself.

Find his old friend Blitzo.

So, this is an AU where Blitzo goes missing and Barbie Wire takes his place, though taking several different paths to where IMP ends up. Also, yes this does mean that Stella is no longer a villain and becomes Barbie's love interest while Stolas uses that to try and bring happiness to his wife. So, Stella's still a bitch but not as bad and maybe even trying to be a good mother to Octavia.

Where Blitzo is and what happened to him along with where Tilla is in all of this is up to the writer. However, it does mean that she now has to deal with the same problems that Blitz does in the actual series though Fizzarolli is probably much kinder to her. Other than that, have fun with whatever you come up with for this one.

- IMP meet the Invisible Imp

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairing: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: Fizzarolli sneared at Moxxie as he growls out, “I'm getting tired of your lame ass jokes. If you don't tell us where Blitzo is-”

Don't talk to Mox like that!”

I'm not hearing it!” Fizzarolli roars, turning his head to look at the person before returning his attention to Moxxie, “Now, if you-”

The jester freezes, a look of shock on his face as he sends his right hand behind his back and pats down what's behind him. He feels someone's body, someone who is obviously standing behind him. However, he turns around to see that his hand isn't on anyone...or even anything, it's just touching the air.

Before Blitz's voice is heard again.

I'll slap you if your hand goes south.”

Here's an AU where Blitzo somehow becomes invisible and now everyone else has to figure out how to turn him back. The idea as well as the title of this one is based off Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man hence why I went with a scene for the summary rather than an actual summary. Main reason I was thinking of including Fizzarolli was mostly because of this concept scene where he's the one who confirms the situation for everyone. Plus, I feel like Fizz would play a good straight man for this scenario if done as a comedy.

Optional Idea: One of the more silly concepts I had in mind is that Blitz isn't completely naked with his boxers become invisible as well...somehow. Mostly because I thought it wouldn't just be funny, but allow for a joke where everyone is confused by how that works including Blitz himself.

- A Second Chance

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairing: Blitzo/Stolas, Stolas & Octavia, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Loona

Summary: After laying their egg, Stella's body gives out shortly after and she passes as her husband Stolas comforts her. Having to take care of the child once they hatch, Stolas has the idea of getting his old friend Blitzo involved to hopefully help him out.

However, he can't seem to find him.

Now, seventeen years later, Stolas is having a nice day with his daughter only to hear something and finds Blitzø trying to steal his grimoire. To his own surprise...he ends up starting a relationship with his old friend with them sharing the book.

This one is very simple, basically an AU where Stella passes away before the events of the series allowing Stolas to take a different approach rather than the deal in the original. Stolas probably would have sought out Blitzo if he could to get his help, but in this timeline Octavia hatches after the events that happened to Blitzø which changes him as a person.

How everything else is and how it changes without Stella is up to the writer, hence why this idea is up for anyone to grab. So other than that, have fun with this idea.

If you have any questions for these story ideas, please fill free to ask.

Chapter 5: Chapter 5


Here's some more ideas.

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone. Another set of ideas for both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel which will be open for anyone or free to be used as inspiration for your own works. This one will have more crossover stories or ideas inspired by other stories since I have quite a few of those this time around. So, without further ado...

- One Helluva Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Story

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, Pokemon

Pairings: Charlie/Vaggie, Millie/Moxxie, Alastor & Blitzo, other pairings

Summary: It all started with a spell that was interrupted at the Hazbin Hotel. Before any of them could realize it, both the IMP crew and Hotel staff are sucked into the Pokemon world with them becoming Pokemon themselves.

Now, they must find their way back to Hell while also helping out with a growing problem in the Pokemon world. Though, that's the least of their problems since they have a murder happy Charmeleon and a carnivorous Sawsbuck to keep in check.

Oh Satan, they need help.

Okay, this one is just based on a random thought of what if the Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel characters were transported into the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. The exact problem they'd need to face in the Pokemon world is up to the writer, since most of the story would have been about what happens with the characters interacting with each other.

As for what Pokemon they become, I did have a few ideas so here's a run down on what I was thinking of when this came about with just a couple of characters:

- Blitzo is a Charmeleon (obvious choice)

- Moxxie is either a Cubone or Marowak

- Millie is either an Axew or Fraxure (depends on what Moxxie is)

- Charlie is a Meloetta (I think she'd be a Legendary or Mythical Pokemon)

- Vaggie is a Kirlia

- Angel Dust is a Sylveon

- Alastor is a Sawsbuck (because of course)

Now, who is used for the story and who remains behind at the Hotel will be up to the writer since a lot of the combinations could make things very interesting. After all, the idea is that the two groups of misfits work together to solve a bigger problem while also tussling with their own issues.

Optional Idea: One of the ideas I had (and what inspired this entire idea) was that at one point in a battle, Blitzo gets struck badly and ends up with internal injuries. However, he tries to keep it from the others which leads to him getting worst. There were two ideas I had with this:

Idea A: When the group is on a makeshift raft going down a river, Blitzo is haunted by his past and how (in this version) Moxxie snapped at him before Blitzo finds out his injuries and he took it as Moxxie leaving him. Unable to take it, he jumps into the water to die only for the others to save him and learn of his condition with them now desperate to get him help.

Idea 2: Alastor easily recognizes that Blitzo is injured and gives him berry juice to hold back the injuries, but Blitzo threatens to kill him if he says anything. Alastor agrees, but is just waiting for the right moment when Blitzo can no longer carry on his threat and does require medical attention.

I don't know why, but I feel that Blitzo would be far more vulnerable due to his reckless behavior compared to the others especially as a fire type. However, the writer doesn't need to include this and can do their own thing if they so desired.

- Giant Dragon Wyvern

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Stolas & Stella, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Cash Buckzo/Tilla

Summary: Arriving at the Wrath Ring, the Buckzo Circus is ready to partake with some going to take part in the Harvest Moon Festival as well. At the same time, a young mafia heir comes to meet his extended family and Prince Stolas comes with both his father and future wife Stella to take part in the festival.

Unfortunately, this just happens to transpire when a giant dragon erupts from a volcano.

Now, it's a race against time as the Wyvern begins to assault farms and settlements with many pulling their resources together to combat it. Among them are the mafia heir, the daughter of a farmer, a circus imp whose training to become a pilot, and the prince himself.

This is meant to be a giant monster or kaiju story with the Helluva Boss gang mostly since I feel like such a story would work in this setting. As you can tell by the summary, the idea is that the story takes place when Blitzo and Stolas are teenagers with Moxxie and Millie aged up to be around their age. As for the monster, I have it as just 'the Wyvern' with it being a giant dragon mostly so that the writer can have as much free reign as possible to come up with their own monster.

And yes, Blitzo is meant to be a pilot in the story mostly because I've had this idea that Blitzo being able to fly a plane for several stories. The exact plane he'd use is up to the writer, though they don't need to bother if they're not interested.

Finally, the pairings I have with Blitzo and Stolas are basically about which ones you want to make into a couple. Perhaps if you don't want Blitzo and Stolas together, than Blitzo can be with Fizzarolli and Stolas can be with Stella (depending on how she's written, of course).

- The Amazing Wolf-Spider

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Spider-Man

Pairings: Loona/Octavia Goetia, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: While waiting for the others to come back from a mission, Loona uses the grimoire while bored when a spell she tries to use ends up back firing. However, nothing seems to happen and she moves on without thinking about it.

Or, at least until she begins to gain greater strength and speed along with shooting webs from her hands.

As she learns this, she gets the help of Blitz and Stolas to figure out what's happening along with how to use them. However, she soon decides to use her new powers to better the lives of others...after she loses someone close to her.

Yeah, so here's a Spider-Man AU inspired by fan art of Loona as a variant of Spider-Man. In this case, she gets her powers from the grimoire and ends up becoming the “Wolf-Spider” since I think that name works better and is named after an actual species of spider. If she gets any villains or just has to deal with what Hell normally has is up to the writer.

As for why I have the first suggested pairing as Loona/Octavia story and no mention of Blitzo/Stolas...that's because Blitz is meant to play the role of Uncle Ben here. The exact reason is up to the writer, but basically Blitz ends up dying in her arms with the last talk they have being her telling him that he isn't her dad and this leading her to help others instead of using her powers for selfish means.

Alternatively, you could just have the origin be a flashback and instead focus on Loona's journey as the Wolf-Spider after Blitz's passing. Perhaps showing that while IMP can't stay afloat, Loona wants Millie and Moxxie around to keep the IMP family together plus finding someone to help her in both Stolas and Octavia. But that's up to the writer, so do as you wish.

Optional Idea: Perhaps how Blitz dies is that Loona goes to a party wearing a costume (which later becomes her spider suit) and Blitz drops her off with her making a passive dismissal about him being her father. Loona has a good time at Bee's party, perhaps gets into a fight to show off her new powers, and then goes to leave as the party dies down and Blitz is meant to pick her up.

However, Striker (or someone else) ends up killing Blitz while he's out in the open as a means of hurting Stolas with Loona, Bee, and Vortex being too late to save him. Not only would this ruin all the fun Loona had that night, but if the killer is Striker than it ties into when she unknowingly let him escape back at the Harvest Festival once she catches him. Though, maybe Queen Bee and Vortex are able to talk her down before she kills the murderer so that Queen Bee could properly punish those responsible.

- A Pirate, a Cowboy, and a Royal [Explicit]

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas/Striker, Blitzo/Stolas, Stolas/Striker

Summary: At one of the best clubs in the Lust Ring, the imps Blitz and Striker have had a rivalry for quite some time now. Part of this rivalry stems from how they approach their clients, with Blitz dressing up as a pirate while Striker acts as a cowboy for his.

However, one week they both get the same imp and the next week are scheduled together with this newcomers.

While not what he's used to, the disguised Prince Stolas finds both imps rather charming in their own ways...not to mention enjoying being taken by other men. Though, he wasn't counting on him gaining feelings for either male imp.

An AU where both Blitzo and Striker are sex workers in Lust and Prince Stolas disguising himself as an imp to have some fun with them. There's not much else to this one, mostly because I didn't think of much else outside of the premise. So...have fun if you're interested!

- Escape into the Past

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Loona, Depressed Boyfriend/OC, Blitzo/Stolas (?)

Summary: Moxxie has been raised to be the heir to the Knolastname Family though he has made a friend with a circus imp and he looks up to a loan shark in the mafia as a father. However, he gets word that his friend is to be executed by a royal and ends up helping both a Wraith imp and a young hellhound to break his friend out.

While trying to escape from royal guards, all four steal a car that happens to have a machine capable of sending them back in time. And, of course, it does just that by sending the crew over twenty years into the past.

As they try to figure out how to return home, Moxxie finds himself meeting his father figure and starts to help him become who he remembers him as.

Inspired by Back to the Future , this AU involves Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie being closer in age than normal along with both Blitzo and Moxxie being friends early on (and no fire so Blitzo doesn't destroy his family like in canon). How Blitzo and Stolas are in terms of relationship is up to the writer, but one thing I had in mind is that Depressed Boyfriend – AKA Quint Corleone – has become a father figure to Moxxie by the time the story is taking place.

This is where the time travel part happens, as all four avoid trying to find their parents to prevent changing the future though the idea is that what they do in the past has already shaped the future they know (think the Time Turner from Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban and how it works). Since they're in the past, here's what I was thinking of for all four:

- Moxxie: He realizes what happens and tells the others not to change history, but ends up bumping into Quint whose now a young, bashful man. Despite some reluctance, he stands up for Quint and later helps the young man prove himself to join the Knolastname Family.

- Blitzo & Loona: Blitz takes responsible for the younger Loona and they end up finding the future Marquis Phenex trapped in his mansion. Both end up getting the young phoenix out of his palace and helping him realize the joy of life while Blitzo becomes a father for Loona.

- Millie: She's actually doing what they need to return back to their time and is the one who convinces Phenex that they are time travelers. While working on getting their means home, she ends up helping out both Phenex and Quint to make sure they can be the best of who they are.

The idea I had was that through the course of the story, the crew's actions not only make Quint and Phenex the people they are in the story when it starts but actually end up getting both men together. Hence the pairing for Depressed Boyfriend, since it's meant to imply he's in a relationship and the crew's time traveling actually causes him to end up with Marquis Phenex.

Optional Idea: For those who want Blitzo to be with Stolas, perhaps he has issues trying to accept that he's in love with him due to how other royals act. However, he ends up telling this to Phenex (who could be related to Stolas) without saying Stolas' name and is told by the future Marquis to follow his heart since it's just who he is.

Optional Ending: When the four come back, they're confronted by those who want Blitzo dead only for Phenex to step in and manages to get the imp and his friends spared of any charges (either by using his ranking or on a technicality). After this, he and Quint take the four aside to thank them for their help since they've always known but kept silent about it until they've returned.

- The Icy Marquis' Husband

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Andrealphus/Stolas

Summary: On his tenth birthday, Prince Stolas learned that he was meant to marry an evil harpy who he wanted nothing to do with. However, what if it was the icy peaco*ck instead of his sister?

Upon first meeting his future husband for the first time, Andrealphus finds him so adorable as the cute little nerd to his sassy socialite self. However, the future Grand Marquis finds himself growing older and wanting that prince as his own.

Funny how fate can change with a simple change.

Nothing much to this one since it's if Stolas was told he was going to marry Andrealphus instead of Stella. How things would change, how would both men change in this timeline, and how exactly would things progress? All that and more would be up to the writer, so have fun.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 6: Chapter 6


Set number six.

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone. Here is yet another set of story ideas for both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel which are up for anyone to write or use as inspiration. So, without further ado...

- A Dracanine in Imp City

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & Stolas, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Cash Buckzo/Tilla

Summary: When the circus goes to the Wrath Ring for the Harvest Moon Festival, a teenage Blitzo finds himself alone on the night of the full moon. Before he can return to the others, a creature attacks and nearly kills him only for said creature to be sent packing thanks to some farmers.

Despite surviving and being healed by the young Prince Stolas, Blitzo feels something is off which continues as the circus trope heads back to the Pride Room. However, things take a turn as the next full moon hits...and Blitzo transforms into a draconic hound.

Taking inspiration from werewolf stories, here's one where a teenage Blitzo is bitten by a creature known as a 'Dracanine'. Basically a Dracanine is a mix of a dragon and a werewolf which transforms on the three nights around a full moon (the night before, night of, and night after). Of course, it doesn't have to be the full moon so you can choose which phase of the moon you want.

Main thing is that Stolas would be able to do research on the subject so the writer does have a way of including a cure if they so wish. This is also why I have the pairings for Blitzo with the '&' rather than '/' since who you want Blitzo with would vary as well. However, the Dracanine isn't meant to be a docile creature so there will be killing in this one.

Optional Idea: One of the ideas I've had is that Blitzo would turn himself into the police once he realizes what's going on and the police aren't that convinced. However, when his family and Prince Stolas are coming to take him home, he transforms with him killing many officers and results in him either escaping or being sedated as they lack the weapons needed to kill a Dracanine. In the latter option, this results in his family and Prince Stolas learning about the condition when they arrive.

Optional Idea: More of an optional victim, but you could have Cash end up being mauled to death by his own son in the story. When it happens and what leads up to it (plus how much Cash deserves it) is up to whoever wants to write the story and have him be killed.

- An Offer to Save a Life

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & Moxxie or Blitzo & Millie

Summary: After the fire and being disowned along with not seeing his best friend, Blitzo quietly leaves the hospital to head for one of the other rings. Once he gets there, he uses what little money he has to buy a bottle of alcohol and a gun to simply end the pain.

However, someone finds him and offers him a place to stay.

Not the best way out, but it helps after everything and it lets Blitz let out everything he's holding back as the person helps him through his trauma. But the real question is...how will things go for the injured imp now?

This is an idea I came up with after “Oops” but what if Blitzo left after the fire and nearly took his own life only for someone to give him an offer as a means to keep him from dying. The reason behind the pairings tag here is that I'll let the author decide which ring he goes to. If he goes to Wrath, Joe ends up finding him and offers him a job on his ranch. If he goes to Greed (assuming the circus was in Pride), one of Crimson's gang finds him and gives him a chance to join the mafia family.

From there, it's up to the writer on how things go. Perhaps in the event he goes to Greed, Blitzo ends up siding with Moxxie (due to Crim reminding Blitzo of his own dad) and helps both him and Chaz get out of there. If he's in Wrath, perhaps Millie gets Blitzo to see Prince Stolas once again and how this new interaction can impact both of their lives.

Heck, maybe Blitzo gets hitched to someone completely different if the author is so inclined. Like, have Blitzo end up getting with Depressed Boyfriend who leaves the gang with him in the story with him in Greed. Seriously, have fun with this one and go nuts!

- The Red Knight

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Alastor/Angel Dust, Charlie/Vaggie

Summary: Having run away from his master, Angel Dust finally reaches safety with the Princess of Hell offering him safety. As he relaxes, the spider believes that Valentino couldn't reach him until one night when a few goons attempt to nab him at the palace.

However, both are slain by a mysterious knight in red armor known as Alastor.

As he finds a way to break free from the moth who owns him, the spider finds himself falling for the knight who seems to return the feelings as well. Perhaps...this knight could offer him the means of escape he eagerly seeks.

An AU story set in a Medieval fantasy setting with Angel Dust trying to get away from Valentino who is a magic slave master. Of course, you have Charlie as the Princess and Vaggie as her loyal knight who do want to free Angel with them trying to get the King and Queen to sever the spell. Finally, you have Alastor as the titular knight who saves Angel with both falling for each other. Overall, pretty simple set up and allows room for whatever you wish to put in it.

- Around the Rings in Eighty Days

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo/???, Fizzarolli/???, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Millie & Moxxie, Moxxie & Chaz, Blitzo & Loona

Summary: With the barriers between the Rings of Hell finally being opened to all Hellborn, Lucifer offers a grand reward for anyone who can travel all over Hell within eighty days. Cash is about to take it, but upon hearing him get cold feet Blitzo steals the passport and gets in the balloon with Fizz to undertake the adventure.

Watch as the imp duo travel through the Rings of Hell, seeing and meeting new faces as they head off on their quest. They will face threats and challenges along the way, while meeting new friends and even finding love as they do.

All to save the circus that they both love so much.

Inspired by the story Around the World in Eighty Days, here is a story where Cash is about to take a challenge by Lucifer in an AU where the elevator doesn't exist. However, a young adult Blitzo overhears his dad deciding not to undertake the journey (with the start being a big ceremony, no less!) and Blitzo ends up swapping the official passport with a fake. Come the next day when the ceremony happens, where Lucifer is handed the fake passport (which he quickly discovers to his amusem*nt) and both Blitzo and Fizz take off in the provided hot-air balloon to take the challenge.

Basically, an adventure story where Blitzo and Fizz as young adults travel around Hell together while getting stamps from each city or town (depending on the size) in the Rings for the passport to show their progress. Along the way, they encounter other characters such as Alastor, Crimson, Millie, Asmodeus, Striker, etc. who will either help them or cause problems.

For an idea on what could happen, here's a quick run down of the Rings and what I've thought of:

- Pride: Starting point, they meet some Sinners and Princess Charlie with very little happening.

- Wrath: Get support and switch to either a car or horses while meeting Millie who joins them in their adventure.

- Gluttony: The trio of imps have fun while traveling through the Ring with Blitzo letting a young Loona join them.

- Greed: Crimson captures the group only for Moxxie and Chaz to help them escape while joining them while Fizz could be tempted by Mammon to leave Blitzo.

- Lust: Asmodeus welcomes the group into his Ring and possibly even giving them protection.

- Envy & Sloth: Nothing on these Rings, so these are free for the writer to come up with.

And then of course the return trip where they just need to go through each Ring as fast as possible to return in time. Other than that, have fun coming up with the grand adventure Blitzo and Fizzarolli go on!

Optional Pairings: So, the reason behind the first two pairings with Blitzo and Fizzarolli is that I'm leaving it up to the writer who they fall in love with. Perhaps the two grow closer together and end up falling in love, or Blitzo falls for someone else while Fizz falls hard for Asmodeus. In which case, here's two ideas I had in mind for pairings with Blitzo:

- Verosika: Either in the Gluttony or Lust Ring, Blitzo runs into Verosika who goes with them on the journey and the two – despite not having similar interests – actually grow close and the final leg through all Nine Rings becomes when they fall for each other.

- Stolas: You think I would leave him out of this? Basically, he ends up joining either in Pride as himself or later on in a disguise as he's been watching over the duo in secret. Him and Blitzo end up falling for each other during their travel much like with the other pairing.

However you go about it is up to you.

Optional Ending: Got two ideas for this one, so here we go:

Ending 1: Once arriving back in the Pride Ring, the group return to the hot air balloon and use it to clear the final leg of their journey just in time to meet the deadline and present the full passport to Lucifer himself. Basically book ending their adventure with the same balloon that they started with.

Ending 2: Going by the original story, the group return close to where it began with Blitzo believing they've missed the deadline. However, when Moxxie heads off to get someone to marry Blitzo and his love interest, he learns that it's still Day 79 in Pride. With this, the group rush off to the meeting area and get the passport to Lucifer just as the deadline hits.

- Helping a Pregnant Bird

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Loona & Stolas, Stolas & Octavia, Asmodeus & Stolas

Summary: When Blitz suddenly disappears without a trace, it just happens to line up with Stolas finding himself pregnant. Unable to find anything of Blitz, IMP are forced to switch to keeping Stolas safe as they find out that he's carrying Blitz's child.

Having to deal with a tense situation, the group are soon having to ask the help of both the Sins of Lust and Gluttony with this. As their support group grows and Stolas is given the means of keeping both him and his unborn children safe, one question remains.

Where the f*ck did Blitz go?

So, this is a mpreg story that I've come up with where Stolas is carrying the child of both him and Blitz only for the latter to disappear at the same time. In this case, Blitz would miss most – if not all – of the pregnancy with Stolas having to rely on other such as Octavia, the IMP crew, Asmodeus, and Queen Bee to help him in his time of need.

As for what happened to Blitz...well, there are a few ideas of what could have happened. Perhaps he was killed and the killer removed any evidence of a crime scene to make others think he's missing. Maybe he's on Earth unable to handle his own thoughts and needing some time to himself unaware of what's going on. Or – and the one I would have done – he's been captured by someone and tortured with no one knowing about it until he escapes before being found by some random demons and taken to a hospital. Really, the idea here is just removing Blitz from a situation where he would be needed for due to what's happening.

Finally, Stolas and his child/children are meant to make it to the end so nothing horrible is supposed to happen to them. Mostly because I think whatever is happening to Blitz and the trouble a pregnant Stolas would get into would be enough for a story without resorting to either him dying or his unborn child/children being offed.

- A Trio's Plan for a Different Future

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Stolas & Stella & Andrealphus

Summary: As a teenage Stolas meets his future wife and her brother, he finds out that Stella wants the Grand Marquis position and Andrealphus wants to marry a man he loves rather than take a royal title. The three discuss their future when Stella gets an idea on how all three could change their fates.

Both Stolas and Andrealphus are not sure if it'll work...but they might as well try.

More of a basic idea, but an AU where Stolas, Stella, and Andrealphus decide to try and change their fates to ensure they all get what they want. Stolas doesn't have to marry Stella, Stella wants to be the Grand Marquis, and Andrealphus wants to rather marry a man he loves rather than take the Grand Marquis position. Not sure how they'd do it, but at least it'd be interesting to make a story where the three wouldn't just accept what's been accepted for them.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 7


Another batch of stories just in time for Halloween.

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone. Another set of story ideas for both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel that are open to anyone who wishes to write them or use them for inspiration are now up! So, without further ado...

- The Monster Fighters

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo/Verosika/Stolas, Charlie/Vaggie, Millie/Moxxie, Moxxie/Chaz, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: At a high school in a small town, two groups of students stand out with one of popular seniors and the other being of bullied juniors. Both groups rarely interaction with each other with the juniors liking classic horror films and the seniors more interested in the future of their town.

However, a threat in the form of Dracula and other classic monsters is discovered by both groups which forces them to work together. As they do, they try to alert the town as others are attacked including one of the juniors.

With their town under attack from monsters, the two groups now must join forces to fight against the monsters.

Inspired by the Lego theme of the same name and the 1987 film The Monster Squad, this is a human high school AU where the main characters of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss team up to fight against the classic monsters of old. In this case, the Hazbin Hotel characters (Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Alastor, Husk, and Niffty) being the seniors and the Helluva Boss characters (Blitzo, Fizzarolli, Millie, Moxxie, and Chaz) being the juniors with other characters thrown in (Verosika as a popular kid whose dating Blitzo, Stolas as a senior whose got a secret crush on Blitzo, Paimon as the school principle, Lucifer as the town mayor, etc).

Of course, these groups and everyone else will need to pull together against the cast of monsters which are made up of Dracula, the Frankenstein Monster (or just Frankenstein if you wish), the Wolf Man, the Gill Man, and the Mummy as the core cast. Two other classic monters to add for fun are the Invisible Man and Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde who could be helping the monsters though perhaps Jekyll can be used to give the teens some help as well.

Also, the junior whose attacked in the summary is meant to be Blitzo who would be attacked and bitten by the Wolf Man resulting in him becoming a werewolf himself. However, unlike the Wolf Man, Blitzo will be able to resist Dracula's control letting him keep his loved ones safe and helping the town against the threat. Perhaps Blitzo could be different with a more wolf like form rather than the Wolf Man's more human body with wolf head appearance. Mostly thought of this idea because outside of Frankenstein being a possible ally for the teens (perhaps because of Charlie or Millie), I feel like giving the heroes another monster on their side would be interesting.

