Restoration - Angst_Squire - Helluva Boss (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1: Taking A Chance

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“Wait what?!” Moxxie questions Blitz as he packs up his office. “Sir I don’t understand, we thought you were only out for a limited time! I don’t think I can take over IMP forever! We started this together!” he grabs Blitz’s hand and Blitz flinches it away, the bags under his eyes extremely noticeable. Millie frowns and pulls him away from the box, “B, please tell us what’s going on?” she puts her hand on his cheek and he leans into it for a moment then pushes her hand away gently, remembering what Stolas told him this morning.

Don’t speak to them about anything except that you’re leaving the company. Yes sir.

He continues packing up the box, almost crying when he finds a picture of the three of them.

“There’s nothing to tell, Mills. I realized that being….Prince is more important. You guys can keep the crystal. I’m sure Oz won’t mind”.

“Sir, if you don’t tell us what’s going on, I’m calling Fizz to check in on you”, Moxxie says. Millie joins in, “I agree, you haven’t even answered texts or calls! Please tell us, B”. That would be because he doesn’t have access to his own phone. They can’t call Fizz, he doesn’t need anyone else involved in this. He walks up to Moxxie and grabs his shirt weakly, “Don’t tell Fizz”, he tries to sound intimidating but it falls flat, his voice cracking. He lets go of Moxx’s shirt and sighs, grabbing the box.

“I’m sorry. Good luck with the business”, he walks out and as soon as he’s out of the building, Stolas’s portal opens for him.

“Good boy”, he says as Blitz comes in, the life in his eyes dying more every f*cking day. It’s been another week and he hasn’t seen Pringles since he heard his screams that night. He doesn’t know if he’s dead or left. Hoping it’s the latter. He drops the box down and the new butler picks it up, taking it to the office. Blitz hasn’t asked this new one’s name. Doesn’t want to get attached.

Stolas rubs down Blitz’s horns as they walk back to the office, and he does as he’s told and sits at the office couch while Stolas does his daily paperwork. He continues eyeing the stairs and the door to the cosmic room, to the mirror. He could run, get up there. What would he even do once he’s up there? He looks up at this Stolas.

“Yes, is there something you want?” he asks. Blitz swallows, “Can I have my phone...sir?”

Stolas laughs, “No”. Blitz nods and starts making paper airplanes. It’s f*cking boring in here. Being a little house pet that he just drags along with him wherever he goes. Stolas puts down his papers and walks over to Blitz. He stops folding the paper planes and looks up at him, waiting on an order. The prince takes his chin gently and pulls him up to standing.

“Why did you want your phone?” he asks. Blitz blinks, “I uh...No reason”. SLAP. Across one whole side of his face, leaving a large red mark between his right eye and cheek.

“Don’t lie”, he demands. Blitz nods, “Sorry sir. It’s...Moxxie said he might text Fizz cause they were worried about me. I...wanted to make sure he didn’t”. Stolas looks into his eyes skeptically then throws him back onto the couch.

“Thank you for telling me”, Stolas walks toward the office door and Blitz starts to stand up, but he puts his hand out, “No. Stay in here. I have an errand to run”. He was once again getting locked in the office. But this time, he didn’t put some magical collar on him to keep him in place.

“Stay on this couch. Is that understood?” he asks Blitz and he nods, “Yes sir”. As soon as the prince leaves his tense body relaxes, at least he tries to get it to, and tries to tell himself that the tyrant isn’t going after M&M. He eyes the stairs. It’s not like the bird has a video camera in here right? He’s not..watching him? Might just have to take the chance. He runs upstairs fast and opens the curtain, and the cosmic room looks the same. Planet atmosphere with pinprick stars over head. The chair in the center and the mirror in the corner. Running over to the mirror he pulls off the velvet cover, revealing it’s ornate features and immediately goes to touch it. And it doesn’t do anything.

“No. No no no Stolas!” he yells at the mirror, “Stols can you hear me, please come back! You have to kill that version of you, you have to..” he feels stupid. Yelling at glass. He should go back downstairs. Be obedient. NO, he needs to get through to him somehow.

“Room! Please help me, how do I talk to Stolas?!” he asks frantically and the room simply gives him the image of a crystal ball. f*ck-it’s that simple?? But the crystal ball is downstairs. He runs back down the stairs looking through every window and door for any sign of Stolas. There’s none for now and he pulls out the crystal ball from the bookshelf and places it on the desk. He piles some books on the desk chair and sits on top of them, placing his hands on the ball.

“f*cking show me Stols, please”, he says with tears in his eyes, begging this to work. The ball gets murky for a while and Blitz just continues to say, Please please please under his breath.

The ball clears and he sees his lanky bird laying on a couch in the apartment in Greed that he recognized as Blitzo and Fizz’s and almost starts sobbing with joy.

“S-stols…” he says weakly then coughs, “Stolas!” he says through the crystal ball and Stolas sits up, looking around with his adorable owl neck that turns 360 degrees.

“Who goes there?” he asks. Blitz’s lip quivers, “It’s me, it’s Blitz”.

Now his Stolas is teary-eyed, “Blitz??? Why did it take so long to contact me are you alright?”

Blitz thinks about what to tell him, “I...I don’t have much time. I have important information”.

Stolas frowns but nods, “What is it my love?”

My Love….Blitz is crying now but manages to choke through his tears, “Y-you have to kill yourself to get out”.

“What?!” he yells and Blitz can hear a reply of his own voice coming from another room in the ball, Blitzo.

“I can’t explain it’s...something with the body swap thing if that version is dead then your spirit gets to come back”. He tries to wait for Stolas to reply but he has no time. The Stolas here could come back any f*cking minute and he’s risking it all by doing this. He hears rustling in the hall and panics, cutting off the connection and hops off the chair, putting the books back but then when he attempts to put back the crystal ball it falls, shattering all over the floor. His eyes widen and he collapses to his knees, holding the shards of crystal. His only way to talk to his Stols, gone because of him.

“I can’t take much more…”, he holds his knees close and sits next to the mess with his tail wrapped around him. Not even moving when Stolas comes back into the office and notices the mess.

“What in hell happened in here? Blitz, explain”, he demands and Blitz just shrugs. He’d rather feel pain right now than whatever this numbness is. Stolas delivers. Talons grab him by the shirt and throw him across the room.

“What, you thought you could contact your Prince while I was gone?” he starts to rant, Blitz tunes him out as Stolas brings out a cane and strikes him across the back one, two, three, four times.

“I will f*cking teach you respect!!” The tyrant prince half transforms into his demonic form now, black mists around him that burn his skin when they touch him. He whimpers at the touch and that seems to delight Stolas.

“You know, I have dealt with so much hell for the past 20 years. So much pain, overcome so much weakness, so much hatred for me and my body at the hands of my wife and myself that I believe I have become something so much larger. So much...more”, he smiles.

Blitz smiles weakly, “A Monster?” Stolas chuckles madly as he undresses Blitz, “Worse”. Blitz breathes heavily, so scared but doesn’t want to show it. Even if he’s given into this for the last week. When he’s most cruel, this Stolas f*cks him. Hard. Raw. With no lube and no mercy. He knows what’s coming.

“Tsk, where would be the fun in f*cking you as a punishment? No this is just for the humiliation”, he grazes a talon over Blitz’s thighs, making them involuntarily shake.

“On your knees”, he demands and Blitz obeys, looking up at Stolas, his eyes bloodshot. He leaves him there for a moment and takes the angelic dagger out of the desk once more, Blitz panicking now, standing up, “No. No we were done with this I’m obedient! I’m obedient!” he gets back on his knees and pleads, his hands clasped. But Stolas tilts his head in a way that shows he’s not paying attention to anything the imp is saying.

He points, “Stay there. Don’t. Move. This is your punishment for disobeying”. Blitz swallows and reaches out like if he was just a little closer he could grab the knife but he’s on his knees across the whole room. Watching while Stolas puts one talon on the table, steadying it. Then he stabs through the middle, twisting it in. He moves it to the wrist and cuts through flesh and bone, Blitz throwing up and falling over into a fetal position.

By the look on Stolas’s face you would believe he feels none of this. As he cuts into his own wrist with the dagger. The blade finally reaching the table through the whole wrist. Cutting off the talon.

Stolas points the blade at him, “This was your doing”. No no no no no...