A few other ideas I had include things like Asmodeus (whose Fizz's boyfriend) being the one who arms both groups with weapons, Seviathan (or Valentino) being a senior whose turned into a vampire by Dracula, Stolas ends up helping out both groups after hearing Blitzo and Verosika looking for ways of killing vampires or a possible cure for werewolves, and Chaz finding the invisibility serum which he injects into himself if the Invisible Man is used. Really, the possibilities of what could happen in a story like this are so many so the writers can have a lot of fun with this one.

- He's Married to Blitzo Buckzo?

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Fizzarolli & Blitzo, Fizzarolli & Barbie Wire, Blitzo/Stolas

Summary: After Blitzo disappears the night of his birthday, Fizzarolli has been trying to find him ever since with him having the circus move to the other Rings to mask it. One night, he goes to a fancy restaurant to clear his head after a bad argument with Cash regarding his future.

However, to his surprise, he sees Blitzo in the same outfit he left in at the restaurant and...wait, who the hell is that bird in the red dress sitting with him? Is...is that the Goetia Prince who gave away his birth right and status?

And he's Blitzo's husband?!

An AU where instead of starting the fire, Blitzo runs off unable to handle everything which results in Fizzarolli now as the ringmaster of the circus. However, Fizz is missing his best friend and has been searching for him ever since until the night where he finds him and his husband Stolas.

How long Blitzo has been missing is up and how his life has been like after is up to the writer since the main inspiration was fanart of Stolas dressed as Jessica Rabbit and Blitzo in his childhood circus outfit. Perhaps Blitzo is now more successful as a clown on his own or perhaps he's wearing it to have a theme with Stolas' get up for their date night.

However, how will Fizz and Barbie handle the news that Blitzo has found himself a nice husband in Stolas Goetia? How will Tilla (if she's around) react to that or the fact that she's a grandmother if Blitzo and Stolas have either Octavia or Loona? Is Cash going to try and get money out of this situation because it's Cash? All this and more will be up to whoever wishes to use this idea.

- The True Target

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairing: Blitzo/Stolas, Stella & Striker, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: “I don't understand,” Stolas says in bewilderment, “You've got me tied up in angelic rope, have kidnapped me, and you have the means to harm me.”

That's right,” Striker replies, smirking while balancing the tip of his blessed knife on his finger.

Then...why don't you just kill me?” the goetia asks, “If Stella wants that, why haven't you done that? Or at least stabbed and beaten me?”

Striker looks at the tied up prince with his smirk before easily flipping the knife to hold it by the handle while his tail flicks back and forth.

Because you're not my target.”

An AU idea where Stella actually decides not to hire Striker to murder her husband and instead has him going after Blitz with Stolas being used as the bait. However, it isn't until he actually kidnaps Stolas does this get revealed so his behavior in “The Harvest Moon Festival” remains the same but being a set up to get to Blitz. Of course, it's only now in an alternate version of “Western Energy” that anyone realizes this which should make Striker all the more pissed that it's Millie and Moxxie who come with Blitz being missing.

Why Stella decided to target Blitz could be for many reasons, ranging from wanting to punish Stolas by having his lover killed to pulling the “Good Parent Stella” card and her not wanting Octavia to lose her father. Really, the only thing that matters is that Stella is having Striker kill Blitz rather than Stolas though is willing to allow Striker to use her ex as bait.

However, the main thing in the story is that Striker not harm the prince since it would allow a bit of wiggle room if exposed. After all, it's one thing to have a hitman kill Blitz and a royal being kidnapped for a bit could be seen as necessary if the hitman is going for a lover. It's another for said royal to get hurt in the process, since then it could be considered a hit on them which the Ars Goetia may step in to sort out. Stella would rather just have it done with Stolas having little room to argue since the Ars Goetia – should it succeed with no injuries to Stolas – would side with her especially against an imp lover.

- Remember to Always Say Your Spells Right

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: Taking advise from a talk with both Asmodeus and Fizzarolli, Stolas uses a spell they gave him to turn himself into an imp to go out on a date with Blitz in secret. While the disguise doesn't fool him, Blitz goes along with it and even gets the disguised prince into bed that night.

Unfortunately for Stolas, he messed up one word in the spell and quickly finds himself pregnant.

With him unable to return to his normal form until he gives birth, Stolas must rely on IMP along with his daughter and the Lust Sin in order to keep himself safe. Blitz certainly has his hands full, especially when a deranged Striker is now wanting to get his revenge against both the imp and Goetia prince.

An AU involving mpreg where Stolas turns himself into an imp and ends up stuck as one when he finds himself pregnant after a date night with Blitzo. With Stolas trapped in this form for a while, Blitzo and the others have to take care of him while also having to deal with Striker coming after both Stolas and Blitzo.

Really, this was a spur of the moment idea about a 'what if' idea involving Stolas becoming an imp. The main meat of the story would be Blitzo and his found family having to help Stolas out in a weaker form with them getting help as well. So, if this interests you, have fun with writing it!

- Rescuing a Divine Moth

Fandom: Godzilla Series, Rebirth of Mothra Trilogy, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Godzilla Junior/Mothra Leo, Charlie/Vaggie, Angel Dust & Mothra Leo

Summary: When Mothra Leo suddenly disappears, his boyfriend Godzilla Junior travels around the world to find where he went. As he searches on Earth, the divine moth is in Hell being forced into a contract by Valentino who tries to break him as means of keeping his soul.

Fortunately, Charlie and Angel Dust are able to take Leo in to keep Val's influence off him...and Junior soon finds out where his boyfriend is.

Unwilling to just give up on his love, the monster prince travels with the fairies of the divine moth into the afterlife to get him back. However, the kaiju finds himself having to fend off a mysterious being who wishes to take control of his body.

Now it's a desperate struggle against time as the staff of the Hazbin Hotel must reunite the two kaiju and help them return to Earth.

A story idea I've had where Godzilla Junior and Mothra Leo end up in Hell through some means (wasn't sure) with them gaining new anthropomorphic forms to better be in Hell. Though, Leo's is more angelic since I see Mothras being more like to go to Heaven if they were humans which may help explain why Valentino probably wants him.

And yes, both Junior and Leo are meant to be in love since it is very much akin to other stories where a hero enters the afterlife to regain their lover. Leo does have help in that the Hazbin Hotel is willing to give him a place to stay with Angel Dust probably befriending him to ensure he doesn't fall into Val's trap. Plus, it gives both Leo and Junior allies in Hell against who they have to fight in this realm of the afterlife.

Final thing is that the “mysterious being” mentioned in the summary is meant to be the original Gojira but could be an original character if the author wishes. Basically, the main idea of the 'take control of Junior' plot is that the being (be it Gojira or an OC) wishes revenge against humanity and sees Junior as the means of returning to the living and turning him into Ghost Godzilla (a scrapped idea from the mid 90s Godzilla films). Not only would it give Junior another foe to face in Hell, but limit how much time he can spend since it could result in him being possessed.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 8: Chapter 8


Another set of ideas.

Chapter Text

Hey, everyone. Got some more story ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss which are open to anyone who wishes to either write these stories or use them as the jumping off point for your own ideas. So, without furthur ado...

- Showing Back Up

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Charlie/Vaggie, Blitzo & Charlie, Blitzo & Angel Dust, Blitzo & Husker, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Stolas, Blitzo & Loona, Blitzo & Millie, Blitzo & Moxxie, Loona & Octavia

Summary: Two long years have passed since Blitz just suddenly vanished with all indications being that he's ran away from his troubles. In that time, Moxxie and Millie have kept IMP alive with Loona pulling her weight and Octavia having joined as well. At the same time, Stolas has been taking his lover's absense badly to the point of being monitored for drug abuse.

One night at the Happy Hotel, Charlie and the staff are preparing to start heading for bed when a faint knock at their door is heard. The last thing the Princess Heir of Hell was expecting to find is a beaten up and scarred imp on the other side looking about to pass out. Being the kind person she is, Charlie takes the injured imp in and quickly gets everyone to help her take care of the imp who answers by the name 'Blitz'.

Many questions arise from this new arrival, chief among them are what happened to him and what will his found family do when they learn the news.

A spur of the moment idea which gets both series together to see what happens. The exact circ*mstances of what happened to Blitz and what injuries he has are up to the writer, but needless to say it isn't pleasant. The 'Stolas on medical watch' part comes from a previous idea since I imagine that his alcohol consumption would be seen as his means of dulling pain.

Other than that, this is a story which is a means of getting Blitz to interact with the Hazbin Hotel crew and perhaps making friends with them. Plus, what exactly happened to him could play a part in the story as trauma which makes him unable to even stand who he's with.

Final note is that I'm leaving pairings regarding Blitz up in the air outside of friendship and family since that'll be up to the author this time around.

- Falling for a Client [Explicit]

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Depressed Boyfriend/OC

Summary: After the disaster which was the failed wedding, Quint Corleone has lost both his voice and his job which leads him to the Lust Ring. Finding a job isn't hard even without his voice and soon he's become a stripper at a night club making an decent living.

However, one night he gets an appointment and finds his client to be a lonely Marquis Phenex whose come to get his mind off things. Needless to say, their meeting goes rather well and Phenex soon becomes a regular for the loan shark.

And of course, anyone could place bets on when the stripper falls for the client that bangs them.

Inspired by the story A Shark in Lust by G8heroesH8evl (would recommend even if it's not finished) but with Quint getting a client in Phenex Goetia. Because for some reason, I like pairing Depressed Boyfriend with Marquis Phenex and I have no idea why. So in this story like the inspiration, DP aka Quint Corleone survives “Exes & Oohs” but loses his voice and soon heads to the Lust Ring for work.

Of course, this leads to him being a gay stripper and him meeting the goetia who ends up becoming his client and later romantic partner. Other than that, there's not much to this idea so you can have fun with this one.

- The Overlord of Hateful Peaks

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo/???, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: At the age of fifteen, Blitzo has so much in his life from his best friend Fizzarolli and the family he has at the circus to the promise of love from the kind hearted Prince Stolas. However, this is taken away from him when he's framed for a great crime and he finds himself placed in Hell's worst prison without a trial. As those on the outside who care for him are told he died soon after, he spends his time in the prison serving a sentence he shouldn't have gotten.

However, that changes when the wall breaks down and he meets a bird sinner whose an Overlord serving his own sentence. Using the time he has left in Hell due to an old wound, the sinner teaches all he knows to the imp along with telling him where a hidden treasure cache is. At his final act alive, the sinner uses the last of his powers to make him and Blitzo look like each other allowing his foster son to be released in his stead.

Upon being released, Blitzo takes over in his foster father's place as an Overlord and claims the treasure found in the Hateful Peaks of another Ring. With his new wealth and gaining allies, he soon finds out who shattered his perfect life and after twenty years is ready to seek his vengence.

A heavy AU inspired by listening to the two musical versions of The Count of Monte Cristo (look up 'count of monte cristo musical treasure' on YouTube to find the non Broadway version) along with the story Helluva Boss (The Count of Monte Cristo) by Misaki983. In fact, I have to thank Misaki983 since they're using the bird overlord from the Hazbin Hotel Pilot for their story and it made me realize how perfect it'd be for Blitzo.

So, here's a story where Blitzo ends up gaining another form which happens to be the same bird overlord. Though, he gets it only because the perfect life he's got set up is destroyed and the two end up at the same prison serving sentences. Plus, as stated in the summary, the overlord is dying from an old wound (perhaps angelic in nature) which he's been hiding with him taking in Blitzo to replace him because he realizes that he'll never make it to his release date.

The exact crime Blitzo is in for is also up to the writer, though I did think up of who would be behind this. Mammon could get involved since Fizzarolli does factor into the story, but he's not meant to be one of the conspirators since I doubt there's any way of getting a Sin into trouble without being at his level. So, here's what I was thinking of for the conspirators:

- Cash Buckzo: Yep, Blitzo's own dad comes in as the first conspirator. The idea is that he's motivated by his own greed and wanting Fizz to not be dragged down by his “useless” son (perhaps since Fizz rejected an offer from the Sin because of Blitzo). As such, he rats out his son as having done the crime which Blitzo didn't actually do and perhaps in this AU intentionally causes the fire that takes away Fizz's limbs for insurance money.

- Andrealphus: No surprise that Stolas' brother in law is one of the conspirators. Obviously Stolas marrying Blitzo would “hurt” the family name (though perhaps Paimon is actually okay with it) and he wishes to have Stolas under his thumb. So, he's willing to work with those he views as lesser to get Stolas into his clutches and have his sister Stella marry him like what is supposed to happen.

- Striker: Pretty weak one, but basically Striker plants the evidence that gets Blitzo arrested and testifies as an “informant” as to how the other imp got said evidence. What his motivation is or if this goes to someone else is up to the writer.

You could add a fourth with the Judge who just sends Blitzo to prison without trial because of personal bias (ie they're a goetia who frown on Stolas' behavoir) or are paid off by the other three, but that's just if you want to include a judge character. As for allies, perhaps Blitzo ends up buying out Crimson's mafia and recruits both Loona and Millie to his cause to get the IMP gang together for his revenge. Or perhaps Blitzo recruits other Overlords such as Alastor and Rosie with him having his own set of spies to get his information. Really, how things play out is being left up to the writer.

Final thing to mention is that the pairing with Blitzo is being left open since I could easily see him getting Stolas back or ending up with someone else. In the latter, most likely because both Blitzo and Stolas recognize the love they once had is gone with no means of reclaiming it. How this goes or if Blitzo ends up without a romantic partner by the end will be up to whoever decides to take this one.

Optional Idea: If you want, perhaps Blitzo turns back into himself for a bit to claim the treasure or is able to get into the other levels of Hell despite appearing like a sinner. This is mostly because he's the only one who knows where the treasure cache is (at least he assumes) and goes himself to collect it from the Hateful Peaks and which ever Ring this location is in.

- An Anonymous Letter

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Fizzarolli

Summary: After the incident that took his limbs, Fizzarolli finds himself gaining a hatred for his former best friend who didn't even come to visit him! Well, at least he's doing great having just made a deal with Mammon to gain more fame and meeting the Sin of Lust himself.

As he gets his limbs from Lord Asmodeus, the imp finds himself becoming enamored by the demon lord and the two growing close. Plus, it does help that the big guy is willing to help him sort out the mail he's getting from his growing fans and those he worked with at the circus.

However, Asmodeus finds an old letter with no name or return address on it that must have been there since he made the deal. A letter he finds out is from his old friend...

An AU where after being unable to see his best friend in the hospital after the fire, Blitzo takes a bit to learn how to write and sends a letter to Fizzarolli apologizing for what happened. Basically Fizzarolli getting Blitzo's side of the story and his apology for what happened much earlier than in the canon. How things progress from there is up to the writer since there's not much I have for this one regarding ideas outside of the main concept. So, have fun with this one.

- Fulfilling One's Last Command

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Depressed Boyfriend & Moxxie

Summary: When Crimson finally took that dame to give her cement shoes, he thought he finally had complete control over Moxxie and how he would be raised. However, he never once thought that the goon he placed as her personal bodyguard would have been given a command in case something happened to her.

Well, Quint was given a secret command by his don's wife and him seeing her being taken is the perfect time to follow through with it. So, with everyone distracted, he grabs the young Moxxie and escapes into the night to take care of him.

Can Quint keep Moxxie away from his father and find a safe place for them to stay hidden? Or will Crimson be having sushi when he gets his son back?

An AU where Depressed Boyfriend was the person charged with keeping Moxxie's Mom safe and carrying out a command to keep Moxxie away from Crimson if she was to die. Not many ideas for this one, but mostly thought of this because it could lead to many possiblities. Also, if you want another mafia member or an original character to take the place of Depressed Boyfriend for the story, that's completely fine.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 9: Chapter 9


Another set of ideas, with a big one at the start.

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone. Yet again I've got a few more story ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss which are open to anyone who wants them or to use them to come up with your own ideas. So, without any further ado...

- The Left Hand

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Charlie/Vaggie, Blitzo & Charlie, Blitzo & Lucifer, Blitzo & Fizzarolli

Summary: A couple hundred years ago, the Left Hand of God fell from grace with the other Archangels spending all their time trying to find their brother. His disappearance has cut off even those who should be in Heaven with many souls finding their way to Hell instead.

However, by a stroke of luck, Gabriel is found when a religious cult captures IMP which forces Blitz to reveal his true nature to his found family. As the truth threatens to destroy all that he's built in Hell, Gabriel soon finds himself meeting all of his siblings in a bid to restore Heaven and the Faith.

However, Gabriel doesn't have much faith left these days. Not that he's willing to leave behind the family he's been trying to build as Blitz.

AKA Helluva Boss but Blitz is the fallen Archangel Gabriel.

This is an AU idea I've had for a while since I've been listening to the soundtrack to Van Helsing (one of my favorite movies) and this idea takes heavy inspiration from that film. Basically, Blitz is actually the Archangel Gabriel who fell from grace and has been secretly living in Hell since then. The exact reason is up to the writer, but one thing I was thinking of is that Gabriel saw the corruption of Heaven due to lower angels and found himself unable to stay once God left some time before his fall.

The idea does require Blitz's backstory to be changed, but I think it'd allow for some interesting ideas like Blitz/Gabriel investing in the Happy Hotel to support his niece in her project. Perhaps this could tie into Blitz/Gabriel having a hatred for the Exorcists and the Annual Extermination Day since it highlights how much Heaven has become corrupted. Heck, maybe he ends up helping Cletus, Keenie, and Collin as a means of showing them how bad the entire afterlife is if they end up playing a role in the story.

This would allow for an interesting take on the relationships that Blitz has with others including Stolas (or whoever he romances). After all, normal Stolitz has a lot of trouble regarding their difference in social status and how it's seen by others. But with Blitz being Gabriel, it would cause even more trouble when this information get out since it's now an Archangel – one of the enemies of Hell – romancing a Goetian Prince.

Heck, how would Loona react to the fact that her adopted father is in fact an Archangel? Would Moxxie and Millie suddenly fear their boss and hate him for being someone they're meant to hate? How exactly would Fizzarolli react that his old childhood friend has been one of the strongest beings in the realms all this time?

This concept of Blitz being Gabriel would also mean that both Charlie and Lucifer will be finding out about him and thus be meeting him as well. How exactly would Charlie react to the fact that her uncle not only fell, but doesn't wish to return to Heaven? Would Lucifer mock his brother for following in his footsteps, or be horrified that one of his siblings fell as well? Plus, how would the two react to seeing the other Archangels when they arrive to try and bring Blitz/Gabriel home?

Also, the bit about 'restoring the Faith' is based on other fan concepts for Gabriel being a representation of the concept so I thought it'd work for the idea as well. Since he himself fell due to him losing his faith, Blitz/Gabriel has little left though one idea I had is that it was rekindled during “Murder Family” when Moxxie saved him and Millie. How exactly the Faith element works and how the rest of the story unfolds does allow for a lot of ideas (as I just showed), so if you're interested than go nuts with it.

- Imps of the Royal Couple [Explicit]

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Barbie Wire/Stella

Summary: “Hey wait, you two aren't servants,” Octavia says in surprise as she actually looks at the two imps, “Why are you two not fully dressed...and is that my father's grimoire?”

Both Blitzø and Barbie Wire stare at the teenage owl demon before giving each other a sideways glance as they try to think of something. After all, best to try and de-escalate the situation rather than do something to get them on the girl's bad side.

Sorry, we f*cked your parents.”

EW, WHAT THE f*ck!”

Smooth, Blitzo,” Barbie Wire states, grabbing her twin's hand and making a bolt for the nearest exit.

An AU where Blitzø and Barbie Wire somehow got into a fight at the Goetia manor and end up sleeping with Stolas and Stella respectively. Needless to say, this is based off getting Barbie and Stella together while still having Blitzø being with Stolas. Also, yes an explicit story here and the summary is based off a scene I had in mind if I was to do the story. Nothing else to say for this one.

- Sniper Down

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & Moxxie, Millie/Moxxie, Loona & Moxxie

Summary: While out on a mission, Moxxie receives an injury to the back of his head resulting in Blitz and Millie fighting tooth and nail to bring him home. Once he's brought back and gets medical attention, it's discovered that the sniper of IMP won't have his eyesight for a few weeks.

While he's blind, Moxxie doesn't let himself get down about it and does what he can around the IMP office. Millie is willing to lend her husband a hand and even manages to get both her boss and Loona to help Moxxie out with his handicap.

At least, Blitz would help if he can stop himself from having panic attacks.

Pretty easy story idea for this one, since many shows have done an episode where one character has an injury which takes them out of action. So, here's one where Moxxie goes blind for a bit due to work related injuries and everyone has to help him out.

No suggested pairing for Blitz since I figured the story would focus more on him and Moxxie's relationship rather than anything regarding love. And as you can tell by the summary, Blitz doesn't take the injury well (perhaps because it was due to an idea he insisted upon) and probably thinks that he's basically ruined his friendship with Moxxie. He probably hasn't, but it'd be fun to see how the injury impacts what they have and how their relationship develops.

- Broken Horn

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & Moxxie, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Millie, Blitzo & Loona

Summary: After IMP has finished another mission, Moxxie is furious about Blitz's conduct especially with how it nearly got Millie hurt. When Blitz – still emotionally hurt from getting the Asmodeus Crystal – tries to brush it off, his best sniper finally gets fed up and shouts in his boss's face that he quits.

only for their still alive target to blow off half of Blitz's left horn.

The injury and Moxxie's rejection are major blows to the circus imp which results in him sending the crystal back to Fizzarolli as he begins to close up IMP. Realizing what he's done, Moxxie tries to fix the bridge that he just burned and make Blitz realize how much he does care for him.

Same idea as the one above, but in a different direction and with Blitz being the injured one rather than Moxxie. Again, no pairing for Blitz here though one could be included if you so desired (Verosika could be a good one).

Now, Moxxie isn't meant to be exactly in the wrong with him quiting, but when it happens and what immediately follows it are what makes it seem wrong. Millie won't be mad at him (she understands his limits), but Loona being angry at him is fair game. However, like I had the summary say, the idea is Moxxie realizing what he means to Blitz and trying to show how much the older imp means to him.

How bad the horn breaking is to Blitz's body functions is up to the writer, though I have seem some fans suggest that the horns may be connected to their hearing. So, perhaps Blitz ends up with a hearing problem which results in him getting help regarding it.

Optional Idea: If you want to include someone both Blitz and Moxxie can talk to regarding the event, Fizzarolli would be a good candidate for this. Not only would it allow him to act as a mediator for both, but he can help Blitz if he's got a hearing problem and Moxxie understand what Blitz's mind might be like. Plus, the crystal being sent back could drag him into all this since he allowed it to be given and now it's returned after barely any usage.

- Training a New Clown

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Fizzarolli & Oliver, Asmodeus & Oliver

Summary: Wishing to help Oliver in becoming a clown, Fizz offers his services (not in that way!) to the young imp's parents to train him. When this is accepted, Oliver is overjoyed and eagerly takes to his training to become the best clown he can be!

However, not everything is sunshine and rainbows as Mammon – still stung by Fizzarolli quitting on him – now sees an opportunity to get back at the injured imp. As he begins to engineer ways to get Oliver into his clutches, Fizz and Asmodeus quickly catch on with them now having to keep the imp out of the other Sin's hands.

But can they?

Heavily inspired by “Mammon's Magnificent Musical Mid-Season Special” and the scene with Oliver – the deaf imp kid who Fizz talks to – so here's an AU idea of Oliver getting his dream to become a reality. As this is the case, Fizzarolli and Asmodeus willing to help him out in making it happen though they won't be his parents in it (he's meant to have nice parents).

However, Mammon isn't going to let a good opportunity for money (and/or revenge) go to waste so he's appearing as the villain wishing to get Oliver in his clutches. Overall, this is mostly meant to be a simple idea that I came up with and allows for a writer to use Oliver in stories.

- Finishing Business

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Millie/Moxxie, Alessio & Moxxie, Blitzo/Chazwick “Chaz” Thurman

Summary: When Stu and Depressed Boyfriend came to the IMP office, Moxxie was expecting many outcomes regarding what his father had in store for him. However, what they were actually there for was the last thing he ever expected.

Turns out, Moxxie's dad has just passed away and Alessio has requested for him to come help sort out what needs to be done before the funeral can begin.

Heading back to his childhood home, Moxxie finds himself having to relive his past tornment while helping his father's old bodyguard out. Now, it's just a question of who'll be running the Knolastname and the possible future that will happen because of it.

Well, maybe it'd help if his boss and ex-boyfriend weren't trying to hook up!

An AU idea of if “Exes & Oohs” was about Moxxie having to help Alessio with sorting out Crimson's affairs due to his recent passing. I am leaving Crimson's actual death open to the writer since it could range from an illness that caused his body to give out to being shot due to the conflicts that naturally happen in his line of work. This also means that Crimson's goons would be able to interact more with IMP rather than being simple cannon fodder.

Though, you still have Chaz to deal with which could provide for some good character moments for both Moxxie and Millie since he's their ex. No forced marriage here since I think Alessio could be more rational than Crimson and maybe would try to get Moxxie to help him rather than force him to do something. That said, perhaps Crimson was still going to do it but ended up being killed before his plans could be put into motion.