The Prince wraps up his talon-less wrist in spare gauze and bandage wrapping. Walking over and cutting the wrapping with the sharp of one of Blitz’s horns and secures it. Placing the new stub in Blitz’s face.

“Kiss it, make it all better”, says the sick bastard. Blitz winces with tears in his eyes and kisses the wrist, as the tears escape down his cheeks.

Without any supper like a grounded kid, Stolas carries him to bed, still naked and places him under the blankets then leaves the room, locking the bedroom door again. His husband’s body no longer has a talon because of him. Because he had to take a risk. Whole body shaking, he sobs into the pillow, a nightly occurrence now. He promises himself he won’t take any more risks. Risk anyone else because of his actions. He will be obedient, he will be obedient. But if his Stolas doesn’t get here soon he might have to end it all himself.

Chapter 2: Refugees In Lust


“We’re usually here for way different reasons”, comments Moxx, Millie nodding, “Yeah it’s weird not being here for a date”. They walk up to the sin of Lust’s tower and hesitantly stand there, both looking at one another. Millie presses the doorbell and it makes a moaning sound, and Moxxie blushes, Millie giggling. They wait for a few moments then Fizz answers the door.

“You two here as refugees too?” he asks, and to both of their surprise, they’re taken aback.


GAME PLAN TIME (Also Pringles is Alive)

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Moxxie limps up the stairs to their apartment, holding the wound in his leg as the blood leaks through his hands. He saw Stolas’s face when he came by quickly and swiped him with a claw in his eldritch form, and at first Moxx was afraid he got his leg cut clean off. But it’s just a really deep wound. He turns the door handle and trips into the apartment, Millie in the kitchen noticing him, “MOXXIE??”

She pulls him up and helps him to the couch, “What happened?? Who did this?!”

Moxx groans as Millie runs and grabs their first aid kit that they use after particularly harsh missions. She sits back on the couch and pulls out the gauze, Moxx holding it on the wound.

“It was Stolas. Something’s really wrong”, he answers and she widens her eyes, “Blitz…?” Moxx nods.
“There is something Stolas doesn’t want us figuring out. But he is not himself”. “Could they be...switched?”

“Again? I mean-I would be surprised if they had kept that mirror but not impossible I suppose. I’m much more worried about Blitz now”, he winces as Millie disinfects the wound and kisses his cheek, then starts wrapping his leg.

“Lets worry about you, then we can see if we can get ahold a’ Fizz or Asmodeus. Kay?” she reassures him and pulls him close, rubbing his forehead. He nods, “Tea?” she smiles and gets up and makes his favorite, peppermint, and hands it to him, the warmth helping him forget about the pain for a moment. Then she takes out a THC edible from a drawer in the kitchen and hands it to him, “To take the edge off the pain”. He takes it and starts eating it, the taste a little off.

“Thanks, love”. “Of course sweetie”, she turns on one of his favorite musicals and lets his legs sit across her lap. Then she looks down, “Moxx I’m really worried about Blitz. Did ya see his eyes today? He looked like he hadn’t got sleep in days”. Moxx frowns and holds her hand, squeezing it.

“We’ll help him honey. I promise”.

Stolas paces around Blitzo’s apartment, holding his head in his talons. Where did he go?! What does he mean he has to kill himself?! So many questions and it was so brief. Is he alright? He has to be. But he left so quickly…

“Hey hey, you need to chill”, Blitzo puts a hand on his arm and he blinks, “Chill? Chill! My husband just said to kill myself!” Blitzo’s mouth forms a line, “I admit that’s...odd but he said it was important information right?”

“Well yes, but I couldn’t get any details from him, it was so vague. Kill yourself okay bye!” he says frantically and Blitzo pulls him to the couch.

“Are you going to do it?” Blitzo asks. Stolas lays his head against Blitzo’s shoulder, “I don’t know, how am I supposed to take this Stolas’s life if I don’t even know who he is? What if he’s just a victim. Like I used to be”.

“...What about the crystal ball in this world?” Blitzo brainstorms. Stolas perks up, “Blitzo you’re a genius!” he kisses his cheek and Blitzo puts his hand to his cheek and smiles. He is too down bad for this bird.

“If I can go back to the palace and look in my crystal ball here, I should be able to see what’s going on with the other me, and whether it’s a viable plan”, he stands, determined. Blitzo gathers his things in his tote bag, “I’m coming with, birdy”.