Optional Idea: If you want to make this more explicit to include Chaz and Blitz having that specific moment in the episode, a small change could be Blitz calling Chaz out and teaching him what to do. Mostly because it'd be funny for Blitz to help the shark out just to have some relief after all the stuff between him and Stolas. Plus...maybe it could lead to Blitz and Chaz getting together if you want to pair them up.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 10: Chapter 10


The tenth chapter of ideas in time for the 2023 holidays.

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone. Time for another chapter that has some more story ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss for anyone who wishes to write them or use them as inspiration for their own stories. So, without further ado...

- Royal Adoption

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Loona

Summary: During a chance second meeting with his fan Oliver, Fizz learns that the young imp had lost his parents due to the Exterminations and snuck his way into the event to meet his idol. Feeling horrible about his fan's story, the jester imp goes to his boyfriend and asks if they can adopt the child to give him a better life.

Well, Asmodeus would say yes...if they had the experience to take care of the child.

Fortunately, Fizz just got back into touch with Blitz and asks his former best friend for any advice to take care of a child. Needless to say, all of IMP get dragged into this mess as the jester imp learns how to be a parent and shows that he's willing to give Oliver the home he deserves.

Inspired by the fanart by DaniDraws666 on Twitter (I refuse to call it anything else), here's an easy story of Fizzarolli wanting to adopt the deaf imp Oliver but being unable to. The exact number of reasons can vary, but the main one is that neither Asmodeus nor Fizz have experience with caring for a child. Hence, Blitz gets involved who ends up having a bit of experience and thus roping Loona into it as well.

Honestly, I most thought about this idea because it seems a lot of people love the concept of Oliver having Fizzarolli and Asmodeus as parents. So, why not come up with a story idea which would allow writers to give the people what they want?

- Stolas's Herbal Remedies

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Blitzo & Barbie Wire, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: Upon the perfect full moon, a young Prince Stolas takes off on his broomstick and heads off through the Rings of Hell to begin his training as a witch. Reaching a small town in the Wrath Ring, the owl demon sets up a new home at the Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch.

As he helps around the farm, Stolas also begins to grow his plants for herbal remedies and begins to meet the residents of the town. Among them are two imp twins from a circus with one catching his eye during one of their acts.

Perhaps this town could be more than just where he'll be training.

An AU inspired by Kiki's Delivery Service and a Reddit post which had Stolas as Kiki from the film so yeah you get the idea. This is meant to be akin to a coming of age story with Stolas wanting to become a witch with him staying in a small town where Millie, Moxxie, and Blitzo live rather than all separate. Nothing much else to say here, so onto the next one.

- A Reincarnated Imp

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & Angel Dust, Millie/Moxxie, Collin & Loona, Charlie & Angel Dust

Summary: College student Blake has lived a normal life of twenty five years with him having a loving family and his life long friend Anthony whose kept him safe. However, he keeps getting dreams and brief glimpses of a demon which had caused the tattoo he's had on his forehead for a decade now.

One day at his college, he hears a scuffle which results in him finding two imps and a hellhound fighting against three cherubs who quickly turn their focus on him. However, that's when his friend Anthony reveals himself as his guardian angel and Blake learns a secret to his birth.

He was in fact a demon who was reincarnated as a human when they died.

This is a heavy AU idea where Blitz is killed at some point but reincarnated as a human with a redeemed Angel Dust watching over him all through his new life. However, he ends up finding out about his past when he interrupts the still going IMP and CHERUBS duking it out at the college he's at. He isn't meant to be the target, but the point is for his old family to find out about Blitz still being alive.

I am using the name “Blake” here for his reincarnated form, but you are more than welcome to change the name if you have something better in mind. In addition, the idea I had is that the lifespan of your average demon would be longer than a human's mostly because it'd allow Moxxie, Millie, Loona, and whoever you wish to meet back up with Blitz when he learns of his past.

Finally, I'm keeping the possible pairings with Blitz open since you can have him fall for anyone you feel like. Possible ideas you could do is him reuniting with Verosika and wanting to fall, him getting together with Angel Dust despite how he's hooking up with an angel, or go with a 'soul mates' idea and have the reincarnated Blitz wishing to reunite with Stolas.

- Same Old Job, New Boss [Explicit]

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss

Pairings: Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Angel Dust & Asmodeus, Angel Dust & Fizzarolli

Summary: This deal sounded too good to be true, and some part of Angel Dust really wanted to question if the Sin before him was actually telling the truth. However, his mind races with being freed from Val as he asked, “So, you'll do everything you just said including-”

Including the breaking of the soul contract,” Asmodeus replies, smiling kindly at the spider sinner, “Once we have the agreement, I'll have my people begin to look through the contract for any means of breaking it.”

Ozzie won't leave any stones unturned,” Fizzarolli adds, hanging off the King's shoulders, “And that will include having guards for you if you require them.”

Okay, THAT got him. The literal Sin of Lust would give him guards if he needed them, without question?

So, you just needed a kiss on my end?”

Yes,” the demonic rooster answers, “It's nothing that would cause harm-”

Before Ozzie could finish, his face and vest are grabbed as Angel Dust kneels on his desk as he looks at the rooster with a sultry smile and says, “Pucker up, Daddy~”

A pretty out of left field idea, but one day while heading home from shopping I came up with this AU where Asmodeus finds out about Angel Dust and decides to take Valentino a lesson. However, after a talk with Lucifer, the King of Hell rebukes any physical punishment against the Overlord though does allow for an alternative. Said alternative is Asmodeus inviting Angel Dust down to the Lust Ring and offering him a deal to work for him free of Val's influence.

This is why the summary is the moment that Angel Dust accepts since it's the moment where the entire story takes off. And Angel would have plenty of incentive to accept since Asmodeus would never do what Val's been shown to do in fanwork. However, Val wouldn't be too happy with Angel getting a new boss and would be even more upset that it's a Sin who outranks him.

I'm leaving any romantic pairings for Angel Dust open since he could get with plently of characters ranging from original characters to established ones like Husker or Alastor. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if whoever ends up writing this goes with our favorite spider sinner ending up in a poly romance with both Asmodeus and Fizzarolli.

- Alastor the Vampire Hunter

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Alastor/Angel Dust

Summary: When the man in red arrived to the small town he worked in, Angel Dust couldn't have cared less until he was paid to be a guide rather than for his carnal services. Eh, money is money and Angel does what the man named Alastor asked of him before getting him to the hotel where many stay at.

That night, a few people break in and demand the man in red which catches everyone off guard while Charlie tries to defuse the situation. At least, until Alastor comes in armed with holy weapons and kills the men in short order.

Turns out, the new guy is a vampire hunter...and is here to kill the vampire lord whose living here.

Another Hazbin Hotel idea with the Radiodust pairing and it happens to be a Human AU involving vampires. However, this time it focuses on the characters as humans with them fighting vampires rather than a vampire loving a human.

Basically what it says on the tin, Alastor is a vampire hunter and comes to a small town where our core Hazbin Hotel cast will be. Angel Dust and Alastor fall for each other, Alastor kills some vampires, pure and simple story concept. So, from there whoever writes this can come up with what they wish so have fun with the concept!

If you have any questions for these story ideas, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 11: Chapter 11


Number Eleven

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone. Here we have another chapter that contains story ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss for those who wish to write them or to inspire your own stories. However, this time it's all story ideas for Helluva Boss but hopefully I can have some Hazbin Hotel ones ready for next time. So, without any further ado...

- A Shocking Encounter

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & Tilla, Stolas & Tilla, Blitzo/Stolas, Octavia & Tilla, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Barbie Wire

Summary: To many who knew her, they believed that she died in the fire caused by Blitzo which ruined the home and family they had. However, fate saved Tilla from harm that night though her husband ensured no one knew she survived the fire.

When she was able to, she moved away from him unwilling to believe his lies about Blitzo starting it on purpose and ended up working for Prince Stolas. Through the years, she's been able to keep her head down and watched over the growing Octavia as if she was her own daughter.

But what happens when one day she and Blitzø run into each other as he's leaving after a night of passion on the Full Moon. How exactly would everything change?

AKA Tilla survived the fire and has been working for Prince Stolas for all these years.

So, I haven't seen many AU stories where Tilla survives the fire so here's that concept where she does and the only person who knew is her now ex-husband Cash. Yeah, Cash is a jerk here with him lying to others to make Blitzo leave though this also ends up making Tilla leave and later works for Prince Stolas. And yes, Tilla would be helping raise Octavia mostly because it'd lead to a fun idea of her seeing the older imp more as a mother than Stella (unless you include Good Parent Stela, then Tilla would be a second mother to Octavia).

The exact timeline is up to the writer, but a possible point where Tilla and Blitzø encounter each other could be before Season 1 Episode 7 “Ozzies” as an alternative to that night. After all, Blitzø had believed that he killed his mother only to see her alive and well after so many years will cause a lot of emotions for him which he's shown to not being able to handle all that well. However, others would also find out about Tilla being alive among them Fizzarolli and Barbie Wire who would be just as shocked as Blitzø if not more so.

- Falling for the Superhero Next Door

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Blitzo & Loona, Octavia & Stolas

Summary: A recently divorced Stolas Prince and his daughter Octavia move into a small town where he finds his next door neighbor to be a man named Blitz Rogers. The two men get on good terms as Stolas begins his job and Octavia starts her school year in their new home.

However, Stolas is almost mugged by some gang members when he's saved by the local superhero known as the Privateer. As he gets to see more of the Privateer, Stolas begins to fall for the hero who soon returns the feelings as well.

Not that this helps Blitzo and his daughter Loona, since it's only a matter of time before they must tell Stolas the truth.

This is a human AU story inspired by “The Awkward Neighbors Saga” by AsagiStilinski which is where I also got the names from. However, Blitz here is actually the superhero known as the Privateer (though you can change the name if you so desire) which would be a problem when the two begin to fall for one another. There's not much to this one, but that does allow for plently of ways for how one could write this one.

The exact type of superhero Blitz will be is up to the writer, but at the time I wrote this I was thinking of someone who uses either gadgets or magic to get around along with using a sword for fighting. Again, this doesn't have to be the case but it does help with what I had in mind originally.

- Auntie Stella

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Stella/Original Character, Blitzo/Stolas, Stella & Original Character, Stella & Octavia

Summary: Years after their divorce, Stella has gotten on better terms with her ex-husband and began to be an actual mother to her daughter Octavia. However, she still dislikes Blitz who regularly returns the sentiment even in their best moments.

Unbeknownst to Stella, Stolas had given birth to a child through means even he can't explain and has been hiding them for years to avoid his ex-wife's wrath. That is until a week before she's to marry her new husband and the little one ends up getting hurt.

To even her own surprise, Stella finds herself growing close to the young hybrid demon who starts to see her as their aunt. Something that greatly pisses off Blitz...

A heavy AU where Stella mellows out after the divorce and grows attached to the child of Stolas and Blitz when she first meets them. This is inspired by a certain scene from the story Starlight Wings by TalosLives though obviously with Stella not being a complete bitch to the fankid. This is probably one of my oldest ideas and I'm just now getting around to writing about it.

So, the idea I had regarding how Stella meets the fankid is that they were playing hide and seek with Octavia only for her younger sibling to hide in the room meant for the meetings with Stella. With neither Stolas nor Octavia able to find them in time, they have their meeting with Stella where upon the fankid gets hurt trying to leave their hiding place. You don't need to do this exact set up since the main idea is that the fankid getting hurt (without Stella being involved) leads to Stella finding out.

The exact story is about Stella and the fankid growing close akin to being family with Blitz being the antagonist (not the villain) since he doesn't trust Stella. He isn't meant to want Stella dead, but would try to keep his child away from her despite those around him telling him that he's doing more harm than her.

Optional Idea: One of the ideas I had is that Blitz sneaks into the house where Stella lives with her fiancée and tells Stella to keep away from his kid. This leads to a back and forth with Stella refusing to agree and Blitz getting more pissed when Stella's fiancée comes in. While he doesn't harm Blitz to keep Stolas from coming after him, he instead revokes the invite for Blitz and Stolas while Loona, Octavia, and their young sibling are allowed to come to the wedding as planned.

- Becoming a Found Family...Again

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Loona

Summary: Blitz's life has never been this great before. His business has gotten better with him and Fizzarolli being friends again and is set to marry the Prince he loves in a week. However, this changes when IMP's next hit ends up being a disaster with the former clown getting a blow to the head along with some other injuries.

Once they return to Hell, the IMP crew quickly get him to the hospital with Stolas and Asmodeus pitching in to ensure he gets the right treatment. The day before the planned wedding, Blitz wakes up to the relief of everyone...and doesn't seem to recognize anyone outside of Fizzarolli.

In fact, the last thing he remembers clearly...is the party right before the fire.

I don't know why, but this is an AU I came up with where Blitz gets hurt and gets amnesia where he only remembers his life up to the moment the fireworks explode. Perhaps because it sounds like it'd be rather interesting for the others to have to reconnect to a Blitz who most don't remember. It also means that Fizzarolli has to break a lot of news regarding the fire since Blitz has no knowledge of what happened.

I actually had the idea that Blitz was either engaged or already married to Prince Stolas for this story idea mostly since it'd be a heavy blow to Stolas regarding the relationship he has with Blitz. In fact, it could even lead to Stolas getting hurt emotionally should Blitz want to date someone else without the imp even realizing it.

Though I do think Loona would get off rather easily since Fizzarolli could make sure Blitz knows who she is and how much he means to her as a father. It also helps that Loona probably want her father back and would do whatever she can to make him see that. Not sure on Moxxie and Millie, but I'm sure they'd be able to handle this well especially with making sure Blitz doesn't get into trouble.

- “Wait...I got a Prince Pregnant?!” [Explicit]

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Paimon & Stolas, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Barbie Wire

Summary: After having a really bad day that happens to fall on his seventeenth birthday, Blitzo decides to head to the Pride Ring to meet up with Stolas just to take his mind off the day. However, he stumbles upon the Prince during his first heat which results in the imp making love to the Goetia prince.

Come morning, the two are found by King Paimon who arrived to help out his son and quickly uses magic to find out his son has become pregnant. Normally this wouldn't be a too much concern for the royal family, but the laws dictated by Lucifer means that Stolas must carry the child to term despite it causing problems for Paimon and the plans already set out.

And Blitzo quickly finds himself having to be both a clown and Prince Stolas' partner in a twist of fate he didn't see coming!

This is an AU I had planned to make a two-shot but decided to throw out there since it could be rather fun for a full story. The writer doesn't have to go the route I had planned, but the original idea was an Omegaverse AU with Blitzo being an Alpha and Stolas being an Omega (mostly because I think we need some with Blitzo as an Alpha). In this case, Blitzo finds Stolas going through his first heat while his father's away (Paimon is meant to help him out when his status revealed itself) and the imp's own status leads to the two making love.

Of course, there's always something to go wrong and in this case Stolas gets pregnant with the laws ensuring that he has to carry the child. Thus, Blitzo needs to be there for Stolas while Paimon has to find ways to work around the problem like if the marriage to Stella could even happen. Yeah, Paimon is meant to be trying as a father though isn't always doing the best since he's got his own stuff and many other children to attend to.

Optional Idea: Perhaps as a means of protecting both Stolas and Blitzo, Paimon ends up making the imp a Knight with perhaps even a Goetia form or the knighting being sponsored by someone else. Even with such a low ranking, it would make Blitzo fall under Paimon's protection and allow the child to be seen as a legitimate member of the Ars Goetia to further discourage any murder attempts.

- Shark in Heat, Snake on the Hunt

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Striker/Chaz

Summary: Despite how co*cky and handsome looking he is, Chaz has always hidden a secret from everyone even those who knew him. Somehow – as if the Sins had a sense of humor – he's actually an Omega which is just his luck as he's gotten away from Crimson's wrath and trying to restart his life.

That all changes when he goes into heat and has to keep himself away from others to avoid any Alphas who would try and claim him. Well, until he finds an Alpha by the name of Striker who offers to keep him safe in exchange for later helping him on his jobs.

Chaz easily says yes, unaware that the two will soon grow feelings for each other...and that Striker may try to claim the bounty on his head from Crimson.

A second Omegaverse story but with Striker and Chaz which is heavily inspired by the story Communication is Key For a Lot of Things by BlueStardust. As you can tell, I do find Striker and Chaz as a couple possible and that story was one of many to convince me of such. So here's a story idea to get more possible stories with Omega Chaz and Alpha Striker in them!

Main idea is based off the trope of an ally who's really an enemy switching sides for the one they love but in an Omegaverse AU. Chaz would have gotten away (either with or without his jaws) along with Crimson knowing that he's still alive which leads to Striker being hired. However, this leads to the two soon becoming closer for many reasons which could lead Striker to fooling Crimson into believing he's killed Chaz. However, that's if you want Chaz to make it and get a happy ending despite how much of a jerk he can be.

- Poetic Flames of Romance

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Stolas/OC, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus & Stolas, Loona & Octavia

Summary: Over a year has passed since Blitz gave his life to protect Octavia from an assassin with those who knew him not having fully moved on. Moxxie and Millie balance having to take care of both IMP and Loona while Fizzarolli has lost some of his joy ever since he got the news. However, Stolas is fairing far worse as he misses the imp he fell in love with though having found some comfort in a rising star of the nobility who sees him as a potential partner.

This all changes when a new arrival in Hell quickly shakes up the status quo with the new demon gaining status and an interest in both the Prince and IMP. Despite returning the feelings, Stolas tries as best as he can to keep the noble and new demon from killing each other as they both court him while also helping IMP from being taken over.

However, there is something about the new demon that seems familiar. No, there's no way that this is Blitz...but could he?

This is a story idea which is based off and named after one of the first ideas I ever came up with for a Helluva Boss fanfic. This idea follows most of the original, but that one called for Phenex Goetia to be returning from his time as a prisoner of Heaven rather than a new demon. And as the final part of the summary suggests, it's more than likely that this new demon is actually Blitz.

The idea behind this was that Blitz ends up dying and a miracle happens that him gets a new body though he doesn't come back for a year (or more) for a reason which I never came up with. Now, the writer doesn't have to make it Blitz if they want him to just be dead and can have the new demon just seem to be him, but the option of them being Blitz is there if you so desire.

Another thing is that the original intent was that the noble and new demon were going to become enemies trying to get Stolas' love. However, when I wrote this summary I was leaning more towards perhaps a more friendly rivalry rather than one based off hatred. After all, Stolas had lost the man he loved to violence and having him go through that again would cause him a lot of stress. However, this is now out there and no longer in my hands so do as you wish.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 12: Chapter 12


Yet another set.

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone. I have yet another chapter for this story which contains story ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss for anyone to write or use as inspiration for their own stories. So, without any further ado...

The Year Without A Stolas Claus

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Stolas/Stella, Blitzo & Barbie Wire, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: Sometime before Christmas, Stolas Claus gets a cold and ends up deciding to forego his annual Christmas Eve run when he hears that nobody believes in him anymore. However, Stella Claus quickly enlists two of the elves to find Christmas spirit hoping to change the mind of her husband.

This leads the two elves to Southtown where a boy named Ignatius “Iggy” Knolastname resolves to help them after a visit by a disguised Stolas Claus. Come on a journey as Stella Claus leads the trio to the Miser twins, meet with Mother Nature herself, and see the world convince Stolas Claus to make his journey after all.

Another retelling of one of the Rankin/Bass Christmas specials but with Stolas playing the role of Santa Claus and Stella being Mrs. Claus. Main reason behind this one was the role of the Miser Brothers, which would be Blitzo and Barbie Wire since I think the two would work well for this purpose. Plus, it'd let Tilla be Mother Nature who'd bring the two to compromise like in the movie.

Now, you can change it to have Moxxie and Millie playing the Claus' since Mox and Stolas could be interchangable here plus would allow the character Iggy to be played by Octavia. However, I'll leave that up to you since the main point was to have a story with a much more wholesome take on Stolas and Stella's relationship. Also, Ozzie and Mammon could work as well for the Miser Brothers if you desire to have them rather than Blitzo and Barbie Wire.

Setting the Precedent

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Tilla/OC

Summary: After an accident which results in the circus losing its Ringmaster, Tilla finds herself swamped as she has to take charge while also raising her young twins and another impling. However, a stroke of good luck happens as she finds help from President Malphus who's willing to lend a hand.

As this happens, the two grow close with Malphus coming in to raise the three implings like his own kids and soon he falls for Tilla. This becomes a problem as the other Goetia learn of his actions with some willing to take drastic measures to ensure the two remember their place.

Can Tilla and Malphus stay together through all the turmoil to make the circus the best it can be, or will the two be torn apart by their forbidden romance?

An AU where Casho Buckzo dies in an accident when Blitzo, Barbie Wire, and Fizzarolli are implings/toddlers which results in Tilla having to take over. However, things do look up when a member of the Goetia family comes in to help with them falling in love as they spend time together.

Now, I do have it as President Malphus but the exact member of the family can be chosen by the writer if they so desire. After all, I've seen a couple of stories where Paimon gets with Tilla so perhaps the Goetia King is the one to help her in the story instead of Malphus.

Really, the entire idea here is to have a story focusing around Tilla and the problems that would happen if she fell for a Goetia long before Blitzo or Fizzarolli got together with their royal loves. After all, how everyone reacts to Stolas or Ozzie being with an imp won't be the same as if Tilla got with one decades before the series began.

Punishment through Redeeming Others

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss

Pairings: Charlie/Vaggie, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo/Stolas, Alastor & Charlie, Angel Dust & Blitzo, Charlie & Stolas

Summary: When IMP are to be brought up on charges for all that they've done, Lucifer intervenes in the matter due to them having gained him more sinners through their crimes. As such, he decides to allow the company to remain but gives a punishment to Blitzø, his crew, and Prince Stolas.

That being working for his daughter at the Hazbin Hotel for two years.

With them now having to work there, Blitzø and his family will have to adapt to the hotel while being watched by Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor. Though, it does give the group some time to form bonds in the hotel...along with other things.

Hm, I can't make out the scribbles, but the doodles suggest that they involve Angel in some way.”

Stop looking at my threesome plans, you f*cking prudish asshole!”

An AU where Lucifer punishes IMP for their crimes, but ends up making it light since he wants them to continue which results in them working in the Hazbin Hotel. Honestly, I came up with this one mostly because I was thinking about how to get more stories where the two series interact with each other. Plus, it would allow for some dynamics which we normally wouldn't see since both series do have copyright problems if they wanted to have a crossover.

Also, the last part of the summary is meant to be Alastor and Blitzø with the latter drawing up plans to get a threesome going with Angel Dust. Mostly because, I mean this is Blitzø we're talking about and him being around Angel is just asking for story related troubles. Though, whether the imp wants Angel to join him and Stolas or other people just for him to watch is up to the writer for this one. Or maybe it ends up not being in the story, whichever one fits your fancy.

Survival in the Snow

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairing: Blitzo & Moxxie, Millie/Moxxie, Millie & Loona

Summary: During their most recent mission to Earth, Blitzø and Moxxie go on their own with winter clothing to take it on. However, things go badly and when Blitzø tries to use the Asmodeus Crystal, he's shot through his hand which shatters the crystal.

Now stranded on Earth, Blitzø and Moxxie are forced to run for their lives with the sniper having to keep his injured boss safe from those pursuing them. At the same time, Millie and Loona quickly get word from them and do what they can to bring them back home.

But will they do so in time?

This is a Blitzø and Moxxie friendship story concept I came up with based on a trope of having Blitzø getting stranded on Earth during the winter. I know that Asmodeus Crystals are probably super strong and impossible to break, but the idea with the bullet shattering it was both to strand the two imps and give an injury to one forcing the other to keep them safe.

While all that is happening, you'd also get a subplot of Millie and Loona getting closer as they try to get the others back home. After all, both have reasons to bring them back while the two could also get into arguments due to the stress they're going through.

Lose a Leg, Blitz!

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairing: Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: Fizzarolli looks over to see the injured Blitz pointing his gun at him before whispering, “No hospitals.”

Are you f*ckING kidding me?!” Fizz shouts in a panic, “Blitz, you're missing your left leg from the knee down, you have other shrapnel in your body, and you're telling me not to get you medical treatment?!”

For a moment, Blitz faltered with the gun lowered a bit which gives the jester all the time to smack it down onto the floor of the wrecked car. Looking him dead in the eye, he exclaims, “Do you really want to die from all this? What would that owl prince you f*ck think if he heard you died from wounds because you refused going to a hospital? f*ck, is there anyone else in your life who'd rather see you live!?”

Blitz shakes as he begins to breath quicker, either due to anxiety or his wounds. Fizzarolli didn't care as he quickly turns on the car.

I'm getting you to the hospital.”

An AU version of “Oops!” based on the idea of the explosion that Blitz causes to get Striker away from Fizz getting him injured. The title was based off the phrase “break a leg” which I felt to be perfect since I thought of the major injury Blitz taking being the lost of a leg. Mostly because it'd be interesting to see Blitz and Fizz's dynamic when Blitz loses a limb (and this isn't the first story to tackle that).