“Are you sure?” Stolas asks.

“There’s no ‘sure’ about it, I’m not letting you get hurt”, he insists and Stolas nods, “Alright”. Blitzo grabs one last thing from a compartment in the kitchen, a pistol that he loads. Stolas co*cks his head, “You use guns now?”

“Since I learned to shoot over there, I haven’t stopped learning. Now I’m practically the best shot in Greed”, he gives a toothy smile that makes Stolas chuckle and they leave together. Fizz walks out of the bedroom in his pj’s, yawning and looks around, noticing their absence, “The f*ck did I miss?”

Stolas portals them both into the foyer and grabs Blitzo’s hand, pulling him to the office.

“Keep a listen for Stella, you’ll probably hear her before you see her”, Stolas mentions and Blitzo nods, watching the hall from the doorway. Stolas runs and grabs the crystal ball off the bookshelf, placing it on the desk.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he says, “Show me Blitz”. The crystal clears and there’s a clear view of Blitz bent down in their office, no clothing, and he sees his own body, giving him lashes of a cane. One, two, three, four. “Blitz!!” he screams, Blitzo’s eyes widening and considers running over to comfort Stolas but stays by the door. Blitz is crying, no, sobbing. Whimpering in a way Stolas has never seen. He yells again, “Blitz can you hear me!” but there’s no answer. Blitz hugs himself and pleads with the other Stolas and watches as his own body pulls out an angelic dagger from his desk, he doesn’t remember having that? And then he can’t look away as the other Stolas cuts off his own Talon in front of Blitz.

“AH!!!” he screams and covers his eyes, making Blitzo abandon his post and run over, looking into the ball, “Oh f*ck”, he comments and pulls Stolas in a hug.

“...Guess there’s our answer. Kinda glad I didn’t try to flirt with that one….”

“I-I can’t watch anymore”, Stolas says and waves his hand over the ball, cutting off the view. Blitz couldn’t hear him anyway.

“I don’t blame you”, he replies and rubs his head feathers. Stolas breathes heavily, “He’s hurting him. He’s torturing him, I, I have to get back”.

Blitzo rubs the back of his neck, “Then you know what you gotta do I guess”, making a slicing motion at his throat. Stolas frowns and nods.

Two days later, once Moxxie’s leg is in a little better shape, they head to Lust.

“We’re usually here for way different reasons”, comments Moxx, Millie nodding, “Yeah it’s weird not being here for a date”. They walk up to the sin of Lust’s tower and hesitantly stand there, both looking at one another. Millie presses the doorbell and it makes a moaning sound, and Moxxie blushes, Millie giggling. They wait for a few moments then Fizz answers the door.

“You two here as refugees too?” he asks, and to both of their surprise, they’re taken aback.

“What do you mean?” Moxx asks, Fizz gestures to his leg, “Stolas get you too?” Millie widens her eyes, “How do you know?! You don’t look beat up”. Fizz gestures inside, “Come on in. I think we’re all on more or less the same page”.

He leads them to a common room attached to the kitchen where they find Stolas’s Butler and Loona, sitting on a couch. Asmodeus in the corner making food.

“Hey babe, add two more plates”, Fizz mentions and Ozzie looks up, “Oh! Hello Millie, Moxxie”. Moxx does a small bow, “Asmodeus...sir”.

“No need for that! This is my house, I’m just Ozzie or Oz here”, he replies and Moxx nods. Millie runs over to Loona, “L! Are you okay?!” she looks all over her for any wounds, but she’s clear.

“Yeah I’m alright. Pringles here came to my apartment for help and I brought him here. Oz and Fizz have been a massive help trying to brainstorm what exactly is happening. Pringles is shy but what’s clear is Blitz is in a dire situation. And the asshat inside my other dad is NOT our Stolas.

“That’s what we were thinking too”, Moxx mentions. Millie walks over to Pringles and notices his eye is completely closed up from a bruise and he has bandage wrapping on almost every limb. She extends a hand and he stays quiet but takes it and she rubs the top of it.

“Damn...he beat you pretty hard”, she says out loud.

Fizz growls, “And that sh*thead’s been doing the same sh*t to Blitz every f*cking day”. Loona looks down and Millie freezes and unclasps Pringles’ hand, “….Every day?!” Fizz nods and clenches and unclenches his hands.