I was going to give a normal summary for this, but was having trouble so instead wrote a scene which depicts Blitz trying to stop Fizz from taking him to the hospital. After all, the amount of trauma that Blitz has gotten from hospitals (both from Fizzarolli and Stolas) probably makes them a place he'd rather not go to often. Hopefully this provides enough of an idea for the story for others to use it.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 13: Chapter 13


Number Thirteen

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone. I have another chapter for this story which contains several story ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss for those who wish to write or use them as inspiration. So, without further ado...

- Drunk Magic

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Loona/Octavia, Octavia & Stolas, Loona & Blitzo

Summary: When Octavia turns eighteen, Stolas throws her a nice little party with his daughter enjoying it and spending time with Loona. However, she drinks some alcohol against her father's advise causing her to black out and the next morning finds herself naked next to Loona in her bed.

As she quickly pieces the night together with Loona's help, Octavia realizes that magic was involved and soon discovers that the two made love. Of course, this leads to the princess getting pregnant which sends Stolas and Blitz into overdrive due to now having to worry about her having a child.

Well, at least Loona's by her side in all of this.

Not going to lie, this one is just so we could have more Owling at the Moon stories since I do think Loona and Octavia make for a cute couple. I know they won't be in canon, but that's what fanfics are for. Anyway, here's an idea for them having a child thanks to magic and getting drunk along with them growing closer because of it.

I didn't say anything regarding Blitz and Stolas here mostly because I'll leave them and their relationship status up to the writer. After all, some will find them being together strange when their children are as well so perhaps they're just friends or friends with benefits here. Either way, they're going to be their for their daughters and future grandchild.

- The Imp Exterminator

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Charlie/Vaggie, Barbie Wire & Fizzarolli, Stella & Stolas

Summary: Not long after their fateful meeting, Blitzo suddenly disappears with other hellborn also going missing with no clues as to how or why. Over the years, most believed them to have died yet Stolas and those close to Blitzo still believe that the imp is still alive.

However, everything changed two years after the birth of Octavia as a brief war between Hell and Heaven occurs which results in the first ever defeat of Heaven's forces. Among those taken prisoner is an Exterminator who is soon unmasked...and found to be the missing Blitzo.

As the mystery behind the mass disappearances begins to unravel, Princess Charlie quickly recruits those close to Blitzo and other rediscovered hellborn in an attempt to break the control Heaven has over them. Will they succeed, or is the imp his loved ones knew already gone?

Heavily inspired by the picture drawn by Akage_IMP on Twitter for a Stolitz Demon x Exterminator AU they had in mind and the Reddit post about it (under “A Helluva Exterminator”). This idea quickly took shape, in which Blitzo and other hellborn are kidnapped by Heaven to either be brainwashed or their memories replaced and turned into soldiers. However, when Heaven tries to perform their war, Hell quickly defeats them and learns the truth behind where the missing people went.

The main idea was to focus on Blitzo with the other hellborn who were discovered among the captured soldiers getting the same treatment. After all, he isn't the only one and it'd allow the reaction from the rest of Hell to be shown as well. Other than that, have fun with this one.

- Van Helsing: A Helluva Adaptation

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Verosika, Blitzo & Moxxie

Summary: After finishing an assignment in Paris, the monster hunter known as Van Helsing is to be sent to Transvylvania to destroy the vampiric Count Dracula and keep the last descendants of his family from dying before him. Taking the friar and weapon inventor Moxxie with him, the hunter heads off to take on this latest mission.

However, he finds far more than he was bargaining for when he has to protect Princess Verosika from Dracula, his brides, and the werewolf under Dracula's control. And as if to make this more difficult, he soon has to keep the Frankenstein Monster out of the Count's clutches as well.

This is just an adaptation of one of my favorite films of all time Van Helsing (2004) but with Helluva Boss characters possibly as humans rather than demons. Mostly because I think Blitzo would fit pretty well as playing the famous vampire hunter as he's depicted in the film. The other casting choices I had in mind are Verosika as Anna, Moxxie as Carl, and Striker as Count Dracula though I could see Andrealphus here as well.

I did originally have this as a Stolitz idea, but recently thought about it and figured that it'd probably work better with Verosika playing Anna rather than Stolas. Mostly because I can see Verosika being a better fit for Anna and I think how their relationship in the show is would help make the film's ending hit better. Yeah, I had in mind keeping the film's ending rather than changing it because I do think it's far more effective as a bittersweet ending.

Funny enough, there are many reasons for Moxxie playing Carl but the main one is because of the scene where Carl talks to the woman he saved from Dracula's children. Mostly as I think Millie would fill that role easily and, well, here's some dialogue from that scene but with Millie and Moxxie:

*Millie: How can I ever repay you?

[Moxxie thinks before whispering in her ear]

Millie: [Gasps] But you can't do that! You're a monk!

Moxxie: [Smiles] Well, actually I'm just a friar.

[Millie smiles as she hums]*

Tell me that doesn't fit those two.

Optional Ending: Just because I know some people won't like the bittersweet ending, one of the ideas was to include an alternate ending where Verosika makes it to the end and Millie joins both Moxxie and Van Helsing back to Rome. Nothing else to say here, just an idea for if you want to change the ending or have an alternate one.

- Lust's Bride [Explicit]

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Asmodeus/Stolas

Summary: With a month to go before he's married to his arranged wife, anxiety gets the better of Prince Stolas and he leaves his home for the night. Ending up in the Lust Ring, the Goetia ends up outside of Ozzie's as he tries to come to terms with the life he's about to go through.

However, his fate changes as he's invited into Ozzie's and finds himself being taken to Lord Asmodeus himself. Before he knows it, the prince is shown the pleasures of Lust and soon is marked to become Asmodeus' bride on the Full Moon right before his wedding.

Strangely enough, the Prince has only one question which he wasn't expecting from himself.

Can I wear a dress like a fairy tale princess?”

Boom, we have an AU that takes place before the series and with a pairing that I haven't done any ideas for yet. The main idea here is the stories where a person is charmed by another and is to be married to them in a certain amount of time where upon they try to get out of it. However, Stolas actually finds Asmodeus a far better option than Stella and wants to stay with him instead of marrying the person he's arranged to be with.

Most of the conflict here could be Stella and her family trying to break the marriage off so that the original arranged marriage can happen with Asmodeus and Stolas trying to thwart them. Whether it ends with Stolas losing his chance with Asmodeus or the two succeed and get married will be up to the writer.

Optional Idea: I think it'd be funny if Paimon is said to be outraged about this, but actually works behind the scenes to let Stolas marry Asmodeus. Mostly because it'd be such a weird thing for Stolas to see his father denounce him in public one moment and then encourage him to see Asmodeus the next. Plus, we don't get many stories where Paimon is a good dad and I think this could be a good excuse for that.

- Changing One's View

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Alessio/Crimson, Depressed Boyfriend/Stu

Summary: After a heist that finally got him and his gang stable after the wedding fiasco, Crimson notices how close two of his men are. He decides to study them and enlists his right hand man Alessio to help him do so.

As they watch Stu spend time with Quint, Crimson weirdly finds himself wanting something akin to that and notices similar behavoir from Alessio. He knew that he shouldn't allow that kind of behavoir, but a growing part of him finds himself wanting Alessio's attention.

Oh, what should a mafia boss like him do?

Finally got an idea for Crim N' Ale and it happens to be with a pairing for Depressed Boyfriend! Main idea here is an AU where most of the mafia survived the wedding fight and Crimson finally notices how close DP and Stu are. Of course, this leads to him stalking them and soon finding out about himself with Alessio being his love interest. Not much to say here, so have fun with this one!

- Wish Upon a Star

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Stolas & Stella

Summary: “A Prince of Stars and Plants shall have two children in life, one born with feathers of Hell, the other conceived within him by the stars themselves.”

The prediction of Stolas' life made no sense, yet Stolas went through with his life with how lonely it was to find love. That never came, and now years after his marriage to Stella it's gotten worst.

During the party for their daughter Octavia, the Prince wishes upon a star for a friend to have and spend time with. What he wasn't expecting was for the star he wished upon to crash the party and become his friend.

Blitz is his name, and granting the wish of the Prince is his aim.

And soon, the prophecy will make sense all too soon.

An AU inspired by concept art of the Disney movie Wish, here we have a Stolitz story where our favorite imp is a wishing star who comes to grant Stolas' wish for a friend. The prophecy part can be changed or removed if you don't like it, it's just I thought of this idea and couldn't help but imagine Stolas carrying the child of a star in him.

The exact relationship of Stella and Stolas is up to whoever writes this since I don't really see how she's used as important to mention here. However, Octavia can still exist as well since she could help flesh things out and maybe Blitz could become her nanny if she requires one.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 14: Chapter 14


Number Fourteen

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone! It's time for another chapter of story concepts and ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss for writers to either write or get inspired for their own stories. So, without further ado...

- Stay Away from Him

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Loona & Octavia

Summary: Wishin to spend some time with the man he loves, Stolas turns himself into an imp and goes to IMP to ask Blitzø on a date. The assassin agrees though he feels there's something wrong which doesn't seem to be the case as they dine at a nearby restaurant.

Well, until Stolas goes into heat.

Turns out that Stolas didn't look into the weird biology quirks that imps have and became what is often known as an 'omega'. With his heat causing problems even with his magic, the Goetia now has to deal with this strange quirk as he waits for it to blow over.

Fortunately, Blitzø is able to help thanks to his alpha status.

Here's another Omega verse AU with Blitzø being an Alpha and Stolas as the Omega mostly because we don't get enough of them. Though, this time with the twist that it's only for imps due to some quirk of their biology rather than anything else.

I didn't put an 'Explicit' tag here since I figured I'd keep this one flexible as one can do this idea without Blitzø taking Stolas. The main idea here is have the two interact at a time where one would be vulnerable so if they have a child it'd be a bonus.

- Pulling a Zeus [Explicit]

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Lucifer/Eve

Summary: When he first came to the Garden of Eden, it was to take Lilith away to a realm that wouldn't force her to marry against her will. However, his second trip to the garden was mostly out of boredom and his discovery of Eve instantly made him choose chaos.

Transforming into a snake, he came to the second woman ever created and started to talk with her in order to get her to sin. What he wasn't expecting was her falling for him as a snake.


Lucifer pulls a Zeus and steals Eve as a snake.

This actually came to me once I learned that Lucifer implies to Adam that he banged both of his wives. So you could treat this as a comedy where Lucifer seduces and gets with Eve as a snake akin to the many stories of Zeus in Greek mythology. There's not really much with this one, more of a spur of the moment idea that I figured someone could get a kick out of doing.

Blitzo the Sailor Man

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Verosika, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: As the sun rises on the port town of Sweet Haven, the day begins as it normally would with clown Fizzarolli helping the local diner, musician Moxxie still trying to woo the farmer's daughter, and mayor Asmodeus making big talk. Most important of all, local bully and the real leader of the town Striker is about to marry dancer Verosika with him having control of taxman Wally Wackford and a strange benefactor.

However, this morning a sailor named Blitzo and his daughter Loona arrive for resupply on their quest to find Blitzo's mother.

The arrival of Blitzo changes many things in Sweet Haven, with him and Verosika hitting it off quickly while helping out the town in various ways. As things go from bad to better for the town, Striker begins to do what he can to make this new arrival leave port for good.

Fortunately for Blitzo, his mother taught him one of the most important lessons before she left: always eat your spinach.

I'm not going to lie, this is perhaps the strangest idea for a Helluva Boss story that I came up with so far but I think it'd be a fun one to do. Basically Blitzo playing the role of Popeye the Sailor Man, and in this scenario the O isn't silent since it actually a similar ring to it as “Popeye” does. For the plot, it's pretty much based on the set up for the 1980 Popeye film starring Robin Williams and Shelley Duvall.

I originally had the idea of Stolas, Stella, and Octavia here with them being a family in name only as Stolas and Stella live together (having divorced not long after marriage) to raise Octavia. However, I ended up leaving that out when writing this mostly since I figured keeping to a simplier story would be better here so instead Verosika is Blitzo's love interest. Though that does mean a rather goofy fourth wall joke is gone since I had in mind Stella sneaking off to spend some time with Barbie Wire and Wally has her pay a tax for “changing the rating of the story”. Oh well, probably for the best.

And for those who are curious, the strange benefactor that Striker has control over is meant to be Blitzo's mother Tilla. Again, this is more for making a summary that's for a simplier story since she was just fine originally. However, I'm sure that it'd help Striker in some way especially once Blitzo unknowingly steals Verosika from him. Other than that, have fun with this one!

Daemon of Heaven, Angel of Hell

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo & Barbie Wire, Cash/Tilla, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Charlie/Vaggie

Summary: When Charlie was born, the Archangels learned of the Exterminators along with Adam's plan to kill her and quickly rallied against him sparking a bloody civil war in Heaven. Centuries later, Archangel Uriel sees a vision of two children born in Hell who shall help bring an end to the conflict that her and her siblings act upon.

For Barbie Wire, she grew up feeling that there was someone missing in her life...someone that she knew existed but others didn't seem to know about. That all changes when she meets her long lost brother Blitzo with her parents overjoyed to be with their son.

However, the war in Heaven spills into Hell and Blitzo reveals himself as the angelic warrior only known as “Heaven's Daemon” to fight Adam's forces. As the race to stop the war and protect Princess Charlie begins, romances blossom in unexpected ways and the vision begins to come true.

For only a Daemon of Heaven and an Angel of Hell, wielding the twin Swords of Michael and Lucifer, will end the slaughter of souls and bring Peace unto Heaven.

Heavily inspired by the song “I Have The Power” from the He-Man film The Secret of the Sword, here we have a story where Blitzo is taken by angels right after his birth to be raised as their greatest warrior and even wielding the sword of an Archangel. However, his purpose is to actually stop a civil war that erupted between the Exterminators lead by Adam and the Archangels.

The main reason why they didn't take Barbie Wire – who was forseen as the “Angel of Hell” – mostly comes down to Lucifer not knowing his sibling's intentions and forcing them to pick between them. However, whether Lucifer knows about the Heaven Civil War or if he's been left in the dark about it will be up to the writer. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if he did know but for the sack of his family kept it from the rest of Hell.

Part of the idea regarding Blitzo and Barbie was that they'd be able to transform using the swords into actual angels to better wield them. Both would look human and would wearing armor, but Blitzo would have his horns and draconic wings while Barbie would have a halo and angelic wings. However, this doesn't have to be done and you can chose to depict the two as the titular characters however you wish for them to appear as.

Outside of themselves, I didn't put pairings for either Blitzo or Barbie Wire mostly to allow others to come up with any pairings they wish for these two. So have fun with that!

Optional Idea: One possible idea I had in mind was that Vaggie actually does come down to Hell as a bodyguard for Charlie under orders of the Archangels when Blitz heads down to see his family. The main reason why she isn't an Exterminator is that she was going to be stripped of her status as an Angel during the war by Lute, but was saved by a team including Heaven's Daemon who offered to give her redemption. Naturally, she took it and had been fighting alongside Blitzo ever since.

Stary Owl & Lunar Wolf

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Moxxie & Loona, Moxxie & Octavia, Loona/Octavia, Moxxie & Blitzo

Summary: Upon slipping out of the dungeons of Marquis Andrealphus, young thief Moxxie is forced to run to the Wrath Ring to escape the Marquis's Guards lead by the bloodthirsty Captain Striker. However, he's rescued by former captain Loona which causes him to travel with her and the owl that travels with them.

Join Moxxie on this adventure in fantasy as he learns more about the warrior and her owl, meets the former monk known as Blitz, and learns the secret of the strange woman who appears at night. And soon, he's told of a curse.

Two lovers forever separated despite being together, one an owl by day and the other a wolf by night.

This story idea is one I've had for quite a while which is based on the 1985 film Ladyhawke but with Loona and Octavia in the role of the two lovers. I know that Blitzo and Stolas would work just as well here, but I think it works a bit better with their daughters (plus it'd be an excuse to have a story pairing Loona and Octavia together). You can make it a story where the characters are humans rather than demons since it doesn't really matter if they are demons or not.

As for why Andrealphus is here taking the place of the bishop in the original story, the idea I had here is that Stolas and Stella were okay with their daughter marrying Loona but Andrealphus despised it. So when he learned that the two were married in a secret ceremony, he cursed the two to keep them apart unless Octavia return to break her vows. Needless to say, neither Loona or Octavia were happy about that.

Finally, Blitz is not supposed to know who Stolas is or have prior connection to him mostly to make Loona and Octavia being a couple possible. Plus we do get the idea of Blitzo and Moxxie being friends which we can use more in fanfics.

The Sinner in Lust

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss

Pairings: Angel Dust/Asmodeus, Angel Dust/Fizzarolli, Angel Dust/Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: After so many years under Valentino's control, Angel Dust has had enough and goes to Lucifer himself begging for any means out. While he can't get do anything due to his own laws, the King of Hell does pull some strings to get Asmodeus to invite the sinner down to the Lust Ring.

Upon arriving, Angel Dust finds a world where he's welcomed into and gets to meet both the famous Fizzarolli and the Sin of Lust himself as a guest. During his stay, the spider finds himself growing to love the place and even wishing to stay with Asmodeus as one of his workers no matter the cost.

But would Val even allow him to stay?

Another story idea involving Angel Dust being in the Lust Ring mostly because I think the spider would work well off of Asmodeus and Fizzarolli. Plus I've seen people pairing Angel Dust with either of the duo so why not include him on the fun? Nothing much since this is meant to be a quick idea, but perhaps Valentino decides to play mind games with Angel to get him back once he's in the Lust Ring. After all, Angel seems to be a major star working under Val which would make the moth overlord want to keep him for as long as he can.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 15: Chapter 15


Set number fifteen.

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone! We have yet another chapter of story concepts and ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss for authors to write about or use as inspiration for their own works. So, without further ado...

The Marquis's Son

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairing: OC/OC, Blitzo & Stolas

Summary: After having a terrible day, a young Blitzo has had enough and runs away from the circus during the night. Despite Cash wanting to let him go, Tilla and other members of the circus try to find him only to end up empty handed despite their efforts.

Mostly because a week after leaving, a sick and freezing Blitzo was found by a Marchioness of the Goetia and her husband Phenex. After taking him in, they respect his request to not return home and end up adopting him with a new name and appearance to keep him safe.

Despite missing some of his old life, Blitzo – or rather Flint Koller – finds joy in his new life and even meets a young prince who he becomes fast friends with. However, upon reaching the age of eighteen, Phenex decides that it'd be better if his adopted son sees that his birth family knew that he's doing alright.

Oh, how that will have consequences...

Another one of my “Blitzo as a Goetia” story ideas but this time where he gets taken in by Marquis Phenex and his family at a young age. This has been an idea I've had for a while mostly because it'd be interesting to see what changes if Blitzo just ran away either before or after meeting Stolas on that fateful day. If you're wondering about the alias Blitzo has as a Goetia, his first name comes from Treasure Island since Captain Flint is the pirate who's treasure everyone is after in the story while his surname is meant to be one for either a sired bastard or an adopted child.

This story doesn't require Blitzo to have any magic but that could be an option if you feel that his adopted parents would want him to be safe without them. Speaking of his paents, one possible idea is that Blitzo never forgets about his mother and still regards Tilla with respect while seeing Phenex as his true father. Mostly because Cash was pretty sh*t and perhaps Phenex gives him what he's been missing from a father.

Last thing to note for this one is that Blitzo and Stolas don't have to end up together if you want Blitzo to get with someone else. I just figured that Blitzo under his alias of Flint would be able to spend more time with Stolas even if his status among the other nobles would make the act frowned upon.

The Lost World: A Helluva Boss Adaptation

Fandom: Helluva Boss, The Lost World (1925)

Pairings: Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Moxxie, Moxxie & Striker, Blitzo & Fizzarolli

Summary: When eccentric Professor Blitz Buckzo brings forth evidence of dinosaurs still alive on a plateau, the wealthy Prince Stolas agrees to finance an expedition if they rescue famed explorer Joe Maple. He is joined on the expedition by Joe's daughter Millie, sportsman Striker, skeptical scientist Fizz, and reporter Moxxie Knolastname.

Journey with them to the fabled Lost World, where the group crosses over a log bridge onto the plateau and come across creatures believed to have perished hundreds of millions of years ago. Can our group survive the threats that they face – and will Professor Buckzo be able to prove his claims?

Find out in “The Lost World”!

So, this came to my mind after watching a video on different adaptations for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's novel and thinking about the original 1925 film. I've watched the film before and I thought about how well Blitz would fit for the eccentric and driven Professor Challenger. And once I had Blitz down, the others fell into place pretty easily.

Striker takes over the role of Sir John Roxton, Millie with film only Paula White (mostly there to have a love interest), Fizzarolli for Professor Summerlee, and Moxxie being Edward Malone. I figured that sticking with the main cast of Helluva Boss would work for this, and obviously having Stolas finance the trip because, well, he's royal and rich so who'll argue there.

I would suggest at least looking up the plot of the 1925 film...or watching it, it's in the public domain so go to Wikipedia or YouTube to watch it for free. The main reason behind this was that I was able to make it a Millie/Moxxie focused story which I don't do very often.

The Red Slayer

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Alastor/Angel Dust, Angel Dust/Husk, Alastor & Husker, Alastor & Nifty

Summary: Angel Dust is an exotic dancer working for Baron Valentino who keeps a tight leash on him to avoid losing his contract. However, the spider hates the vile moth and makes a break for it when the Baron's traveling group is caught up in bad rain storm.

When a few guards catch up to the spider, Angel finds himself saved by a highway man in red who puts the guards to the sword and offers a chance to escape. Unwilling to head back, the spider takes the other sinner's hand and is taken to a hidden castle.

Being brought into the castle of Lord Alastor does have its benefits, such as a charming – if creepy – royal sinner and his gruff but loveable butler Husker.

So, we finally got another RadioDust story idea and this time it includes HuskerDust...mostly because screw it, that might end up happening! I've noticed that I tend to do RadioDust stories with fantasy or medieval settings...and here's another one of those because I do like stories set during those times.

The main thing here is Angel Dust being taken by the titular highway robber AKA Alastor and ends up living in his castle with his servants. This is where Husker comes in since he gets to spend time with Angel while Alastor is either away or even when his Lord is in there. Mainly this is meant to be a story where Angel falls for both Alastor and Husker rather than be a massive love triangle.

A Snake's Catch [Explicit]

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Stolas/Striker, Octavia & Striker, Blitzo & Stolas

Summary: Not long after the horrible night at Ozzie's, Stolas finds himself confronted by the hitman Striker whose about to put a bullet into him. However, the prince offers to double the amount that Stella has offered to forget the job all together. This interests Striker, but he asks for something other than money to sweeten the deal.

Striker wasn't expecting to be offered to bang the Prince on the New Moons...nor that he would agree to such a thing.

So, now Striker has to deal with keeping this deal on the down low and having to prevent IMP finding him whenever he's in the Pride Ring. Though at least the snarky teen isn't that big of a hurdle in all of this stuff. At least that's something.

Noticed that we don't have many Stolas x Striker stories that don't fall into dark territory, so here's an idea where the two end up making it work somehow. Literally this is just an excuse to have a somewhat healthy relationship between Stolas and Striker with Blitz not being in the picture. At least, not at first if you decide to include him in all of this.

Optional Idea: If you wish to keep “Western Energy” in this timeline, perhaps Striker ends up discussing some of his past rather than torturing Stolas since they need to waste time. Not only does it let the cowboy get some emotions out of his chest, it could allow Stolas to sympathize for the other.

Lucifer's Ducky Party

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Charlie & Lucifer, Charlie/Vaggie, Angel Dust/Husk

Summary: With the Hazbin Hotel having been repaired better than before, Lucifer wants to celebrate the victory over Heaven with a party. And not just any party, but one where he can make rubber ducks for all of the guests!

Come one, come all! Step right up to the entry line for the first party that the Hazbin Hotel will celebrate hosted by Lucifer and Charlie Morningstar! And be prepared to receive a rubber duck in your likeness!

Nothing much to this idea, just something fun to do especially since it involves Lucifer's obsession and love for rubber ducks. I mostly stuck with Hazbin Hotel for this one, but you could include Helluva Boss if you want some more guests like Asmodeus, Queen Bee, or IMP to come to the party. After all, why not have Lucifer invite whoever he wishes for the sole purpose of because he can?

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 16: Chapter 16


New chapter, everyone!

Chapter Text

Greetings, everyone! Here we go with a new chapter of story ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss for anyone to either write about or to use for inspiration for other stories. So, without further ado...

Blitz's Wings

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Verosika

Summary: After another successful mission to Earth, Blitz decides to look at Stolas's Grimoire for a bit and ends up reading out a spell which ends up happening. When Millie, Moxxie, and Loona go to check on him, they find Blitz having a pair of wings coming out of his back.

This causes everyone to freak out but the wings actually work as they're meant to even if they make wearing a shirt strange. Now having to deal with Blitz being able to fly, those who know him are in for a world of annoyance especially with him apologizing to Verosika to learn how to use them.

This is a rather simple idea of Blitz having wings since I have seen at least one other writer make a few one shots around this idea. Since I don't remember where it is on the site, I figured I'd throw this idea out there to get more of it. Hopefully I can find the original one shots and read them again in time.

I decided to include Verosika in this since she could be a good candidate to teach Blitz and allows the two to reconcile after all they went through. It also allows those who wish to have Blitz get with Verosika instead of Stolas to go in that direction if they so desire.

Helping a Pregnant Omega

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Alessio & Crimson, Depressed Boyfriend/Stu, Alessio & Depressed Boyfriend

Summary: When Crim began to recruit people into his mafia, he made it clear that he was not allowing any omegas due to the hassle of caring for them. However, he made an exception for Quint – AKA Depressed Boyfriend – since the omega proved himself as a capable mafiosi and had Alessio make plans to best avoid the shark getting pregnant.

Well, turns out he should have trusted his gut as Quint's boyfriend Stu has finally found the hideout where Alessio sends the omega when he's in heat and knocked him up. Even worst is that Crim can't afford to get rid of Quint since anything he'd do would have a negative effect on his reputation.

The only course of action was to keep the now pregnant Quint in the manor for safety reasons...and to say Crim is pissed about that is putting it mildly.

Since I haven't come up with any story ideas with Depressed Boyfriend in a while, here's one where the mint green shark gets knocked up in an Omega verse story. I mostly have Alessio and Crimson as the focus here since they would be the ones having to deal with the aftermath of DP mating during his heat. The shark does work for them after all.

While Crimson would be angry about having to deal with DP, the idea is that he would come around to it more as the story goes. Now, I mostly went with Stu being the one who knocked up DP here since I do pair the two of them together in my head. However, you can have it be another member of the gang if you desire DP to get with someone else.

Optional Idea: One possible idea is that Alessio and Crimson could become a couple through all of this if the writer wishes to go that route. Mostly suggesting this because a lot of people already ship Crim N' Ale so having it happen here wouldn't be too much of a stretch.

Blitzø on Monster Island

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Godzilla (All Media)

Pairings: Blitzo & Godzilla, Blitzo/Mothra, Godzilla & Mothra

Summary: Due to a mishap with the Grimoire, Blitzø finds himself sent through a portal and ends up on Monster Island. If that wasn't bad enough, he's become a giant monster version of himself and the other kaiju don't appear to be friendly towards him.

Well, despite the situation, the imp turned kaiju is more than able to keep himself alive thanks to his new powers and his old instincts. Though he has to wait on the others to get him back. If they are even able – or willing – to get him back home.

In the meantime...Blitzø can't take his eyes off Mothra's big abdomen.

So, this is based off the story genre of 'ordinary person goes to fantasy world' but with Blitzø becoming a kaiju and ending up in the Godzilla series. Mostly since I figured it'd make for an interesting story idea especially with how his mind often works.

As for ideas regarding his kaiju form, I figured him very much similar to his normal form but with perhaps extra pair of small arms or something similar could work. Powers is another thing which can be up to the writer since I'm sure what he could have would be different between writers.

The pairings are open to change, but then I figured I'd add in a possible pairing with Blitzø somehow getting with Mothra of all kaiju. Mostly because I think it'd be funny for him to be constantly getting together with those of higher positions like Verosika and Stolas. But that's if you want that pairing, otherwise you can change who Blitzø gets with or even if he stays single as a kaiju.

The Immediate Murder Professionals

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Verosika/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: In Imp City, a scarred imp named Blitz Buckzo has finally opened his place of business with the help of his adopted daughter Loona and rockstar girlfriend Verosika. Joining him for the ride is sniper Moxxie, brawler Millie, sex pest Chaz, and sharpshooter Striker.

Together with them using the Grimoire of Blitz's old friend (and current gay side piece) Prince Stolas, Blitz and the gang are ready to take their killing business to Earth! Oh, what whacky adventures will IMP have up in the living world!

Okay, so here's an AU based off those where our plucky band of assassins have more to their group outside of Blitz, Millie, Moxxie, and Loona. In this case, Blitz still being with Verosika who helps from time to time due to her being a rockstar, Chaz whose still a sex pest but does pull his weight, and obviously Striker as well since that's a popular choice.

So, the pairing between Blitz, Verosika, and Stolas is meant to be less of a love triangle and more Blitz having a side piece which Verosika is okay with. However, the main idea is that Blitz and Verosika have a more stable relationship in this version so perhaps any problems they have could be discussed rather than just turning into angry shouting matches.

Lucifer Working at IMP

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss

Pairings: Lucifer & Charlie, Lucifer & Blitzo, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: Once a year, Lucifer picks a random job somewhere in Hell and works there for a week to see how things are going with the Hellborn. This year, Charlie is hesitant due to all that has happened but her father is insistant on continuing to keep everything on the up and up.

This year, his chosen job is as an assassin for the Immediate Murder Professional.

Taking on one of his false identities, Lucifer joins IMP as a temporary employee in order to see how this small company ran by an imp is going. Well, that would be if Charlie and her crew weren't keeping a close eye on what he was doing.

This is definitely inspired by a story idea fellow author TalosLives came up with but rather than God, it's Lucifer. Mostly because I think it'd be funny for Lucifer to just check in on IMP for whatever reason and him working there to do so would allow for greater variation. Keeping the love pairings for Blitzo vague here so that whoever wants to write it can have Blitz be with whoever they wish.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 17: Chapter 17


Been a while, but here's a few more!

Chapter Text

Hello once again! It's time for some more story ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss which authors can either write about or use as inspiration for their own stories. So, without further ado...

Angelic Affairs of the Heart

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Charlie/Vaggie, Charlie/Emily, Charlie & Lucifer

Summary: After seeing Sir Pentious become an angel and see other angels treating him as an equal, Emily is able to convince others in Heaven to give the Hotel a chance. However, she wasn't expecting to be Heaven's ambassador to the hotel or be tasked with making sure those who join actually intend to be good.

Well, at least she gets to spend time with Charlie again while she's working at the hotel and...begins to fall for the Princess of Hell. But, she shouldn't be doing that! She has a job to do, and she can't let her own lust get in the way of the Princess and her current lover. After all, it'd be unprofessional of her to indulge in such things.

This is based on fanart I've been seeing of Charlie and Emily together plus wanting to get some more ideas out there for Charlie and Vaggie. So here's a story idea where Emily ends up working at the Hazbin Hotel and falls for Charlie though she doesn't want to act on it. The idea I had behind Charlie and Vaggie tag is that they would be together with the author deciding if they'd remain together as lovers or if they agree to let Emily join them. After all, I think those two were be close enough to just discuss things out rather than get into arguments or cheat on each other in any way.

Blitz's Mustang

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & Moxxie, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: “Sir, where did you get this?!” Moxxie exclaims as he looks at the airplane before him, “Wait, did you steal this from that museum we were at?!”

Uh, duh Mox,” Blitz replies while crossing his arms across his chest, “What, you think I'd just leave a perfectly good plane named after horses in a place where it'd just gather dust?”

I think it's great!”

Thank you,” Blitz says, nodding to Millie, “Well, time to raise some capital so we can get this baby back in the air!”

Inspired by posts on Reddit where a user made custom skins for the game War Thunder and the user made one for the P-51 Mustang. So, of course I came up with an idea where Blitz found one in a museum on Earth and manages to bring it to Hell. Not much of a plot to it mostly because I figured it'd leave open options for where to go with it. Also is why I left pairings for Blitz open since it really could be with anyone. Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if getting the plane up and running would be great for anyone who wants to write Moxxie and Blitz as friends.

Restraining Order

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Beelzebub & Loona, Asmodeus & Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Beelzebub/Vortex, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: The night of the Full Moon, Blitzø comes only for Stolas to discover the Asmodeus Crystal and its package missing making the imp leave...causing him to be attacked by an assassin claiming to be sent by Stolas himself. The next morning, hes's found by Loona who takes him down to Sloth to get treated while the crystal winds up returning to Asmodeus with a note with handwriting nearly identical to Stolas's own.

At the hospital, Queen Bee arrives to help Loona and her father with her and Vortex learning that all evidence points to Prince Stolas as the one who hired the assassin. After getting a private moment to get details on the attack, the Sin of Gluttony heads to Lucifer with the evidence and gets a temporary restraining order for Blitzø while she works to get a permament one.

Can Stolas be able to prove to Queen Bee that he had nothing to do with the attack on Blitzø? Will Blitzø even be willing to let Stolas back into his life, let alone any evidence proving his innocence? And who the Hell set all of this in motion?

So, here's a pretty dark one where someone uses agents to stealt the Asmodeus Crystal from Stolas which he doesn't notice until the night of the Full Moon when he's meant to give it to Blitzø. And, like the summary says, results in the imp being attacked, the assassin framing Stolas as behind it, and Blitzø surviving which makes him believe that Stolas wanted him killed. And then Queen Bee enters the picture, and we're off to the races.

Really, this one I came up with after reading some of the story Invocation by the writer Red_Pilgrim and coming up with this mostly since it'd really be a test for both Blitzø and Stolas. Whether they end up reuniting and being together or end up spliting up for good would be up to the writer since either one would work here.

One thing I should mention is while the evidence can vary on what it can be (outside of Blitzø's testimony and the hospital records of his injuries), the idea behind the restraining order is that it's magic based. After all, I doubt Queen Bee would want to take chances against a Goetia so gets one that operates with magic to keep Stolas away from Blitzø while in her care. Perhaps even having IMP set up a second “main” office in the Gluttony Ring so she can keep a better eye on Blitzø during his recovery.

However, Asmodeus and Fizzarolli are obviously siding with Stolas since they'd instantly know something is wrong after the crystal is returned to them. Perhaps Loona, Moxxie, and Millie know that Stolas is innocent, but aren't able to fully back him up since they do need to help Blitzø who is clearly scarred after the attack.

As to who set up all of this? Well, I actually don't know. After all, it is possible that even with this information it may end up not fixing everything with Blitzø and could even make him accept the permanent restraining order. But I'll leave that up to whoever wants to write this one.

Mafia Benefactor

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Crimson & Moxxie, Alessio/Crimson, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo/Stolas

Summary: Not long after their experience in LA, IMP suddenly gets an unknown investor which begins to help them out for getting some new equipment and much needed items. When it comes time for the investor to come see their business, Blitzo has everyone get things ready with Moxxie offering to help ease them into things which his boss reluctantly allows.

To Moxxie's surprise, the investor turns out to be his father Crimson whose...actually interested in helping out the business! Join IMP as they find out more about Moxxie's past, what has happened between then and now, and how Crimson wishes to help them out!

AKA, “Exes & Oohs” but Crimson invests in IMP and is trying.

So, this one is an idea I've had for a while where Crimson actually wants to help out IMP due to Moxxie working there and him trying to change a bit. How much he's changed is up to the writer, but at least enough to show that he does actually want to care about Moxxie. This one was mostly because the idea of Crimson helping out IMP would make for a good story.

Optional Idea: Maybe as part of his investment, Crimson requests that one of his mafia members to be part of IMP more to help out and report back on how things are going for the business. It could be any of his mafia family like Depressed Boyfriend, Nickel, Cleo, or Giancarlo to be there. Or, for some drama, it could also be Chaz.

Unloved and Soulless

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Moxxie & Loona, Millie & Loona

Summary: When Stolas severed the strand connecting him and Blitz that night, he had only intended to spare the one he loves from his own selfish wrongdoings.

However, come morning Blitz is found by Loona to be a emotionless husk with her, Millie, and Moxxie having to stop him from hurting himself. Not knowing what to do, they get in contact with Stolas who quickly brings Ozzie in the mix who instantly figures out what's wrong.

For once a being has a soulmate, their lives are forever linked by a strand that should only be cut once one has passed. But with the strand with his soulmate now severed in an unnatural way...Blitz's soul has been horribly broken, and such a thing often leads to the being's desire to end it all.

Now they must reconnect the broken strand between Stolas and Blitz for the latter to have his soul repaired...a near impossible task.

A soulmate AU idea based off the visuals of Look My Way regarding the string between Blitz and Stolas along with the summary for the story A Severed Bond by the author AllThingsAnime. Mostly thought about it since I could see a soulmate story where the bond is severed to the detriment of one of the two and decided that it'd work for Blitz. Plus, Blitz being harmed by something that was meant to better his life would be a bit on brand for his character.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 18: Chapter 18


Set number 18.

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone! I'm back with yet another chapter filled with some more story ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss which authors are allowed to write or use as inspiration for their own stories. So, without further ado...

Kamen Rider Hellbender

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Kamen Rider

Pairings: Tilla & Octavia, Stolas & Stella, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Stolas

Summary: On the night of the circus fire, Tilla sees someone posing as her son with two different colored eyes before the fire begins and she's rescued by Blitzo. However, the younger imp is set upon by strange demons who knock out and kidnap him while leaving her for dead.

Years later, Tilla organizes a reunion of the survivors for the birthday of young Octavia Goetia with her employer Prince Stolas happy to allow it for his daughter. However, during the party, a demon akin to a bipedal toad crashes in and attempts to kidnap the owlet only for Blitzo to reappear.

Come and read Blitzo turn a wicked organization's own enhancements against them as he uses his merged form of 'Salamander' to become Kamen Rider Hellbender!

I've actually been trying to come up with a crossover story involving either Kamen Rider or Ultraman and this honestly is one of the better set ups for it which is taking inspiration from the film Kamen Rider J plus the theme from Kamen Rider ZO. Basically an organization akin to one of the many villainous groups from the Kamen Rider series actually starts the fire while posing as Blitzo before kidnapping him to become one of them. However, like the original Kamen Rider, Blitzo ends up fighting back and uses the enhancements the group forced upon him to battle and defeat them.

Tilla does survive and one of the many ideas is that she would recognize the particular demon – a chameleon based one – who tried posing as her son. After all, villains tend to have some defect with their “frame the hero” plans and having it be Blitzo's mother who saw through it just makes sense to me.

As to the pairings, I'm leaving that up to the writer since you could have many different ways of going about having them. Especially for Blitzo, who could end up being vastly different to who he is in canon due to how the major event in his life played out here.


Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & Loona, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Moxxie, Blitzo & Millie, Blitzo/Stolas

Summary: On the night of the Full Moon, Stolas gives Blitz the Asmodeus Crystal that he got to end the deal with Blitz taking it rather horribly. However, on his way to Millie's farm to be with M&M at an important event, another imp shoots at him causing him to crash before stabbing him and leaving with both his money and the crystal.

Come the next morning, Millie's mom is driving Millie and Moxxie back to the Elevator when they spot Blitz's van and discover him still alive. Upon taking him to the hospital, the two get Loona down and learn about the theft of the Asmodeus Crystal...and Blitz's plan to close IMP once he's out of the hospital.

Can Millie, Moxxie, Loona, and Stolas be able to change Blitz's mind and keep the imp's spirits up? Or is the imp about to give up on his business and walk away from it all?

Another story inspired by the story Invocation by the writer Red_Pilgram, but this time having it be about a random person mugging Blitz at his lowest point and swiping the Asmodeus Crystal. I didn't mention anything about the gang getting back the crystal, and that's mostly because the focus is on getting Blitz to keep going despite all that has happened.

Optional Idea: One of the things I had in mind is that Stolas would have gotten the crystal specially made to have a few features to make sure no one other than Blitz uses it. Mostly it being registered to IMP so that their business can get a replacement if it's destroyed while ensuring that they can't get more than one and it being usable to only the person who uses it first. The reason behind this to be in the story was to essentially make Stolas's good intentions backfire with the mugger using the crystal and keeping it as his own ensuring that IMP can't get a new one. Because why wouldn't the universe spit in Blitz's face like that?

Heavenly Sheep, Hellish Ram

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss

Pairings: Collin/Razzle, Charlie & Razzle, Charlie/Vaggie

Summary: After seeing that sinners can be redeemed, Emily is able to get Heaven to help out with the Hazbin Hotel project as she and Charlie had requested. However, they decide to test if Heaven born can be redeemed as well and send the banished Cherubs to the hotel which could let them back into Heaven.

Despite some qualms about working with sinners, the three Cherubs quickly get to work with Charlie and the rest of the Hotel staff to begin redeeming the damned. As they do, Collin finds himself getting close to the demon ram Razzle during their stay and helping him through his trauma.

No one expected the demon and cherub to fall for each other, but what happens when they do just that?

I've seen some fanart of Collin getting together with Razzle and I actually did come up with a possible idea of the cherub helping out the demon after what happened in the Season 1 finale of Hazbin Hotel (keeping it vague to avoid spoiling it). So here's that idea but as a full fledge concept! Plenty of people have been writing stories where angels come down to help Charlie and the gang, so why not do the same with some characters from Helluva Boss?

From Lonely Imp to Prince of the Goetia

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Loona & Octavia, Blitzo & OC, Paimon & Stolas

Summary: On an ordinary morning many months after the Full Moon, Blitz wasn't expecting King Paimon to suddenly show up asking for him by his full name. Nor being introduced to Marquis Phenex and told that the Goetia would be training him in how to be proper for his upcoming wedding.

Oh, was it mentioned that Paimon is having Blitz and Stolas marry after the latter was discovered to be pregnant?

Well, looks like Blitz is in for a ride as he now must prepare to become a Prince, learn how to care for a child, and help take care of Prince Stolas during his pregnancy. All the while having to deal with the almost angelic Marquis Phenex and running his own company. This is going to be madness.

AKA, Paimon basically forces Blitz to marry his son after Stolas gets pregnant because screw having a bastard as part of his family line!

Here we have yet another story where Blitz and Stolas have a child, but this time Paimon gets them hitched rather than trying to stop them. Mostly because I thought it'd be funny if the Goetia King considers having a child out of wedlock more damning than a hybrid. I picture that he'd be rather indifferent to imps considering how he acts in the episode plus it'd make for a more interesting story to have him act like this rather than the bad father figure he gets cast in (he's nowhere near as bad as Crimson and Cash may be worst).

I actually have Phenex here to include a Goetia who would actually care about both Blitz and Stolas while trying to help the former out in what's about to happen. The exact connection between Phenex and Paimon along with the gender of the Marquis is up to the writer since it can vary greatly. Other than that, have fun with this one!

The Masked Raven

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: OC/Stolas, Blitzo/Stolas, Stolas & Stella, Moxxie & Millie, Tilla & Fizzarolli

Summary: Prince Stolas has spent his whole life stuck in an abusive marriage with no way out and trying to hide it from his daughter. However, during one of his wife's parties, a raven wearing black clothing and a mask over their face seems to enter his life and leads to one of the best nights of his life.

And yet...he seems to recall meeting the raven earlier in his life as well.

Deciding to investigate, Prince Stolas finds himself going down a rabbit hole of mystery which him finding two imps at war with each other, a destroyed orphanage, and a circus where the raven resides. And the deeper he goes, the more he realizes how much Stella and her brother has f*cked up his life while trying to help the raven whose in fact someone he's meant to love.

This is based on a few time travel stories such as The Grass is Only Greener in the Light of Mourning by the author LordPantsifer and the comic Without Blitzo. In this case, Stella and Andrelphus have altered the timeline to erase Blitzo (and by extention Barbie) entirely with the story told from Stolas's point of view as this happens. However, the twist here is that this shouldn't have happened as Blitzo is meant to be a piece of a larger puzzle and his absence causing problems for the universe.

So, the titular character is in fact the universe giving the Goetia siblings a giant middle finger and creating a being to be in Blitzo's place. After all, I think making such a change would be damaging to the universe so it's doing what it can to right the wrongs dealt to it.

And this is also where the other elements of the story come in which are partially inspired by the comic. Moxxie and Millie are at war with each other with Stolas practically forcing them to work together and Tilla is with Fizzarolli due to having no children of her own. As for the orphanage, well let's just say that there's a reason why Loona wasn't mentioned until now.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 19: Chapter 19


Number nineteen, almost at twenty.

Chapter Text

Greetings! I have another chapter which has several story ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss for any authors who wish to write them or use them as inspiration for their own stories. So, without further ado...

What Must Be Done

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Blitzo/Verosika, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Loona, Octavia & Stolas

Summary: Blitz and Stolas get the hanahaki disease with their cases being linked due to both sharing the love they have. However, Stolas is unable to bring himself to tell the imp while Blitz realizes that he's hurting Stolas even more than before.

And with him patching things up with Verosika, the imp decides on the best course of action...and books the surgery to remove the flower from himself.

It'll remove the love he had for Stolas, but he's willing to go through with it if the result is saving Stolas as well. But part of him is hesitant to go through with it as he also doesn't want to lose the love he has for Stolas.

At least Verosika is helping him through this...

I thought of this story since I have thought of a story where both Blitz and Stolas have hanahaki disease which is linked with the former getting surgery to save the latter. And I thought it'd make for a great story about whether Blitz will get the surgery or will just confess. Added Verosika into the mix to both provide some support for Blitz as well as perhaps having the two get back together should he decide to go through with the surgery. Other than that, the rest is up to the writer.

The Most Dangerous Game

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Millie & Moxxie, Moxxie & Striker, Moxxie/Chaz (briefly)

Summary: While on a voyage in the Envy Ring, Moxxie and his fiance Chaz find themselves the only survivors when their ship runs aground on an uncharted island and sinks. Making it to shore, they meet the wealthy Striker whose housing other shipwreck survivors consisting of two sailors and Chaz's vengeful ex-girlfriend Millie in his manor.

However, Moxxie quickly grows to distrust Striker and once his fiance goes missing joins Millie in looking for him. This leads them to the wealthy imp's trophy room...and find out that he's been hunting other demons for sport.

Now, Moxxie and Millie must work together as they become the prey for Striker's next hunt around his island home. For he only hunts...the most dangerous game.

Another adaptation of a story with characters from Helluva Boss with this time being the short story written by Richard Connell. This time we have Striker as the villainous hunter who goes after other demons with Moxxie and Millie being his latest prey. I know that normally it's just one person on their own, but I think Millie and Moxxie working together to defeat Striker makes the most sense.

The only reason for Chaz being here is to make Moxxie decide to look around Striker's manor since the idea is that the shark ended up as Striker's latest “kill” when the three are there. Other than him, there's not meant to be anyone else from the main cast of Helluva Boss showing up since the story is meant to focus on Moxxie, Millie, and Striker.

Return to Old Habits

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Angel Dust & Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: After getting the crystal, Blitz needs time to think about where to go from there which leads Stolas into meeting the famous Angel Dust by pure chance. The two hit it off fast and begin to spend a lot of time together with Angel documenting it all on his Sinstagram account.

However, this ends up being too much for Blitz and he ends up silently cutting off Stolas believing that the prince had moved on to someone else. Despite Stolas trying to explain himself, the imp soon returns to his old habit of keeping others at arms length with him no longer wanting to be around the prince.

Can Stolas be able to show Blitz that he truly cares for him and that he's the one he loves? Well, not if a certain scorned ex-wife helps throw fuel on the fire...

Inspired by the story Star Struck by the author Leenden (I highly recommand this story), here we have a story where Blitz shields himself from emotions again when a misunderstanding causes him to think that Stolas is dating Angel Dust. I really do like the concept from the end of the story and decided to come up with a story based around it.

The last sentence doesn't need to be followed, but one possible idea is that Stella gets knowledge of what's going on between Stolas and Blitz which she decides to influence. Not directly of course, but more trying to keep Blitz believing that Stolas and Angel are more than friends. In fact, perhaps she and Andrealphus could stage something which the news sees as the prince and sinner being a couple to try to completely make Blitz be against Stolas.

Some Fun with Kidnappers [Explicit]

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Andrealphus/Blitzo, Blitzo & Stolas, Andrealphus & Stella

Summary: In an attempt to get Stolas to see things from their view, Andrealphus has some of his spies kidnap Blitzo to use as leverage in the divorce. Naturally this means an angry prince and a bratty imp but the marquis would prefer them over the shouting of his sister.

However, the imp one day offers himself to Andrealphus as a means of getting some fun since the torture has begun to get boring. At first horrified, the marquis ends up agreeing if just to put the brat in his place...oh sh*t, the marquis wants to keep Blitzo!

AKA, Blitzo gets kidnapped and ends up getting some good sex from Andrealphus.

Kinda a silly one, but for some reason I like the idea of Andrealphus and Blitz making love mostly because I think the visuals would be rather silly. I mean, you have this uptight royal jerk who ends up enjoying our favorite imp in a way he'd never think of before. Plus, how silly would it be if the two ended up being together or having some kind of relationship afterwards?

The main plot is just an excuse to get Andrealphus and Blitzo in the same place though it would make sense with how they operate. After all, having some leverage against Stolas in the divorce would help Stella even if a tiny bit though how much is up to the author. Also up to the author is how close Blitzo and Stolas are along with how Stolas takes the news when (or if) he learns about it.

Coming Back to Hell

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: OC/OC, Past Blitzo/Stolas, Loona & Octavia, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: Five years ago, Spiroz fled from Hell to Earth after taking his anger out on Asmodeus and publicly disowning his father Blitz. During that time, he lived as a human coasting through live with a job at a grocery store and just living day to day like everyone else.

However, after he leaves his job to move to a new location, his older sister Octavia finally tracks him down and asks him to come back home. He doesn't want to and wants nothing to do with his father, but is convinced to come spend a week just to see how his family is doing.

What he comes back to is a Hell that's now wary him, a broken family, an old flame who wants to reconnect...and a grave marker bearing his father's name.

Heavily inspired by Chapter 18 of the story Starlight Wings by the author TalosLives, the idea is something I may end up doing with even if as a one-shot in the future. Basically taking the ending of Chapter 18 and using it for this idea, Spiroz in the past attacked Asmodeus (perhaps nearly killing him) in a way that the public saw it and then lashed out verbally at Blitz (in the same place) before leaving. The story is now what happened after all those events with Spiroz finding out what has been happening after all of that.