“Hun, you know how the prosthetics act up when you’re stressed”, Ozzie mentions as he flips the burgers. Fizz takes a deep breath, “I’m fine”.

Oz continues, “It’s okay to not be fine, sweetheart. I just want you to know we are going to save him”.

“What do ya have in mind?” Millie asks, getting tense as well and Moxxie places his hand on her shoulder, rubbing between her shoulder blades.

“Well, the reason we haven’t gone over there already is that we are worried at how reactionary this Stolas could be. We don’t know the full extent of how bad it is. We only know that he’s beating his staff, beating and manipulating Blitz, and well, that’s pretty much all we know. If we come over unannounced he could hurt Blitz more in a reactionary stance. I’ve dealt with abusers, and they will get their just desserts”, he places all the patties on buns as Fizz pulls out burger fix-ins.

Loona pipes up, “However, there’s a ball tomorrow. Since I’m technically their daughter, I can go to the Balls, I’ve just never been. I’m going tomorrow to get more intel on the situation at the palace, and also to see how Via is faring with Paimon”.

“Oh right, f*ck she’s over there”, Moxxie replies and Loona frowns and nods, “I’ve been worried sick about her. But she must not have cell reception. So I have no idea how she’s doing. We should be able to figure it all out tomorrow”.

“I want to go with you to the Ball”, Fizz says, “I can be your...famous escort or something I dunno”.

Ozzie widens his eyes, “Absolutely not”. “Ooooz, I can do this. It’s just a party. I’ve been to tons of parties”.

“Not without me”, he replies. Fizz puts his hand on his hip, “Yes without you. My life didn’t always revolve around you big daddy!” Ozzie laughs and pokes his nose, “Keep telling yourself that. Fizz, it’s too dangerous”.

Moxxie interjects, “If I may, I actually agree. Blitz was very clear when he left the office not to contact you. He doesn’t want you near Stolas”. Oz hands everyone their burgers and fix-ins on plates and some start to dig in. Pringles just staring at it. Then Millie starts to eat and Pringles looks to her, then at his plate and builds his burger, taking a small bite.

“I just want to help!” Fizz insists. “I know Froggie, and you will, once we get him out of the situation”, Oz replies and Fizz pouts, crossing his arms but relents and begins to eat.

Loona asks one more thing, “What about the other Stolas? In the Mirror?” Oz thinks.

“I don’t know much about separate dimensions, I’ll do some research. But with how smart that bird is, let’s hope he has it figured out soon”, he replies and Loona nods. They finish eating and Fizz grabs all the plates like a bus-boy, washing up.

“If you want to use our home as HQ while this is all going down I can set up another guest room for you both, Millie, Moxxie. Loona and Pringles are staying as well”, Ozzie mentions.

“We’d love to”, answers Millie. Moxxie nodding along. Millie takes Pringles’ plate once he finally finishes and places it in the sink, pulling Fizz aside. She gestures to Pringles with her head.

“Got a trauma therapist nearby? I think our friend needs one”, she says and Fizz gives a small smile and nods, “I’ll make the arrangements for some sessions”.

They all settle in for the night in separate bedrooms in a whole guest room wing of the tower. Fizz jumping into bed with Oz with a flop. He sighs.

“What’s on your mind, Froggie?” he asks, looking up from his book.

“Blitz. He’s already been through so much. And now this? he gonna be okay, Oz?” he looks to Ozzie with eyes of extreme concern and he can see tears on the edges of his eyes. He pulls Fizz close and rubs down his back.

“He will be alright. Even if the worst happens, we will make sure he is alright”, he soothes and Fizz falls asleep in his arms.

Chapter 3: The Ball


One of the birds throws a coat her way, “Here you go” they say and she growls and rips it, throwing it behind a plant. Okay, not a great start. Then she sees her, Via. Her eyes widen as she strides across the room towards her sister but her arm is caught by someone’s hand, Paimon.

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Loona straightens her gown, a sparkly blue number that was made for her by Ozzie. She stands up straight and walks down the stairs into the ballroom. She just has to act like everyone else can’t be that hard. One of the birds throws a coat her way, “Here you go” they say and she growls and rips it, throwing it behind a plant. Okay, not a great start. Then she sees her, Via. Her eyes widen as she strides across the room towards her sister but her arm is caught by someone’s hand, Paimon.