And part of that is a dark ending for one of his parents with him finding only a grave marker for Blitz and a date not long after Spiroz left. The idea is that being disowned by his own son was too much and Blitz took his own life which ended up further breaking their family apart. The main ideas I had for the others are Stolas becoming an alcoholic to stave off the pain, Loona forced to take over IMP with her stressing over keeping it afloat, and Octavia having lost the joy she once had.

Strangely enough, one of the ideas is that after all that happened, Asmodeus has given up his quest for revenge after Blitz died and he got contacted by his old lover Fizz. Mostly because I think Spiroz coming back to a ruined family would be enough drama without needing him to fight the Sin of Lust. Plus, it would add conflict if Ozzie – perhaps having lost his status and powers – was trying to help repair the damages he caused only for Spiroz to come back with the latter still as livid at the Sin as when he first left.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 20: Chapter 20


Ah, yes. Number 20.

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone! Here we are again coming in with another chapter which has ideas for stories regarding both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss for authors to write about or to use as inspiration for their own stories. So, without further ado...

Do You Really Care?

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Loona & Octavia, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: The day before the Full Moon, Blitz gets help from Fizzarolli and Ozzie with a plan to have a date with Stolas in a Goetia form with Fizz taking him clothes shopping. However, while shopping in his Goetia form, Blitz is captured by Striker who easily escapes before the jester imp realizes what has happened.

As Ozzie attempts to find Blitz and alerts both Stolas and IMP about it, Striker takes his time to torture the imp turned Goetia with his knife, a lead pipe, and some fire. Growing bored after a several hours and taking a prize from his captive, the cowboy takes his leave with Blitz – tied up and half blinded – feeling as if he's been abandoned to die by those he loved even when they find him.

Can the strange found family make Blitz believe that they care for him, or will he just leave like he's known to do?

So, this was meant to be an older idea I had but the set up I had fit for this idea so I decided to put down this one here instead. For this one, the summary is pretty self explanatory with Blitz being given a Goetia form in some way only to be captured and tortured by Striker. The main focus is the aftermath when Striker leaves with one of Blitz's eyes (maybe the right to “fit his scars”) before the latter is found by his family.

This is retreading ground from the episode “Western Energy”, but it also takes influence from stories where Blitz is the one captured and tortured rather than Stolas so hopefully it helps this idea stand out. I also just like Blitz having a Goetia form, so here's a story where it ends up back firing on him and results in him getting hurt.

Making It Better

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Stolas/Stella

Summary: Upon first meeting his future bride, Stolas was able to tell something was wrong which Stella knew but no one was telling her anything. So, the two decided to hit the books and soon find that she's suffering from a nasty disease.

One without a cure.

As both realize how much time Stella has left, the young prince promises her to make the life she does have the best she could ever have. And he will make sure this is the case...perhaps, even let her feel love in a life so far without it.

An idea I thought about considering my love of history and knowing that several arranged marriages between nobles actually happen after one of the planned spouses died. Here, Stella has a disease that'll kill her soon after their wedding with Stolas wanting to ensure she has a life worthy of a princess in what time she has left. Whether you include any of the gang or let the two have Octavia (who'll be spared of Stella's disease) before Stella passes is up to the writer since it could help flesh out both Stolas and Stella.

Kamen Rider Cerberus

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Loona & Octavia, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: For over a year, Blitz and Striker had been rivals in many ways including as empowered beings with the former being the hero Kamen Rider Phoenix and the latter being Kamen Rider Python. However, this all changes when Blitz has one terrible day which ends in a fight against Striker where his arm is severed and he's killed by a Rider Kick that destroys his body.

The next day, Loona is searching the apartment for anything to help find her father when she finds a second Rider Belt and learns the truth. With those her father fought soon growing stronger and his arm in the possession of Mammon, Loona takes her father's place as a new Rider known as Cerberus to fight the rising threats and to avenge her father's demise.

Another Kamen Rider story though this time with Loona as the Rider since I think she'd work well in the role. This one is heavily inspired by the show Kamen Rider Den-O and the “Double Action” themes which were my actual introduction to the franchise.

As for the actual story, the Rider name for Loona was up in the air between Lycan and Cerberus with me choosing the latter for the summary though the writer can switch it to what they wish. Also yes, Blitz is killed early into the story by Striker since I had a few ideas where he passed during them and somehow passes on mantle to his daughter.

Of course, Loona will have the support of her friends and family since I don't think she'll want face the threats alone. Plus, it'd be a great contrast with her father if Blitz kept things a secret while she makes sure her loved ones knew about it.

Optional Idea: The reason behind the only remains of Blitz is his arm is because it does leave open the possibility that Blitz can return. After all, his Rider name is Phoenix and they are known for coming back from ashes. Though, whether he lives up to his Rider name or if he remains dead is up to the writer.

The Consequences of Trying to Leave

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Loona, Blitzo/Stolas

Summary: As he looked upon his old friend, Fizz began to feel sick seeing how the imp now had his right arm and lower leg missing along with the other parts of his body ripped into at an angle. Quite honestly, it looks like he set a bomb off and narrowly survived.

What happened?”

Blitzo looked away before quietly muttering, “I shattered an Asmodeus Crystal.”

Instantly, horror gripped him as the jester shouts, “You broke the crystal that Asmodeus sent and was intended for you?! Why the f*ck would you do that?! And why don't those two imps you were with and your daughter know where you are?!”

I...I just...couldn't handle it anymore,” Blitzo replies, trying his best to curl up as if to hide, “I thought...it'd be better to...cut all ties and...leave.”

A brief pause is held before Fizzarolli says, “You really are a f*cking mess, you know?”

Since AO3 has a bunch of stories where Blitzo gets the crystal and doesn't take it well, here's one with some inspiration from the story Shattered by the author runeytoony. Here, Blitzo basically decides to just leave his life behind after getting the crystal which leads to him deciding to break it. Unfortunately for him, this horribly backfires since he decided to break a magic item and results in being nearly killed with him only surviving by pure luck.

And then Fizzarolli finds him when he hears Blitzo is missing resulting in the scene I wrote for the summary. So this ends up being a story exploring the friendship between Fizzarolli and Blitzo when the latter injures himself in a dumb fashion. Plus I think Fizz would be able to talk some sense into his old friend while trying to heal him as best as he can.

You Turned Me into a Newt!

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & OC, Blitzo/Stolas, Charlie & Lucifer, Charlie/Vaggie, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: During a trip to look after the fallen Cherubs to help them return to Heaven, the Archangel Gabriel spots a disguised Blitz on the job mere days before the imp is meant to be married. Unwilling to let him cause trouble, the Archangel turns him into a talking monitor lizard only to learn that the person he was hunting was going to wind up in Hell anyway.

Unfortunately, this leaves Gabriel in a bad spot as he can't return to Heaven with the obvious demon and he can't change him back due to the mix of his magic and the imp's Asmodeus Crystal. So, with great hesitation, he calls up his older brother Lucifer and asks for permission to come down to get help.

Now Gabriel and the transformed Blitz have to deal with the residence of Hell, assassins coming in to try and replace Blitz as Hell's greatest assassin, and a very unhappy Goetia Prince. And that's not counting the rest of Blitz's found family and the Happy Hotel staff or even the sins who are getting involved.

What exactly has Gabriel gotten himself into?

This is a pretty silly idea where I had where Blitz and Gabriel end up becoming a comedy duo who get in over their heads in hijinks. The title is an obvious Monty Python reference, but I also had the idea that it'd be a running joke of Blitz calling himself a newt and Gabriel – or someone else if the need arises – correcting him that he's a monitor lizard. After all, I don't think Blitz would be interested in any animal that isn't connected to horses so doesn't know much about other animals.

One of the big parts of the story I had in mind is that Gabriel just lets the transformed Blitz climb all over him and even hang out on his shoulders. Mostly since it'd be a funny visual and I doubt the Archangel would want the imp turned monitor lizard out of his sights. He does have to correct his own mistakes after all.

The Cherubs can be included if one so desires since they could add some more potential comedy to the story. The rest of the set up is basically just to add stuff that both a transformed Blitz and Gabriel would have to deal with together and maybe come acquainted during it all. Plus, why wouldn't the two have to deal with assassins coming after Blitz or Prince Stolas who's upset that his fiance has suddenly become a large lizard hanging onto an Archangel?

Optional Idea: A possible running gag that can also be used is Gabriel tapping Blitz's tongue whenever he's cussing or insulting others which results in the transformed lizard getting soap on his tongue. This could include Blitz biting down on Gabriel's finger when he does this at one point and blowing out bubbles afterwards or even Gabriel using it against a threat towards the end of the story.

Charlie's Blessing

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss

Pairings: Depressed Boyfriend/Stu, Alessio & Crimson, Charlie/Vaggie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Blitzo/Stolas

Summary: While out shopping for a gift for his boyfriend Stu, Quint finds an unused Asmodeus Crystal and quickly buys it though is worried about it obviously being stolen. Heading up to Pride and the Happy Hotel, the loan shark asks for Charlie's permission to own it with her using magic and making a document to allow Quint to give it to his boyfriend.

Unfortunately for the loan sharks, Asmodeus and Prince Stolas quickly track down the crystal which Stu had just used to take them out on a date. Turns out, the crystal was intended for Blitzo to use but was stolen during a break in on his apartment and IMP is about to collapse without a way to the human world.

Quint is unwilling to let the gift he just got be destroyed, and Princess Charlie herself is siding with him. Will he be able to have Stu keep the crystal, or will it be lost to allow IMP to exist?

Actually came up with this one when thinking of another story idea, but basically an AU where Depressed Boyfriend – AKA Quint – and Stu survived “Exes and Oohs” and Blitzo got robbed with the crystal being taken before he uses it. The idea here is that an Asmodeus Crystal can be intended for one person to use and said person only gets one unless the previous one is somehow destroyed. With Blitzo not having used it and being robbed, Quint ends up buying it only to worry about losing it since it should be returned to Asmodeus.

The solution for this story is that he gets Charlie to give her blessing to let Quint – and later Stu – have ownership of the Asmodeus Crystal. Add in Stu using it once and the drama unfolds from there when Asmodeus and Stolas finally track it down. Yep, they're meant to be the antagonists of the story, but not villains since the situation is rather complicated here and they're trying to go through this legally once they found out about Charlie's involvement.

Universal Mischief

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Loona & Octavia, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: “Hey, what the f*ck do you think you're doing to him?” Blitzø asks with a growl, grabbing Stolas from one side and the clown with his other hand.

Oh, I intend to show him what it's like to be loved,” Blitzo replies with some spite as he grabs the assassin and pulls himself closer to Stolas, “After all, you clearly aren't qualified to take care of your own boyfriend.”


Millie and Moxxie watch before turning to both sets of Loona and Octavia with the older ones they knew confused with the Goetia placing her head in her hand. When they glance over, the younger ones just tilt their heads while Prince Stolas rubs his head with both hands as if having a headache.

Um, you doing okay, your highness?” Millie asks the blushing Stolas as he's nearly wrapped in a hug by both versions of her boss.

This...is the best day of my life...”

A pretty quick story idea, but here's an idea where an alternate version of Blitzo, Stolas, Loona, and Octavia coming into the main universe and meeting their alternate versions. This is heavily inspired by the work of the artist TeaTheKook mostly the Stolitz Family AU picture which is meant to be how Blitzo and Prince Stolas look like with their Loona and Via being youner versions. And for clarity, the idea I had was the main universe Stolas would not have his title and Blitzø would have the special symbol in his name since Blitzo got with his husband before the accident.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 21: Chapter 21


Kept you waiting, huh?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Howdy, everyone! Back at you with yet another chapter full of ideas for stories for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. These ideas are ones I've been coming up with and I'm allowing others to either write about or use as inspiration for their own stories. So, without further ado...

Masters of Dreams

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Pokemon

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Cresselia/Darkrai

Summary: In the Kingdom of Heaven, the angelic owl Stolas is preparing to become a dream maker with his tutor being the kind hearted Dream Weaver herself Cresselia. However, their first mission together causes them to come across the newly crowned nightmare incubus hybrid Blitzo and his master the gentle and wise Nightmare Lord Darkrai.

To Stolas' surprise, he finds himself enamoured with the rather crass demon as they keep meeting up while Cresselia uses his trips to meet up with her old lover Darkrai. However, the younger pair of lovers know that they can't be together due to the rivalry of Heaven and Hell.

Can their love overcome this, or will they be torn apart like Cresselia and Darkrai were eons ago?

A new crossover idea with the Pokemon series featuring my favorite pairing from the entire franchise with one of the most popular couples from Helluva Boss. Inspired by the artwork of MelleDraws on Twitter with their Angel Stolas and Succubus Blitz AU, here we have the two coming together thanks to being taught by Cresselia and Darkrai. Of course, romance sparks from there and their teachers aren't immune either since they still have feelings despite being forced to split up long ago.

Learning to Speak

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & Moxxie, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Millie/Moxxie, Beelzebub & Loona, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: While out on a job, Blitz isn't paying attention and gets injuried by an assailant with Moxxie saving him from being killed. Upon the IMP trio returning to Hell, they rush their boss to the hospital with Loona getting help from Queen Bee in getting their boss the medical help along with pay the bills.

Blitz is able to survive, but one of the injuries to his neck has left him without his voice and unable to talk to others. Thankfully, his found family is able to quickly get a hold of Fizz who instantly comes into help teach both his old friend and IMP sign language for them to communicate.

As if that wasn't enough, someone who Blitz never thought would return does come back to show him the love he needs.

This story is inspired by the picture Love Language by the artist Piddies0709 which I'll provide a link to in the note section of this chapter. It does depict Blitz and Stolas together since it was made for Stolitz Week, but I'm having who Blitz gets together with be up to the writer since I could see Verosika being here as well. Really, this is just an idea that was sparked since we don't see many 'Blitz loses a sense' stories so here's one based off that concept.

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Charlie/Vaggie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Charlie, Charlie & Stolas, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Asmodeus & Charlie, Asmodeus & Stolas

Summary: When a monster is rumored to be attacking any vessels in the Envy Ring, Princess Charlie decides to investigate with her girlfriend Vaggie, her uncle Asmodeus, and Prince Stolas. However, they're thrown overboard when their ship is attacked only to climbing onto the submarine which is actually the monster!

Upon boarding, they find a crew of loan sharks, hellhounds, and imps lead by the charismatic Captain Blitzo who reluctantly allows them to join him and his crew. Marvel as our heroes are taken to many lands in the Envy Ring, exploring its depths and going up against many of the ring's most vicious creatures...including the legendary Kraken!

Come with Charlie, Vaggie, Asmodeus, Stolas, and the crew of the Nautilus in...20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

Another adaptation with Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss characters, but this time with one of the greatest underwater adventure stories out there! It's pretty evident what it is, but I chose the Envy Ring setting rather than the real world because I think it'd offer some more ideas for story telling. Also, you could have an ending here with Blitzo and Stolas getting together but that's if you want to change the story to fit that. I wouldn't be surprised, but again that is up to the writer to decide.

A Farmer's Life

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Millie/Moxxie, Chaz/Moxxie

Summary: After pulling off their successful bank heist, Chaz and Moxxie quickly take off out of the Greed Ring to escape both the law and the mafia life. As if by chance, Chaz brings up an ex of his which he believes can give them a place to stay for a bit.

Millie isn't happy to see her ex-boyfriend suddenly returning to her life, but hears Moxxie out and agrees if he can keep Chaz on his leash. Needless to say, the two boyfriends quickly find themselves working at the ranch owned by Millie's family and Moxxie having to keep Chaz from hitting on anyone.

Though, Millie and Moxxie do find themselves growing closer as they spend time together.

A rather simple idea regarding Moxxie and Chaz succeeding in their heist and leaving Greed to hide out in Wrath. Not that much to it, but figured it'd allow for a rather simply story to be told regarding them and Millie.

The Irony of Being a Hero

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Ultra Series

Pairings: Millie/Moxxie, Millie & Loona, Moxxie & Loona, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Queen Bee/Vortex

Summary: While out on a mission on Earth, Millie and Moxxie are nearly killed by a giant monster only to be saved by a being known as Ultraman Ace who needs their help. Though him, the two learn that Ace's old enemy Alien Yapool plans on conquering Hell itself with his creations and the Ultra requires a host to enter their world.

With them both agreeing to be his hosts, Millie and Moxxie return as they begin to get whoever they can to help them in this new quest. However, Yapool begins his plans to take over Hell and make its citizens into his latest Super Beasts with him taking over demons and sinners to use as his agents.

Now it's a race against time as Millie, Moxxie, and Ultraman Ace must fight against this great threat to all of existance. And among his possessed agents is an imp who they care for greatly...

I've said before that I've been trying to come up with crossover ideas with the Ultraman franchise, and this is probably one of only good set ups I've thought of so far. Mainly because Ultraman Ace does have his own overarching foe in the form of Yapool (who Ace has referred to at least one as the devil) plus the idea of our favorite imp couple being hosts for him does help. Guess the latter thing is a big problem for stories since the Ultras are almost always heroes while demons are...not so nice.

And yes, the idea is that Blitz does get possessed by Yapool to become an enemy for Millie, Moxxie, and their allies. The duo will probably figure it out easily and an idea I had is that Yapool makes him move constantly as a means of keeping him around. Would make him a great asset if the hosts of his greatest enemy want to save Blitz rather than kill him.

Obviously, Loona, Stolas, Ozzie, and Fizz are going to help M&M since they will be wanting to protect Hell as well as get Blitz back. And as stated in the summary, Yapool will also be making demons into Super Beasts so the writer can make new monsters for Ace to fight against.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.


As promised, a link to the picture I mentioned for Learning to Speak: https://www.deviantart.com/piddies0709/art/Love-Language-1042654940

Chapter 22: Chapter 22


A new one after a month.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hello, and welcome back ladies and gentlemen. Here I have another set of story ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss for anyone who wishes to write about them or use them as inspiration for their own story ideas. So, without further ado...

Two Tickets Straight to Hell

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Godzilla, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Anguirus/Godzilla, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Loona

Summary: When Monster Island is about to be destroyed by the Earth itself, Godzilla refuses to leave his injured best friend causing both him and Anguirus to die with the island. However, they end up arriving in Hell looking akin to their former selves and now have to join Hell's strange society in order to stay alive.

For Godzilla, this means getting employed in the Pride Ring by the Immediate Murder Professionals as a part time assassin along with whatever tasks he can find suitable. Even if this means having to deal with a boss who drives him up the wall and the Goetia Prince who begins to spy on his life to ensure he isn't a threat.

However, Anguirus ends up in the Lust Ring where he meets a fun loving jester which ends up leading him to become a dancer working for the literal Sin of Lust. In fact...the former kaiju begins to enjoy his time in this new world and begins to question more about who he is now that he doesn't need to focus on fighting others for once.

Come and see both former kaiju getting a handle on the way Hell runs, dealing with drama and troubles they never had to before...and perhaps becoming more than best friends.

Another crossover idea with the Godzilla series, and this time with the idea of Godzilla and another kaiju ending up as residents of the Helluva Boss universe after being killed. Main reason why I have it here as Anguirus is mostly since I thought it'd be interesting to explore how the two best friends would react to the new environment. After all, they wouldn't need to rely on fighting others and could pose a challenge to many of Hell's elites.

Any writers interested don't have to make Anguirus be the one who goes to Hell with Godzilla as the reason behind using him here is more personal reasons than anything else. The main thing is that Anguirus ends up looking at their situation from a different light compared to Godzilla thanks to making friends with Fizz. On the flip side, Godzilla has to deal with the bull crap drama of IMP that he'd rather care less about though could learn how to manage it with his new co-workers.

So yeah, basically a Helluva Boss story using the universe to explore how Godzilla and Anguirus would be like if they didn't need to be in their world. Whether they stay in the Helluva Boss universe or end up going back home would be up to the writer to decide. Though, I may end up just doing this one if I have the time and the chance to do it.

Optional Ideas: Regarding the idea of Godzilla and Anguirus posing a challenge to Hell's elites, one frequent idea I've had is that the nature of Godzilla being mutated by nuclear weapons makes his powers affect the afterlife and magic. Main reason behind why is that he was changed by a weapon made by man which causes biblical destruction and leave behind an deadly poison when viewed without the science. So the idea that Godzilla could become an Overlord or being able to kill members of the Ars Goetia thanks to his unique nature could also be worth exploring.

The Grand Grimoire

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Charlie, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Charlie/Vaggie, Charlie & Alastor, Angel Dusk & Husk

Summary: During a trip into the human world, Blitz ends up discovering a Grimoire from a cult which he decides to make use of for his business. However, it turns out that the Grimoire isn't just any magic book which is used by the elites of Hell.

It's the Grand Grimoire, the original and the one belonging to Lucifer himself.

Which means that upon using it, the Grand Grimoire begins to corrupt Blitz's mind and making him begin to outclass many of the upper echelons of Hell itself. So, IMP and Stolas quickly call in Lucifer and Princess Charlie to help in getting Blitz back to normal.

However, the Grand Grimoire may wish to keep its current “host”.

Inspired by learning about the “Grand Grimoire”, I figured 'what the heck' and made a quick idea of Blitz finding the actual Grand Grimoire which he begins to use. However, things obviously get out of hand and the Hazbin Hotel staff are called in to help out. Main thing to note is that the Grand Grimoire itself will be the antagonist since it's supposed to be sapient and will take control of a user's mind and body if they're not strong enough (it was Lucifer's book, after all). Other than that, have fun!

Becoming a Father

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Octavia & Stolas, Blitzo & Octavia, Eventual Blitzo & Loona

Summary: During an ordinary show at the circus, Blitzo tries to impress the crowd only for him to be ushered away so that Fizzarolli can take over. With yet another chance to prove himself gone, the imp is close to giving up when Prince Stolas asks to see him having enjoyed the show.

Turns out, Stolas had come to ask him for some help as his wife Stella had passed away during the laying of their offspring. Having failed to get help from his family and the egg close to hatching, the prince asks his first friend if he could help pitch in – even for a time – in raising his child with him.

After talking to his best friend, sister, and mother, Blitzo takes up the offer with him soon being prepared and leaving for the manor. Come and watch as Blitzo gets used to this new change, helping out as more of a friend than a servant...and perhaps showing the prince some fun in the sheets.

Another simple idea which is inspired by another story idea I had but where then Octavia is supposed to be born after the fire, here it's more in line with what the canon has. Plus, why not have a small change that'd completely change the entire universe in a way no one would expect. Nothing much to this one honestly.

Fire Type Reunion

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Pokemon

Pairings: Blitzo/Verosika

Summary: After a terrible break up with the prince, Blitzo decides to vent his anger by finding a random spell and deciding to use it on Verosika. However, things go sideways when he's also hit sending them both into the Pokemon world with him as a Charmeleon and her as a Salazzle.

Now the two have no choice but to head across this new world to try and return home while working together. Well, that's going to be rather tough for both of them. Especially when they end up catching feelings for the other once again.

I don't know why, but I've had an idea of Blitzo getting turned into a Charmeleon while getting a Salazzle girlfriend and here's one of the ideas I ended up with. The end result is Verosika becoming the Salazzle which causes the two to get back together during a journey through the Pokemon world. Rather simple one and not much else for me to add to this one.

Wrath Ring: Mega Monster Battle

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Ultraman Series

Pairings: Blitzo & Moxxie, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Loona

Summary: When he was young, Moxxie was given a devise known as a Battlenizer by his mother to use whenever he ever found himself in Wrath. Years later, Moxxie takes the devise with him when he goes with some of his father's men to get some money from the Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch. This comes in hands when two giant monsters appear with Moxxie using the Battlenizer to summon the loaded monster Gomora to do battle.

However, this ends up causing problems as one of the monsters is killed and had belonged to an imp known as Blitzo whose upset about the loss. To make up for it, Moxxie tags along with the older imp to help him find a new monster with the rancher's daughter Millie joining them. However, things won't be so easy as they have to traverse the dangerous Wrath Ring, stumble upon a young runaway Hellhound, and have to deal with a cowboy imp whose out to prove himself the strongest.

Come along for the ride with Moxxie, Blitzo, and Millie in their odyssey in Wrath Ring: Mega Monster Battle!

Another crossover with the Ultraman Series, but this time with the spin off show Ultra Galaxy and its sequel “Neverending Odyssey” instead of one of the standard shows. Helps that the show in question is more akin to Pokemon but using kaiju from the Ultraman series like the popular Gomora which helps with story potential.

I've actually thought about whether to have Moxxie or Blitzo be the main focus for the story, and for this concept decided to have it be a friendship story between the two. Obviously begins horribly with Moxxie's Gomora killing Blitzo's monster (possibly the two-headed King Pandon) but it would allow for a reason why the two end up on their journey with Millie more than happy to help as well. And yes, Striker is meant to be an enemy for the trio while Loona would get taken in by Blitzo as well.

I mostly have the kaiju Gomora for Moxxie's main kaiju since I wasn't sure what kaiju to give him though what his other kaiju would be up to the writer. For Striker, I had the idea of him having the kaiju Lagoras but I had him losing that one and later having a different monster. As for Blitzo...well, that depends on if the writer wants him to gain a new monster or if he decides to let the whole thing go.

Trials of a Mob Boss [Explicit]

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Alessio/Crimson, Depressed Boyfriend & Stu, Cleo/Giancarlo

Summary: If you were to ask Crimson if he had a comfortable life, he'd shoot you for disrupting his peace of mind...then tell you that you're insane. Because being the head of a mafia is full of so much stress and that's before you even think about the near constant need for money.

Crimson has to deal with being the target of assassins, fighting some low lives who decided that trying to screw him over is a good idea, and trying to keep his own crime family afloat. And all of that is before having to handle his many mafiosi with their strange relationships – and he's pretty sure two of his men are gay and hooking up behind his back.

Not that he has any right to speak on such matters when he's often under his right hand man in bed...

Another simple story idea with this time being about Crimson running his criminal empire in a 'day in the life' style story. So of course we're making him a hypocrite and being gay for Alessio because why the Hell not! Which is also why I'm ranking this as “Explicit” since this could easily get pretty mature from what could happen and with what the show is. Also, the last part of the second paragraph is meant to be Crimson thinking DP and Stu are hooking up though whether they are or not is up to the writer.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.


I do have a one-shot written based off the story idea "Two Tickets Straight to Hell": https://archiveofourown.org/works/56467900

Chapter 23: Chapter 23


This chapter has all but one story being Blitz focus.

Chapter Text

Greetings again! Welcome to another chapter and yet another set of story ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss for any writers who wish to write them or use the ideas for inspiration for their own story ideas. Be ready for this one, since final two were written after “Full Moon” and these story ideas have a heavy focus on Blitzo. So, without further ado...

The Green Knight

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Arthurian Legend

Pairings: Blitzo/Stella/Stolas, Loona & Octavia, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: Stolas and Stella had a wonderful time with their new friend Blitzo who the two jokingly refer to as their 'knight' throughout their play date. However, the two never did see him again after that though they did make sure to spend time together as much as they could.

Years later after their wedding, the royal couple are surprised when Blitzo comes back into their lives as the most recent knight of the legendary Round Table. Having gone on his first adventures, the imp in green plate has returned to Hell to help others and offers his services to the Prince and Princess.

The Goetia Court are very upset about a member of Hell joining their major rivals in the afterlife...but Stolas and Stella are much quicker to accept him. After all, he is their knight.

Truth be told, I've been trying to come up with story ideas regarding Blitzo getting Excalibur and...well, they haven't been many I can come up with. So, take one where King Arthur and his legendary knights remade Camelot in the afterlife where they could continue doing good deeds. In this case, it takes place in a universe where Stella is with Stolas and Blitzo during Stolas' birthday (during Circus) and not long after Blitzo is offered the chance to be trained by Sir Percival (or any of the major knights).

I know that this is rather weird, but I love Arthurian Legend so figured I'd find a way to get it into a Helluva Boss story. Note that Blitzo can have a magic sword (almost every knight has something magical about them) if the writer wishes though they can keep him an imp they wish. After all, the idea behind the Round Table in the story is for them to be akin to the Ars Goetia family just in Heaven or Purgatory. However, unlike the Ars Goetia, the Knights treat each other with genuine respect even if they don't always get along and welcome whoever wishes to join with open arms rather than suppress others.

How Stella is in this story is up to the writer, but the main idea I had was to include a more kind Stella who likes Blitzo rather than hate both characters. Mostlty because I tend to prefer writing Stella not as a jerk. However, you can change it if you so desire since it isn't required, just something to help make this idea stand out.

Optional Idea: While the exact plot and details are up to the writer, the idea I had when writing the summary was that Blitzo returns to Hell after being knighted either right before Octavia is born or around the time the fire happens in the normal timeline.

Overcome the Darkness

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Ultraman

Pairings: Blitzo & Ultraman Mebius, Millie/Moxxie, Loona & Octavia, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: Not long after getting the Asmodeus Crystal, a hit gone wrong results in Blitz being left behind in the human world with IMP and Stolas going after him. However, they only find a cracked crystal and signs of other worldly energy but nothing with where the imp has gone.

Months later, Loona and Octavia are hanging out on Earth when they're nearly kidnapped by an Alien Shaplay only for the Special Operation Rescue Team – SORT for short – to save them. Among the team is their field leader Blitz – in his human form – who is now the host of an Ultra and defending the planet from threats.

As events unfold, a new wave of monsters helmed by an ancient evil begins with Blitz and Ultraman Mebius standing as the vanguard with both IMP and SORT.

Another Ultraman crossover story, but this time with Blitz being the host and based around the idea of him vanishing not long after getting the crystal. I've had a few Ultras in mind for Blitz to be with both Tiga and Taro, but decided to go with Mebius mostly since it works more for the set up. I originally had in mind an original Ultra, but decided to have Blitz be with Mebius since it's a little easier.

The idea behind the 'other worldly energy' is that it's the Spacium which the Ultras have access to, and an idea for it is that its one of the few natural things that can harm the damned and possibly heavenly beings. Plus, I think the idea of Blitz and Mebius being at odds due to their natures but working together as a team would make for great story potential. As for SORT, they're meant to be much like your average monster fighting team but either know or have an idea that Blitz is a demon from Hell. Maybe for added fun, they could already know that he's also Ultraman Mebius by this point.

As for the villain, well that's for the writer to decide. Even if I do give some ideas here, I think just letting the writers have free reign here would work out better in the long term. Final note is that the title for the story came from the lyrics of Ultraman Mebius's theme song...mostly since I had no other ideas for a title.

Jailhouse Shark [Explicit]

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Chaz, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: Chaz had everything planned out for when he and Moxxie got the money they were robbing and high tailed it out of the Greed Ring. However, the only snag is that his tail is caught under the closing gate door with Moxxie wishing to free him. Deciding to sacrifice himself, the loan shark tells the imp to head for his ex-girlfriend with Moxxie reluctantly doing so with the stolen cash.

Once in prison, Chaz finds himself hoping the imp is alright when he meets the rather charming and handsome looking Blitzø he shares a cell with. Deciding to go along with the latter's escape plan, the loan shark works together with him as they figure out how to bust out. Helps that the imp is down for a shag and willing to teach him how to make love rather than just screw.

But unknown to both of the inmates, Moxxie is prepared to head back to break his boyfriend out with the help of his new friend Millie. Well, this can only end well...

Not sure if I've done this story idea before, but here we have a reversal of events with Chaz going to the prison rather than Moxxie and meeting Blitzø. And yes, they do spend more time in prison unlike in canon since Chaz tends to have his mind in the gutter a lot of the time. However, Moxxie is still in love with Chaz so he's also involved in the plot and wanting to get him out while falling for Millie. But whether Moxxie gets back with Chaz, Chaz gets with Blitzø, or Chaz ends up leaving for greener patches is up to the writer.

Ultraman: Homeward Bound

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Ultraman

Pairings: Blitzo & Ultraman Geed, Blitzo & Ultraman Z

Summary: During the fight against the armored Cherubs, a stray blast from Cletus strikes Blitz causing him to be sucked into a miniature wormhole and sending the imp out of his universe. Upon reaching another universe, he finds himself in the Land of Light in the form of an Ultra and cut off from his loved ones with apparently no way back.

Once the other Ultras heal him and he decides to find his way back to Hell, Blitz finds himself teaming up with Ultraman Geed and Ultraman Z on an odyssey across time, space, and universes. Along the way, he must confront conniving aliens, monsters both horrible and tragic, and his own inner darkness which wishes to become him.

Join the newly created Ultra, Geed, and Z as the trio make their way in an odyssey to get Blitz back home.

Another Ultraman crossover story, this time inspired by the episode “Full Moon” (originally just knew the general plot, but now know how the fight with Cherubs goes and changed the summary to match). In this case, Blitz does get hit but the blast sends him into the Ultraman universe causing him to become an Ultra rather than killing him. Same idea as the idea mentioned above where Blitz interacts with an Ultra, but this time he also is an Ultra but can return to his normal body when needed. Speaking of, the writer doesn't have to use Ultraman Geed and/or Ultraman Z, I just picked those two (originally just Geed) due to the fact that they have a connection to an evil Ultra despite being heroic Ultras.

The Ultra form and the name Blitz uses as an Ultra are up to the writer though possible Ultras one could find inspiration for could include Ultraman Geed, Ultraman Hikari, Ultraman Orb in his “Thunder Breastar” fusion form, and Ultraman Victory. Main reason behind these Ultras in particular is due to them having a connection to evil Ultras or were antagonists to the main Ultras from the series they came from.

Final thing to note is that due to his hellborn nature, Blitz as an Ultra will find himself struggling to embrace the light which he needs in order to return home. So rather than having an overarching villain to keep him from returning, Blitz has to overcome his own faults in order to return home. Perhaps this could end up taking a physical form at some point, but whether the writer keeps his faults as a mental enemy or gain a physical form is up to them. Mostly the idea here is to have Blitz forced to confront his own darkness rather than try to run and hide like he normally does.

You Can Be King Again

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo & Emily, Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: A year has past after that fateful full moon, with Blitz disappearing and the crystal being undetectable by Asmodeus. During that year, IMP has been struggling with Octavia jumping on to help and hone her skills with the Grimoire while Stolas helps them during their rougher periods. However, that changes when one hit on what their client said was a corrupt business man finds them meeting the two babysitters keeping him and his family safe...the disguised Blitz and the angel helping him.

Join this fun, musical adventure as common folk and elites of Earth, Heaven, and Hell join forces to show one broken imp just how much he's actually loved. Come see the triumphs, falls, and heart to heart moments with Emily comforting Blitz, two families beginning to heal as they're brought back together, and a prince finally seeing how much a brave imp truly cares for him.

All this – and more! – in...You Can Be King Again!

A story inspired by the episode “Full Moon” (which I haven't watched at the time of writing this entry) and many a fanfic based off what happened after. The title comes from the song “King” by Lauren Aquilina and could be seen as the entire basis for the story (perhaps one of the songs as well?). I was thinking of story ideas where Blitz tries to off himself on Earth after the events of the episode only for someone to offer him a chance to get away from things for a bit to clear his mind and think things over. Strangely, the one that ended up sticking the landing and actually becoming a story idea is where Emily saves him and they end up in a story akin to Mary Poppins.

Speaking of Mary Poppins, the idea behind the 'corrupt business man' idea is that IMP are told this, but by this time Emily and Blitz begin to show him the error of his ways with him changing for the better. Of course, IMP don't know this which results in them finding out about Blitz and Emily – disguised as humans but the business man and his family know who they really are – and the story taking place. Since Emily is involved, of course that'd mean that the Hazbin Hotel crew may end up roped in and perhaps helping out as well!

One thing I had in mind is that Blitz isn't exactly perfect and does have relapses so Emily has an angelic spell on him to alert and teleport her to him before he hurts himself. Also, I didn't mention the Asmodeus Crystal much outside of IMP not having it and that's because I had in mind that Emily destroyed it almost immediately once she took Blitz in. After all, she probably would consider it a source of Blitz's grief and it may cause her to be corrupted through prolonged exposure so breaking it would seem like a reasonable course of action to her.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 24: Chapter 24


You know the drill by now.

Chapter Text

Hello, and welcome to the latest chapter! Once again we have another set of story ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss for any writers who want to write these stories or use them as inspiration for their own ideas. So, without further ado...

Helluva Boss Presents: Moby Dick

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Moxxie & Striker

Summary: Having arrived to the Envy Ring to look for work, Moxxie prepares for his first of hopefully many voyages as a sailor and ends up joining the crew of the whaling ship Bombproof . However, he soon realizes what he's gotten into when he meets Captain Striker – an imp obsessed with hunting down the demonic white whale known as Moby Dick.

Come and follow Moxxie, Captain Striker, and the crew as they tackle the legendary tale of revenge in the Envy Ring! Come read the crew's journey through the Ring's waters in one imp's insane quest to find the monster that had wronged him. The journey will be harsh, long, and grueling as the crew are forced onto such a task and finally the colossal battle against the demonic animal! Come read...Moby Dick!

This is a story idea I've had for a while though haven't written it down until now. Mostly thought of this one because I think Striker would be perfect in the role of Captain Ahab with Moxxie being the obvious candidate for the story's main character Ishmael. I don't have any of the other major characters in mind for the story since, well, I'm not familiar with the story as I normally am and I think other writers would try to avoid them being killed. Other than that, have fun with this one.

The Dagger of Paimon

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & OC, Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: After killing Stella and his trial having been over with the court in his favor, Blitz seems doomed to forever be locked up in a prison cell with no contact with those he loves. However, this changes when the acclaimed explorer of Hell Hayes Brooks portals into the cell by accident and offers the imp a chance of freedom by becoming a treasure hunter. Naturally, Blitz takes the offer and the reptile demon frees him before they escape together.

After over a year of working together, the two treasure seekers soon stumble upon a map to the elusive Dagger of Paimon – an item thought lost that could remove Blitz's warrants off his head. The two quickly begin the hunt, though things won't be easy as they have to handle many challenges along the way. Least of all Blitz's family finally getting a lead on where he is, King Paimon's own search for the fugitive, and Striker helping Crimson as both are after the artifact for their own gain.

An idea inspired by the AO3 story Forget Me Not written by HelluvaIolite, this story takes the concept of Blitz being trapped in the cell with things appearing like he's been forgotten about. However, instead of Stolas, a new character comes into the picture with the two demons having an Indiana Jones style adventure.

One possible idea is that Blitz and Hayes could be at various points very close to Stolas and IMP only for them to either just miss each other or not be looking at the right time until the final leg of the adventure. After all, wouldn't want all four parties to miss the action when Hayes and Blitz make their attempt for the unique artifact. And just to add to the final leg, perhaps either Striker or Crimson get a gruesome death scene like what happens in most Indiana Jones films.

The character of Hayes Brooks is actually inspired by an idea I had for how a humanized Hanna -Barbera Godzilla would be like (hence the initials being HB). The idea for gear Hayes Brooks could have can be boiled down to a rifle (bolt action or lever action), early pistol (like the Mauser C96 or FN Model 1910), and something akin to a machete for clearing brush. After all, sometimes you need whatever gets the job down and those three are easy to have do many tasks as well. Of course, you can change Hayes Brooks or the character themselves to however you like for this one.

Moxxie is...The Singularity

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Moxxie, Blitzo & Striker

Summary: Moxy Knolastname is one of the most prolific killers in the multi-verse, let alone his own universe! After all, he's nearly killed every version of himself in order to challenge God as the sole Singularity of the multi-verse! However, the head guards of Prince Stolas and Princess Stella – Blitzo and Striker – are on his tail with them quickly catching up.

For Moxxie Knolastname, all he wanted was to help his boss after a bad break up which results in IMP going down to Wrath to see Millie's family for a bit. However, Moxxie suddenly dispatches a big time Wrathian gang on his own which soon leads to him having to face an alternate version of himself! And that's before having to work with a less insane alternate version of his boss and a very different version of someone he wishes to kill.

The race is on as only Moxxie and Moxy are the last of their alternate selves, and it's a battle to see if both universes survive...or one will be destroyed!

This one is heavily inspired by listening to the Mortal Kombat song “Techno Syndrom” and the plot of the 2001 film “The One” starring Jet Li. Truth be told, I had Blitz pegged for the main character but I think having it be Moxxie helps slim down the plot compared to what I had in mind. Mostly since Moxxie's backstory allows for a much easier explanation compared to what I had in mind for alternate Blitz.

The last part is an idea I've always had to raise the stakes and give an idea on how important Moxxie or Moxy being killed is. Basically, God is the only natural “Singularity” with him watching over each universe in this giant multi-verse. If either Moxxie or Moxy are killed leaving the other alive, God will erase the other's home universe to remove all trace of them and prevent them from challenging him and/or destroying the multi-verse. So both the main timeline and Moxy's timeline are in danger of being erased which the Alt. Blitzo and Alt. Striker are trying to prevent from happening.

And yes, this means that this entire story is an excuse to have BAMF Moxxie and he's going up against an alternate BAMF Moxxie! After all, might as well have him be awesome if you're going to have that tag. Whether other alternate universe characters or anyone else to be involved in the plot (like Stolas, Asmodeus, or anyone from Hazbin Hotel) will be up to the writer.

Optional Idea: If so desired, the writer could have Moxy kill main timeline Blitz in a brief fight to show what Moxxie and the others have to face against for this story.

Angels & Demons

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo & Collin, Blitzo & OC, Collin & OC, OC & OC

Summary: When he's caught by DHORKS and the Cherubs, Blitz finds himself in a cell with a captured mantid sinner and hellhound with the trio waiting for whatever the agency has planned for them. However, what they aren't expecting is Collin working with another exiled angel to break them out and go on the run.

With the five unable to stay in one location, they end up making a band to raise some money with them quickly gaining success with human society accepting them. However, IMP and members of Heaven are trying to find them to bring them home as DHORKS and the other Cherubs are on the hunt for the group as well.

Will our strange group of characters be able to return to their homes, or will they be recaptured by the government agents?

Had this idea for a while and finally getting to write it down after listening to the original version of the song Here I Am by Bryan Adams from Blitz's favorite film. Mostly since I think the band performing that song on a national talk show would be how Blitz's family find out what exactly he's been up to.

Nothing much to this one, just an idea to get Blitz and Collin to work together while having other characters joining in for the ride. That said, Blitz isn't meant to have the Asmodeus Crystal on him since, well, then the story won't happen now would it?

Optional Idea: One possible idea for this story is that humans try to help the group get in contact with both Heaven and Hell as they learn of the group's plight. Maybe some will see it as genuine and pitch in to help while others think it's an interactive act the group does and join in on the “fun”. This could extend to even helping them hide and/or get away from DHORKS and the other Cherubs at certain points in the story. After all, it would give the band something to think about regarding humanity and how they have viewed them.

The Culling

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Charlie/Vaggie, Charlie & Lucifer

Summary: After the first war to ever be waged, God cursed the Children of Chaos to possess Hellborn and take part in ritual combat known as the Culling every generation. However, he would grant mercy to any victors of a generation provided that they have repented and would allow one wish of their choice.

When IMP and Asmodeus prepared their celebration for Blitzo, it was meant to help mend the bond between him and Stolas while also showing how well the company has been doing. However, that changes when one of the Children of Chaos – the terrible Peluda – attacks during the party and Blitzo suddenly is revealed to be his generation's Behir!

With Blitzo's life forever gone and his attempts at avoiding the Culling having failed, Behir must take part in the ritual battles with the last few remaining Children of Chaos in hopes of bringing back the imp. But will he find victory and be granted mercy, or will he lose his head?

This story is another old idea I've had but originally for Pokemon rather than Helluva Boss though looking back it fits the latter better. Obviously this idea is based on the film Highlander just with mythological monsters as the Immortals.

How Blitzo is one is that each generation the 'Children of Chaos' randomly become one Hellborn as their 'vessel' which they keep until around 20 to 25 – at which point that generation's Culling begins. So the Hellborn in question is destroyed upon the monster joining the Culling effectively killing them but each of the children remembers every Hellborn they've been. Once one of them has won and those who are shown mercy are saved with their wish granted, the 'Children of Chaos' get reset into newly born Hellborn and the cycle begins again.

Thing is, the Child of Chaos who inhabited Blitzo actually likes the imp (the exact reason is up to the writer) and actually refused to appear when the Culling began. So when only a handful of the Children of Chaos remained, they agreed to put that generation's ritual on hold until the last Child of Chaos emerges. When the party happens years later, the monster Peluda finally loses his patience and mortally wounds Blitzo forcing the other Child to emerge in self-defense – killing the former while also destroying the latter.

I mostly chose the Scottish serpent/dragon Behir since I've pinned the monster for Blitzo as a dragon from day one and the Behir is one of the few with a specific name. You can change it to any monster you wish since it doesn't really change much aside from how they look. Same with what weapon they use – most likely a sword of some kind given the inspiration – and how many other 'Children of Chaos' are left.

'Cause I'm Here for You (Please Don't Walk Away)

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Loona & Octavia, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: After being ejected out of the Goetia Manor, Blitz returns to the office where he tries to figure out any way he can get Stolas back into his life when he finds a spell he copied down. Desperate and not wanting to lose the man he loves, the imp gets what he needs and performs the spell.

The next morning, his employees enter his office to find the place trashed and his glove with the Asmodeus Crystal among the wreckage. But at the Goetia Manor, Stolas and Octavia soon sense something is wrong as the shadowy angel that Blitz has become begins to watch over them.

This idea and the title are inspired by the song “Your Guardian Angel” by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus which has Blitz use a spell to become a literal guardian angel. The exact parameters of the spell like what it does, how it's cast, who can see Blitz, and if it can be reversed are up to the writer but the main detail is that it makes Blitz into Stolas' protector. Of course, how the others react to this news will be part of the story since it does change so much. Nothing much to add so good luck if this one sparks your interest.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 25: Chapter 25


I may end up doing a one-shot or two based on a few of these ideas since I do have some ideas in mind for them. If so, expect an update with links.

Chapter Text

G'day, and welcome back to the next chapter of story ideas. We've got yet another chapter full of ideas for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss for any writers who wish to either write these stories or to inspire their own stories. So, without further ado...

Blitzø Comes Home

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas Goetia, Blitzo & Loona, Octavia & Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: After seeing Stolas kissing the male succubus, Blitzø can't handle things and learns a spell to give him a human disguise without the crystal. Once mastered, he leaves the crystal and his life in Hell behind to live on Earth as a normadic human taking small jobs.

Three years later, the human Blitzø begins to settle into his new place in Las Vegas with his new writing skills and having grown a bit on his own. However, his life on Earth gets interrupted when Loona and Octavia stumble upon him when they enter the same bar he's getting a drink at.

Now with his own daughter having found him, Blitzø is forced to return to Hell and back to his old life...and finds people he thought had long since moved on.

A pretty simple AU where Blitzø decides he's had enough of Hell after “Apology Tour” and leaves to roam the Earth instead with a human disguise spell. However, he ends up being discovered by Loona and Octavia who convince him (and perhaps guilt him in Octavia's case) to come back home after all this time. And upon returning, finds out what has changed but the people who still care about him despite him believing they were better without him.

One reason behind leaving the crystal is to have Blitzø remain hidden from Asmodeus and perhaps make him realize that IMP has a different crystal from the one he originally had. After all, the crystal probably works for only one person and him leaving for Earth may have caused the crystal to be unusable to anyone else. Plus that little realization may clue him in that not everything turned out for the best once he left.

Spiritual Journey

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & Tilla

Summary: When Blitzo suddenly dies on the job even with Millie and Moxxie trying to save him, what he never expected was to end up in a world akin to Gluttony ran by Marquis Phenex. But that's where he ends up, meeting his mother once again but is restless and wants to return back to Hell despite being dead.

Fortunately, Phenex tells him that there is a way if he can't wait for either rebirth or reincarnation. He just has to go through a gauntlet of challenges based off his own fears, regrets, and insecurities.

Well, Blitzo isn't going to wait and decides to undertake the journey back to Hell with his mother coming with him to help as best she can. Will the two succeed and get Blitzo his chance at returning to his old life, or will the challenges against his spirit be too much to handle?

An AU inspired by the 2014 film The Book of Life where Hellborn are actually have souls with their own afterlife and being able to either be reborn after some time or return whenever they wish. Mostly since I thought that Blitzo having to face his own inner sins with Tilla helping him out would make a great basis for a story.

Whether the elites of Hell know about this or if Marquis Phenex is managing it on their own is up to the writer, but it will throw everyone for a loop if/when Blitzo comes back. After all, it would challenge all of their existing beliefs if an imp who everyone knew died just returns good as new.

Final thing to mention is that Tilla could choose whether she'll stay after helping her son or if she'll join him back in Hell. I think either one works for an ending to the story and perhaps would still allow some closure for Blitzo after all he's been through.

Optional Ideas: One possible idea a writer can do is include background characters who have died on screen either as members of the Hellborn afterlife or to help Blitzo return home. After all, it'd be interesting to see how some of these dead Hellborn are doing after their deaths and I'm sure some want to return to Hell to see their loved ones. One possible candidate for the latter could be Moxxie's mother as a means of seeing her son again.

Falling for the Highway Demon

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Depressed Boyfriend/OC, Alessio & Crimson

Summary: Over the last few months, a male succubus has been stopping and taking supplies from Crimson's convoys and losing him money. The gentleman thief has gotten on the nerves of the mafia boss with him sending DP to make sure a supply truck with drugs makes it past the highway demon.

What no one expects is another gang coming in to try and steal the drugs for themselves only to be killed by the gentleman thief. The demon ends up taking DP with him to be healed with the latter finding out that the one robbing them is none other than Marquis Phenex, pulling a Robin Hood.

As the Goetia heals the shark, neither expect that the latter would fall for the Marquis...nor for said noble to do the same.

Another one I may end up doing but still deciding to put out there based off an old idea where Phenex is in a story heavily inspired by the Robin Hood myth. Here, we have a modern take where the Goetia is a highwayman stealing money and anything edible from Crimson's supply convoys. This ends up with him saving Depressed Boyfriend from a rival gang who tries to copy Phenex but to steal drugs to sell back to Crimson. From there, the rest of the story takes place as the two demons fall for each other as Phenex heals DP.