“Well hello again, granddaughter. That is what you are to me, no?” he kisses her cheeks and she’s disgusted but does the custom.

“I think last time you called me, ‘mut’”, she crosses her arms. He nods and hands her a drink, she takes it.

“I apologize. I get cranky when I have intruders”, he sips his drink as Via walks over and hugs Loona from behind, “Loona!” She turns around, returning her hug and Paimon waves to her, “I will be behind the stage, Via, when you’re ready”.

She checks all over Via for any wounds or lacerations, but she’s clear.

“Loona, I’m okay really. Never felt better, really”, she’s wearing a noticeable tiara with a purple crystal and a purple sleeveless sparkly dress to match, something that is really not her style.

“Oh yeah? How...has it been? Is he treating you alright?” she asks, holding Via’s shoulders. Via nods, “He’s a great teacher”. “And this..tiara? It’s new”, she goes to touch it but Via slaps her paw away.

“Don’t touch it….Please”, she says warily and Loona steps back, “Mmkay. Have you seen the dads? They were supposed to be here. Something’s really wrong with your dad, Vi”.

Then the biggest alarm blares in Loona’s head when Via...doesn’t care about this information. She just takes a drink and squeezes Loona’s paw.

“Great to catch up but I gotta get a dance in before the show!” she comments and runs off with a green and black feathered Goetian bird Loona’s never seen before. Show…?

Then she spots them, in the corner. Oh satan her dad looks worse than she thought. His face is sagging into the most depressed she’s ever seen him, obvious bruises on his face. And...does...Stolas not have one hand?! What the actual f*ck?! Loona stomps over, “What the f*ck happened to your hand!” she yells attracting a little attention across the room and Stolas widens his eyes and puts his talon finger to his lips, “Quiet. You’re causing a scene”.

“And you suddenly not having a hand isn’t??!” she gestures and Stolas puts the hand talon he has left on her shoulder, “It was an accident, I assure you”. Loona narrows her eyes and crosses her arms, “Uh huh, and what about you Blitz, what do you say happened?!” Blitz is looking down. He looks up to Stolas, not at Loona. Like he’s waiting for something. She looks to Stolas as well then back at Blitz.

“Hello? Blitz? Dad?”, she finally says and he flinches at ‘dad’, looking back down.

“He thinks the same as me. Accident”, Stolas murmers. Loona tries to control her growling and takes a deep breath. Then she turns toward Stolas, “Hey dad, do you think I could talk to Blitz alone for a moment? You wouldn’t have a problem with that would you?” she asks, giving a sly and knowing smile.

Stolas doesn’t let his facade fade, “No, not at all. Feel free”, he knudges Blitz and he almost trips and holds onto Loona’s arm as they head down a hall away from the ballroom and Stolas.

They stop and Loona looks to her dad, "Okay, please tell me what's going on. We all just want to help".

Blitz widens his eyes and looks back towards the ballroom where Stolas is. Where he could be listening from. Hearing him speak when he hasn't been told to. He has to be obedient. If Loona got hurt because of his actions...he would rather die. Sacrifice himself in the grasp of Stolas's Eldritch talons.

Loona groans and turns his face gently back to hers, "Please, dad talk to me. It's me. Loony toony", she insists, grazing a paw over one of the bruises on his cheek. He flinches a little and tears fall from his eyes as he clasps his hands in desperation and reluctantly shakes his head 'no', then covering his mouth. She sighs and pulls him into a hug. The first real one he's had in over a month. He tries to resist the urge to sob now, squeezing his claws into the fur of her back.

She feels how tightly he's holding on and has to pry him off, "We're going to get you away. We have a plan, with Fizz and-" then Blitz jumps up and covers her mouth frantically, shaking his head, pointing back to the ballroom. She pauses and nods, "Okay. Okay I won't talk about it here. Sorry". Blitz let's out a breath and leans into another hug, her hugging him back tightly.

Stolas comes walking down the hall and he pulls away, almost pushing her away from him, and stands up straight. She's never seen him like this. She looks to him then to Stolas.