Ultraman Tiga: Rise of the Space Beasts

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Ultraman

Pairings: Oliver & Ultraman Tiga, Oliver & Blitzo, Blitzo & Dark Mephisto

Summary: Oliver is a young imp living in Hell with loving, supporting parents and an idol who encourages his dreams. However, the imp soon stumbles upon an artifact from another universe and meets Ultraman Tiga, a Giant of Light whose been sent to stop the plans of Dark Zagi. Should Dark Zagi succeed in his plans, then all the realms shall be destroyed starting with Hell.

Becoming the host of the Giant, Oliver finds himself having to take on threats from other universes and the dreaded monsters known as Space Beasts. However, he gets an ally in a heartbroken imp whose friends with his idol and has become the host for a revived Dark Mephisto. And as his fighting skills get honed by the older imp, so too does Tiga's own prowess and the influence the two have on Hell's society.

Can Oliver and Tiga defeat the machinations of Dark Zagi and save Hell itself from destruction? Or will the young imp find his quest doomed to failure?

Yet another Ultraman crossover story, but one that's stuck with me more since I've had an idea of Tiga battling against Dark Zagi and his plans for quite a while. I'm going with the imp Oliver as Tiga's host as he seems like the most likely person to be a host for any Ultra while Blitz joins in as the host for Dark Mephisto. And yes, this is meant to be set after the episodes “Full Moon” or “Apology Tour” so whatever problems Blitz has are put on the back burner...possibly forever, but I'll get to that in the 'Optional Ideas' section.

Obviously Dark Zagi and his Space Beasts from the show “Ultraman Nexus” are meant to be the main enemy with Zagi possibly having a few other monsters and aliens at his disposal while the only initial ally Oliver gets is Dark Mephisto. But like the summary says, Oliver and Tiga will have an impact on Hell since the battles won't be subtle and Tiga would – at least after a while – be seen as a protector. Plus, would be nice to have Hell get behind someone trying to protect them even if the being in question doesn't originally come from Hell.

As for how Oliver and Blitz or Tiga and Oliver would communicate, I actually think the Ultras solve this with the use of telepathy. Tiga would speak both to and for Oliver while Blitz would just have his thoughts go straight to both Oliver and Tiga. Easy way around Oliver being deaf and still lets the young imp know what's going on along with what he must do.

Optional Idea: So...one idea I've had for this one is that Blitz/Dark Mephisto do not survive the story. In fact, both know that they are destined to be killed before Dark Zagi arrives and just end up telling this to Oliver/Tiga at the start. This may result in Blitz trying to distance himself from others to ensure they don't mourn his passing...though how well that works out would be up to the author.

As for how the two die, I've had an idea that the final monster right before Dark Zagi arrives – perhaps the ultimate Space Beast Izmael – which requires Ultraman Tiga, Dark Mephisto, and many powerful members of Hell to fight against it. In this case, I have two ideas on how Blitz/Dark Mephisto would end up being killed:

Option A) Blitz/Dark Mephisto ends up being either impaled by the monster or stuck to it somehow and uses this to keep it from avoiding for an attack from either Heaven – should they get involved – or Oliver/Ultraman Tiga. This attack ends up being powerful enough to destroy both the monster and Blitz/Dark Mephisto.

Option B) Blitz/Dark Mephisto jump in the way of an attack meant for Oliver/Ultraman Tiga which kills or destroys the two. Oliver/Ultraman Tiga and Hell are quick enough to destroy the monster right afterwards allowing the sacrifice of the other two to not be in vain.

So yeah, this idea basically ensures that Blitz doesn't get a happy ending and his found family will be devastated by it. But that's kinda the idea, as I don't think there could be a happy ending for Dark Mephisto once Dark Zagi enters the picture. Most likely, Dark Zagi would be wanting his former servant turned enemy dead and have it be done before his arrival. However, that if you want to go this route at least.

Surgical Theft

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairing: Barbie Wire & Blitzo, Blitzo & Verosika, Barbie Wire & Verosika, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Loona

Summary: Once the lunch break hits, Blitzo volunteers to get everyone coffee and leaves saying that he shouldn't be long. Well, two hours later and IMP are unable to do that day's work as their boss still hasn't shown back up leading the trio to go search for him while closing up early.

When Barbie decided to visit her, Verosika thought she'd have a nice little chat with one of the two twins she scored with. However, nothing prepared her or Barbie for Blitzo knocking on her door begging to be let in.

Or the fact that the two open the door to find him clutching where his left arm was.

AKA, a random thief steals IMP's Asmodeus Crystal and ends up cutting off Blitzo's arm to use it.

I think I have an obsession with Blitzo somehow getting hurt either because of himself or the crystal he got because I have another one. This time it gets a bit more serious since now he's down an arm and that damn crystal due to some random Hellborn wanting what he has. I mostly got inspired by what I've heard from the recently released “Apology Tour” and thought about having those who first learn of Blitzo's dilemma being Barbie and Verosika this time.

Therapy World

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, Skyrim

Pairings: Blitzo & Lucifer, Blitzo & Meridia, Blitzo & Paarthurnax

Summary: Upon leaving the party all about hating him, Blitzo drives off to Pentagram City to get killed by one of the Overlords. However, when he decides on it being the Radio Demon, he ends up meeting Lucifer who hears out his problems and makes a deal to send him to a fantasy world for a year in Hell's time. Blitzo accepts, and gets teleported into the opening of Skyrim as an Argonian Dovahkiin.

Now Blitzo can take his anger out on dragons, join the Imperial Legion to spite the Stormcloak bigots, cutting down the assassin posers called the “Dark Brotherhood”, and hunt vampires as part of the Dawnguard. Though, it helps that Lucifer modified the world so the Daedric Prince Meridia and the dragon...Partysnax (?) ensure he can work through his own problems.

Though, that doesn't mean his friends and family can't contact him during this time.

Kinda a random one, but I came up with the idea of Blitzo somehow ending up in Skyrim as the Dovahkiin and thinking about Hazbin Hotel plus “Apology Tour” came up with an idea. In this case Lucifer gives Blitzo the option of leaving Hell for a year (so until next Halloween in-universe) to be in a world where he can be alone and work through his problems. Helps that I'm a big fan of Skyrim and I can honestly see Blitzo fitting in well as an Argonian given how the world in-game is.

Now, I mostly choice the Imperial Legion for the Skyrim Civil War questline and Dawnguard for the titular questline mostly because of personal biases. However, I think Blitzo wearing Dawnguard Heavy Armor is a great visual hence the choice and considering how Windhelm is...pretty sure Blitzo would want to screw the Nord bigots up after spending even a short time there. But that's just me.

I left the pairings for Blitzo regarding the Helluva Boss cast open for the writers as to give them some free reign as to who would contact him. I imagine Lucifer has a spell for these kinds of deals which he passes on so the others won't be in the world but could appear in some fashion to talk to Blitzo. Perhaps as Blitzo gets better and conquers his emotional problems, he can form stronger relationships outside of Skyrim for when he returns.

One thing I changed was replacing the shapeshifting Daedra Barbas with Paarthurnax since having the dragon helping him through his issues and train him up only for some human to tell him to kill him would add to his emotional journey. Blitz may end up just choosing to spare Paarthurnax (perhaps when talking to Arngeir about it) due to how much help he's given him. Barbas can still be used if the writer wishes, just felt like changing him out with another character.

Also added the Dark Brotherhood in the summary as being wiped out by Blitz because...who in their right mind would kidnap him, let him keep his weapons, and expect him to kill someone other than who kidnapped him? They're a pretty pathetic assassin if that's what they do with Blitz to try and make him join them.

Shattered Vertebrae

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Loona

Summary: Blitzo collapses to the ground as he screams, his body spasming from the gunshot he had just received. A passerby grabs him and tries to get him off the ground as he hears a fight going on before he hears the man saying something.

Come on, get up! We need to get you out of here!”

The imp tries, his mind sending signals to his legs to get him off. But...no...no...

I can't move my legs!”

Or, What if Collin's shot went low and struck Blitzo's back?

Oh, this one is particularly cruel for everyone. A rather basic “What if?” scenario which could have wider consequences even if Asmodeus and Fizz stepped in to help Blitzo walk again. Plus, what would this do for Collin if he ever realizes what he's done? Hell, how'll Stolas react when Blitzo not only fails to show up, but he finds out he's been crippled? Really, this one has a lot of potential so let's hope this one makes it out there!

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 26: Chapter 26


Another set of story ideas mostly focusing on Blitz. Whoops!

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone! Welcome to another set of story ideas that I've come up with for both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss! For those not in the know, these story ideas are for writers who wish to write the ideas for themselves or as inspiration for creating their own stories. So, without further ado...

Kidnapped by a Roguish Prince

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Blitzo/Verosika, Blitzo/Stolas/Verosika, Blitzo & Loona, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Moxxie

Summary: Stolas was your rather average imp who grew up as a fortune teller though fantasizes about the young prince he entertained as a kid. However, his wedding to his old bully Stella does put a lot over his head since that's what he's meant to do. So, everyone is expecting him to soon become the next Ring Leader and to be married to a rising star of their circus.

What no one expects is for Prince Blitzo to waltz right in during the vows, throw Stolas over his shoulder with a good slap to his rear, and escape with the imp in tow.

Thrust into a new world, Stolas finds the prince he fantasized about wishing to having him join his family as an additional lover. He wasn't expecting to get along with Princess Verosika or their daughter Princess Luna with the former having encouraged this idea. Then again, he wasn't expecting to fall in love and wanting to go through with the prince's crazy scheme.

Here's a species swap AU which involves a healthy Blitzo and Verosika pairing while having a twist on the Stolitz formula. How exactly they look is up to the author but mainly I was looking at a particular artwork of Blitzo and Stolas with their species swapped and seeing Blitzo holding Stolas over his shoulder. So the idea that Blitzo – as a Goetia Prince – kidnapping Stolas – an imp – on his wedding day to have as an unofficial husband came to mind.

Getting Married At Long Last

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Charlie/Vaggie, Stolas & Angel Dust, Asmodeus & Charlie

Summary: After a long time of healing and mending, Blitz had finally...finally popped the question with him and Stolas now set to being married. And everything was going perfectly, with them getting help from their friends plus Princess Charlie and her friends agreeing to help out to ensure the best wedding they can have.

Well, others have other plans with a few of the Ars Goetia, a cowboy hitman, a mafia boss, and many...many others all trying to stop it from happening. Dealing with exploding venues, assassination attempts, kidnappings, laws being invoked, and emotional breakdowns are a f*cking hassle but at least can be easily worked around for a single wedding.

Too bad it happens five f*cking times!

AKA, 5 times Blitz and Stolas' marriage fails plus 1 time it doesn't.

So, this is based off a one-shot idea I have in mind which itself is based off the opening chapter to “An Imp of Secrets” by fellow author VidaKnight. The one-shot idea I have (assuming it's not already posted) is Blitz heading out to be crowned by Lucifer before his and Stolas' fifth attempt at marriage only to end up in the hospital due to an assassination attempt. Since the idea was that they had to deal with four failed marriage attempts before the crowning and fifth attempt, I figured I'd make that into a story idea to hand off to others.

So the idea is that a few of the villains from Helluva Boss (plus some randos) would be trying to stop it through various means and making each attempt fail miserably. I had it in mind that Blitz mended things between him, Verosika, and Barbie so focused more on having Stella, Andrealphus, Striker, and Crimson in the summary. Though I do think their respective methods would be interesting to watch especially if working together on this.


Fandom: Helluva Boss, Saw Franchise

Pairings: Blitzo & Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Asmodeus & Stolas

Summary: A few weeks after the Hate Blitzo Party, Blitz goes missing with Stolas unable to find his Grimoire anywhere in his manor. However, an anonymous tip causes Stolas, his guards, and the search party for Blitz to find a run down place with the other party members having gathered. Things are weird...until an old sinner asks Stolas to sit down and play a game with him in front of everyone else.

The game? Sit and watch a live feed of Blitz playing his own game. All Stolas has to do is wait.

However, that's easier said than done when Blitz is forced into life or death challenges which results in bodily injuries including the removal of his own Asmodeus Crystal. But can Blitz survive the torture and make it out alive? Will Stolas be able to keep his wits and win the game he himself is in?

Well...let the games begin and we shall see.

I had an idea for a Helluva Boss and Saw crossover for a while (at least since the episode “Ozzie's”) mostly because of a twist I had in mind. However, after “Apology Tour”, it seems like the best time to finally reveal this one with the plot updated to add some new additions to it. So, now many people get to see Blitz's trials and witness Stolas' own game as he's basically forced to watch Blitz's game.

And yes, the old sinner is meant to be John Kramer himself since I highly doubt anyone else could replicate what's going on other than the original Jigsaw Killer. Plus his appearance would make for a more unsuspecting culprit compared to the others who went down the same path in the films.

Optional Ending: So, I did come up with the ending first with this idea and decided to share it with you all here and took inspiration by the ending of Saw II. So, the idea involved Jigsaw telling Stolas that Blitz is in a safe place at the start and Blitz making it through his trials with it revealed that the Jigsaw with Stolas was a puppet disguised by magic with an audio tape around his neck. At which point, there's two different endings:

- “Good” Ending: If Stolas keeps his wits and puts his faith in Blitz, the tape congratulations the Prince before telling him that Blitz and his grimoire are in a safe located in a building in Purgatory. Blitz is retrieved by IMP who bring him back for treatment and obvious therapy after the sh*t he had to do to himself.

- Bad Ending: If Stolas loses control and demands where Blitz is, the power goes out and causes a second screen to turn on with Jigsaw revealing the location being the house the party took place. Just as Blitz finishes the game, Stolas' guards arrive only to find camera system that they pause...revealing that Blitz's game was actually a recording. In addition, the second screen shows a live feed of the safe (same location) being investigated as Jigsaw set up an explosive to go off should Stolas lose control. So as punishment for Stolas failing to wait and losing his composure, Heaven gets his grimoire and brings Blitz to be treated due to Jigsaw making it obvious that he's one of his victims and needs treatment. The tape (or a second one) explains much of this before talking about how most people – humans and demons – are so ungrateful to be alive...“but not Blitz...not anymore...”

Yeah, you can tell I put a lot of thought into this twist ending. In fact, I actually had an idea at one point to start with Blitz being found only for later on to be revealed that Heaven found him. However, this is if you want to go the route of the twist ending or just have Stolas win his game for a more “happy” ending. Either way, the choice is up to the writer if they decide to take this route.

Wake Up, and Let the Cloak of Life Cling to Your Bones

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & OC, Barbie Wire & Blitzo, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Loona, Blitzo & Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli, Stolas & Vassago

Summary: Blitzo still remembers being kicked out of the circus the day before the fire and having to leave with only a simple pocket watch. Since then, he's been traveling the Rings looking for work and finally seems to be finding a home with a single mother and her son with the two dating for over half a year.

However, this changes when Prince Stolas and Vassago arrive looking for Blitz, a scarred version of Blitzo himself. But...that's not possible. He never was at the fire, never was burned...never left anyone behind for years without any hint about where he was. Or...did he and his entire life from that day to now have been a lie?

Join Blitzo and the family he's trying to build as they finds out what exactly has happened that faithful day...and finally get an answer to the watch he's carried ever since.

As I've been in watching Doctor Who material since starting my story “Regeneration”, I came up with this one based off my limited knowledge of the show and heavy inspiration frorm the episodes “The Rings of Akhaten”, “Human Nature”, and “The Family of Blood”. The title itself comes from the former and are lyrics from “The Long Song”, which is sung during The Doctor's confrontation with the episode's enemy and I think works well for Blitz.

In this case, the idea is that Blitz somehow got a reset of sorts to where he's kicked out the day before the fire and hasn't seen anyone since with the only thing he's had from his old life being a watch. Said watch he's never opened and hasn't been able to since it holds his memories and scars with the devise only allowed to open when he's ready. What that entails or how it's achieved is up to the writer but basically someone made it so he has to willingly return to his old life should he choose to.

I mostly thought of this one since I remember TalosLives offering up a similar story and another story which I couldn't find again to list here. After all, having Blitzo getting rid of his memories to live a new life or just to get away from his trauma is an idea worth exploring. Plus having others helping him understand and influencing what he'll choose could lead to some interesting ideas for the story as a whole.

Casino Refuge

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Angel Dust/Husk, Alastor & Husk

Summary: The famous Gambler Overlord Husk has gotten pretty big as of recently. His casino business has been booming, he's proven himself to be a force to be reckon with, and he's made an alliance with the infamous Radio Demon he shares a border with. Other than having to keep his wits about that last one, the afterlife has dealt him a pretty good hand.

Well, until one of Hell's most famous p*rn stars enters his casino.

All Angel wanted was a brief escape from Valentino just to forget about how bad his f*cking afterlife has been. But what he wasn't expecting was Husk to greet him and offer him refuge whenever he needs it. And when he takes it...he wasn't expecting to become attracted to the Gambler himself.

Strange that I haven't done a Huskerdust idea before, but here's one based on the pretty popular idea of Husk still being an Overlord. Perhaps this takes place before losing to Alastor or in an AU where the two act as allies for each other. Either way, Angel ends up coming to Husk's casino and the rest is history. Not much to this one, but that's mostly since the idea itself is already told in the summary.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Chapter 27: Chapter 27


After a bit of delay, we're back!

Chapter Text

Greetings, everyone! Once again we have another chapter filled with a set of story ideas regarding both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel for writers to either write themselves or as inspiration for their own story ideas. So, without further ado...

Help Through the Trauma

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo/Verosika, Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Loona

Summary: After the horrible fire and being blamed for it happening, Blitzo is forced to leave with the heavy toll on his mind and body. However, an up and coming musician happens to nearly hit him one night a few weeks after the fire and she offers to take him in.

What neither the damaged clown or upcoming pop star realized was how much this would affect either of them.

However, Blitzo finds someone willing to give him comfort and help him through his trauma while Verosika is able to receive help and someone who wants her for more than her body. And as both help each other, things become more than even the universe itself expected.

Decided to make an idea where the entire premise is that Blitzo and Verosika meet up much earlier in the timeline than they most likely did. Mostly inspired by the DeviantArt artist GoJrider and their artwork of the two being a lovely couple so figured we could use some more of them.

I know a few stories that have been added which has Blitzo head to Stolas for help, but I can see Verosika being just as likely with the proper set up. Plus, I do think Blitzo having someone to discuss things with right after the fire happened would most likely change things. After all, even venting out his grief to someone willing to listen could be enough to help.

Whether Blitzo and Verosika end up a couple or end up splitting up anyway would be up to the writer though hopefully the latter would be better than in canon. However, that entirely depends on what exactly happens with the two and how bad things get when they do decide to split.

Taunting Snake

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Blitzo & Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Loona, Asmodeus/Fizzarolli

Summary: Right as the fateful Full Moon closes in, Stolas finds the Asmodeus Crystal having been stolen with him easily scratching out his staff in its theft. Once more, IMP suddenly hit a rough patch as someone is taking their kills and business away from them with Blitz heading out alone to find them.

What he ends up finding is Striker with the crystal.

Once beaten by the snake and mocked for how Stolas was going to throw him away, Blitz ends up in the hospital where he learns what Stolas intended to do. And even worse, Striker threatens IMP with reporting Blitz's theft of the Grimoire to Lucifer should they try and take the crystal back.

Will this be the end of not just IMP, but whatever kind of relationship Blitz and Stolas have?

AKA, Striker went to Stolas' manor to kill him before Full Moon and swipes the crystal to use for himself.

Based off an idea I've had for a few stories which I'm surprised no one has decided to do yet. The idea is that Striker somehow ends up with the Asmodeus Crystal meant for Blitz and ends up using it to his own advantage. For this one, I just decided to have Striker beat IMP at its own game and then essentially torture Blitz with the knowledge that the crystal was meant for him.

The last part about Striker threatening IMP is more as a means to keep them from getting the crystal back especially since them taking it could play right into his hands regarding the King of Hell. Really this whole thing is meant as being an alternative to Full Moon when you consider that Blitz still learns that Stolas was going to give the crystal to him.

Finally Meeting Dad

Fandom: Helluva Boss

Pairings: Verosika & OC, Blitzo & OC, Past Blitzo/Verosika

Summary: For much of their lives, Vincent and Tilla have grown up with their mother with them only knowing that their father left her before their birth. However, years later, the two catch a glimpse of him thanks to an image from a party she's hosted for years.

This causes the twins to head out to meet him with the two easily reaching his place of business and meeting his staff. And when he comes out...well, Blitz is in for a huge shock.

AKA, Blitz had kids with Verosika without knowing it and they finally get to meet him.

Inspired by fanart of Blitz and Verosika having a family, here's an idea covering that concept and set after “Apology Tour” just to have maximum impact on it. After all, Blitz at one of his lowest points suddenly being blind sided by the fact that he has children he's never known about would cause a big reaction from him.

So the idea of Blitz and Verosika having twins comes from the fact that – as far as I know – those who were born with a twin are more likely to have twins. Hence why Verosika has two children, and yes one of them is meant to be named after Blitz's mother because that is a name I've seen floating around for many of Blitz's fankids. I think Verosika (if she knew of his mother) naming her daughter after her would be a sign that she really does care for Blitz even after all this time.

The story isn't intended to end with Blitz and Verosika getting back together, but I could easily see this idea going that route especially with the twins involved. But that's up to the writer rather than me.

The Imp in the Blue Box

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Doctor Who

Pairings: Blitzo & Stolas, Octavia & Stolas, Blitzo & Loona, Millie/Moxxie

Summary: On his tenth birthday, Stolas finds a blue box in the palace gardens from which an imp comes out of. Said imp introduces himself as 'Blitzo' and spends the day with him while acting rather silly with the prince having the time of his life. However, upon returning to the blue box, he promises to return to take him on a grand adventure before the box disappears.

Twenty-five years later, Stolas is out with his daughter Octavia when they encounter the imp again with a married imp couple and a hellhound when he asks for their help. As they catch up, the prince can't help but wonder why his friend looks the same and isn't using his name. Yes, somehow that's more important than trying to stop a bunch of robotic jesters that have began tracking down demons.

And since when did his friend become a doctor?

AKA, Helluva Boss AU where Blitzo is The Doctor.

Okay, so this one is pretty easy to explain especially since it popped up in my head while I'm still working on my story Regeneration. Based on the Doctor Who episode “Eleventh Hour”, here we have The Doctor (portrayed by Blitzo) meeting Stolas on his tenth birthday and then returning later in his life (could be at any time if you don't want to follow the Helluva Boss plotline) before going off on adventures.

Whether the story ends with Stolas – and possible Octavia – leaving with Blitzo/The Doctor or continuing it with the adventures they'll go on is up to the writer. Mostly because the synopsis is for a single adventure but could lead into even more adventures between Blitzo/The Doctor and Stolas. Also, yes the idea is that Blitzo/The Doctor already has Millie, Moxxie, and Loona as companions when he comes back into Stolas' life in the summary. However, as stated before, you can change it if you so desire to have either other characters or let Stolas be the first companion for Blitzo/The Doctor.

Note: While I have done “The Imp and His Blue Box” recently, that is meant to be a one-shot and – even if I do make it something more – it'll have nothing to do with this idea. So essentially I'm keeping this one up to see what someone else comes up with for this concept.

Running the Gauntlet

Fandom: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel

Pairings: Blitzo/Stolas, Millie/Moxxie, Blitzo & Loona, Blitzo & Carmilla Carmine, Charlie/Vaggie, Alastor & Charlie, Alastor & Blitzo

Summary: When trying to get information on the rifle used by Striker, Blitzo gets invited by his old mentor Carmilla to her annual weapon show to join IMP as a sponsor. At the same time, Stolas accidently turns himself into an imp for a week and manages to get the imp he loves to let him tag along. After all, what's the worst that can happen on their trip to Pentagram City?

Well, a new overlord with a history with IMP begins a war with Carmilla to steal some weapons while attempting to capture IMP for execution. Things won't be easy, and to make it worse they must rely on the help of other overlords due to Stolas not having his magic or his Grimoire.

Can IMP survive the war between overlords...and what is Blitzo willing to give up to ensure his family does so?

So, this is an old story that I had in mind when Season 1 of Helluva Boss was still going on and Hazbin Hotel only had its pilot. The main idea was to include a backstory idea where Blitzo worked for an overlord before creating IMP. Since it's rather old and I don't have the motivation to do it, I figured I'd give it up and change some things to match the new up to date information we have on both shows.

Main idea is that it's set after 'The Harvest Moon Festival' with Blitzo getting in contact with Carmilla Carmine (originally an OC I had) who mentored him before he created IMP. Rest of the story happens from there and the main idea was at one point to have Blitzo actually make a deal with Alastor to get his family home safe. However, that doesn't need to happen and the idea is to have Blitzo and the gang use the Hazbin Hotel to safely recover before planning out how to get out of the city.

As for who the main villain is, really it could be any of their targets or an OC who has a back story which involves being killed by IMP. Really doesn't matter who since all that's needed is the back story of them being killed by IMP.

Optional Idea: One idea I had in mind was that Striker would be involved in his own plot where he was going to just shoot Stolas as an imp when the war begins and he loses his prey. However, a call from IMP to Octavia and Stella regarding what's happening and seeing her daughter upset would causes Stella to reluctantly change Striker's assignment to keeping Stolas alive. Mostly because this part was written when Stella had the tiniest chance of being a deeper character than the actual bitch she is.

If you have any questions regarding these stories, please feel free to ask.

Helluva Hazbin Story Ideas - Silver_Falchion (2024)
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