"Are we ready to go watch the show? Via is going to put on a dazzling display I hear", he extends his only hand talon and Blitz takes it without a word, looking back at Loona a moment then snapping back forward. A display from Via? Loona follows them back to the ballroom, joining as part of the audience.

As promised, Via takes a small stage. She takes a deep breath and when she releases it, magic shoots from her hands and spreads throughout the room, basking the room In a makeshift galaxy. Loona widens her eyes, Via’s never been able to do something that widespread before. It must be the tiara she’s wearing. But she’s acting strange, too.

Via moves the galaxy around with her fingers, picking out stars and giving them to audience members. Paimon watches on and claps once in a while. Then, she shoos away the galaxy and the green and black feathered Goetia she was dancing with earlier comes up to the stage.

“Ready to be beaten, Via?” he says, and Via laughs, “You wish”.

They take magical hits at one another, dodging and sliding. The audience ooing. Then in a final display, their magic strands together and against one another, Loona swears she’s seen this in a movie once. Finally Via’s magic wins out.

“Ha! In your face!” she points and the other Goetia chuckles and stands up, shaking her hand for a good game. Then Paimon comes over and puts a hand on her back, “Time to head back to the palace when you’re ready”.

Loona runs over to Via, “Wait you have to leave so soon?!” Via shrugs, “Yeah, I was technically only here to do the show. But it’s only two more months. Then I’ll be home, kay?” Loona frowns and hugs her, “As long as you promise”.

“I promise”, Via says, and walks over to Paimon as he opens their portal.

She brings her attention back to her dads and Blitz is still on constant edge. She brings him a drink and he looks to Stolas who nods and then he takes it and downs it.

“You shouldn’t down drinks like that”, Stolas mentions. Blitz looks around anxiously like a wounded puppy, “Sorry….My Liege”. What the f*ck….? She thinks. How does she get them separated so she can get Blitz away from him?

She turns to Stolas, “Hey dad, uh, I think I left my purse in the co*cktail lounge outside on the balcony. Will you grab it for me? There were some weirdos out there earlier and I’m not comfortable going back alone”. Stolas narrows his eyes but nods, “Of course Loona, I can do that. Come Blitz”.

“Actually there’s something I wanted to talk to dad about too. Just between us, something about….my adoption” she mentions and Stolas nods, “Very well. I will be back in a moment” he says as he squeezes Blitz’s shoulder then walks over to the balcony. As soon as he’s out of sight she practically picks Blitz up and starts fast walking toward the exit. Then she feels pinching or..biting-is he fighting her?! She puts him down next to the door.

“Blitz, I’m trying to take you away from him!” Blitz shakes his head. “What?! Why not?!”

Then he looks like he swallows a stone and manages a whisper, “He will hurt Stolas more. I can’t go”.

“He...he did that to himself?!” she asks, unbelieving, stepping back. Blitz nods and puts his head in his hands.

“I’m sorry”, he says with a hoarse voice. She shakes her head this time, “Don’t be. We’ll figure something else out. I promise”, she pulls him into another hug and he doesn’t let go, and she doesn’t make him.

Stolas strides over, “Sorry Loona, I couldn’t find your purse. I imagine it’s with the coat-hound, wherever he is”. She nods, “S’alright”. Stolas looks to the door and then to Blitz, still hugging Loona, “Ready to leave, Blitz?” Blitz nods and lets go of her, taking Stolas’s only talon hand and they head out the door, Stolas calling a car.

Loona sits on a bench outside with her chin in her hands. Well f*ck. Change of plans.

Chapter 4: New Plan


Blitzo leans his head on his knees as he sits on the couch, eyes drifting in and out of sleep. Every night, Stolas says he’s gonna do it. He’s gonna slit his own throat, killing this version of him and letting his spirit move back to the other him or whatever. And every night, he can’t do it and ends up pacing and muttering to himself.


It wouldn't be one of my fics without a spicy scene lol. Again, as previously established, Blitz doesn't care if he f*cks another Blitzo. And to me, they are f*cking stressed and need it lol.
TW: Suicide attempt, Spicy Content

Chapter Text

Loona heads back to Oz and Fizz with distressing news. She explains the missing talon, the self infliction, and the danger that is being held over Blitz's head. It only boils Fizzarolli's blood hotter.

"I'm gonna kill him!" He yells and Oz puts a hand on his shoulder.

"I believe that's actually what we're trying to avoid, babe. We can't let Stolas's body get hurt more before ours comes back", Ozzie explains and Fizz takes a deep breath, "Fine. I just want Blitz safe".

"We'll figure something out. I feel lucky I even left that party without being taken too. I'm pretty sure he knew what I was trying to do. But his grip on Blitz is tight. I mean the guy wasn't even drinking without his permission", she relayes the scenes she noticed of Blitz. Also his desperation to not talk.

"Ozzie he might have to stay here once he's away from Stolas for a while", Fizz mentions and Ozzie nods, "I'll prepare a more permanent room with its own bathroom and start on Stolas's talon prosthetic".

Loona suddenly hugs Ozzie, "thank you. So much for everything you both have been doing to help". Ozzie smiles and puts a hand on her head, "of course. You're like family. And you remind me a lot of Bee".

Loona widens her eyes, "really?" Ozzie nods, "You’re both very headstrong and determined when those you love are in danger. I admire that about her. And you". Loona smiles and rubs her arm, "I just want my family back". Fizz walks over and holds her paw, "It'll happen. Ozzie how is it gonna happen..?"

"Well uh-its tricky. We can't just go to the palace, he could hurt Blitz. And I guess we can't take Blitz away cause he'll hurt himself. In that case, maybe we can get him to come here? Or a mutual ground. Or trap him?"

"Trap him? Can that be done?" Asks Fizz. Ozzie nods, "Technically yes, he is an Ars Goetia demon so, he can be summoned and trapped. Give me a day to get the supplies and everything prepared'. Fizz salutes him, "You got it big daddy!"

"Anything else I can do?" Loona asks. Ozzie thinks, "just hang around here, and be here for Blitz and Pringles", he explains and she nods. Feeling like she could do more but she guesses the party was already a lot. It already drained her social battery anyway. They all go their separate ways to prepare to trap Stolas. A feat in itself.

Blitz takes another beating from the cane, this time for speaking to Loona. His eyes flutter as he stares at the bedpost, unmoving from his all-fours position.

Stolas leans down and grabs his chin with his only hand talon, “What, nothing to say? Go on, you can speak”.

“Are you ever going to let me go”, he chokes out in a hoarse voice, his throat sore. He can’t remember the last time he had a full glass of water. Stolas laughs and pushes him off the bed onto the ground on his back, stinging the cane lashes that burn as his body weight is layered onto them.

Stolas holds up his only hand with his wedding ring on it, “We’re in this for life, love. Or did you forget that?” Blitz swallows and tries to pull his wrist from Stolas’s grip but he tightens it. Then he uses magic to pull out the dagger he keeps in his robe now, insisting on torturing Blitz with the possibilities anytime he can.

He moves the dagger near his ring finger, “Should I remind you?” Blitz cries, “No. I remember”.

“Remember what?” he asks, Blitz lets out a whimper that he knows the tyrant lives for, “That you’re my husband”.

“Thatta boy”, he drops his wrist and Blitz falls back onto the stinging wounds in his back, reverting to holding his knees as he often does.

“You won’t hold me forever”, he whispers. Stolas turns around, “What was that pet?”

“I..said..I love you”, he winces, tears streaming and Stolas nods, “That’s what I thought you said”, and leaves the bedroom, locking the door. Blitz pulls himself slowly to his knees, trying to cover his body and dignity with any sheets he can pull from the bed. Then hears something clang to the ground. He reaches between the sheet and finds the dagger. Stolas left it.

He turns it, shining from the angelic tint. It’s been…what a month? Almost two since he held a weapon? He steadies it in his hand, it feels so foreign now. Almost like he wouldn’t know how to use it. Sitting on the bed, he places the dagger next to him and pulls his knees close again, hugging himself. Would ending it now be worth it? He would be free of the torment, but he’d never see his Stols again. How are they even going to continue their marriage when he flinches every time he sees him? f*ck, he’s crying again. He takes the dagger in his hand again and puts it to his throat. Just needing to feel like what it’d feel like to almost do it.

He throws it across the room with such force that it lands in the wall, ripping some wallpaper. Stolas rushes back in and it makes Blitz quickly cower into a corner of the bed, pulling the sheets up to his shoulders like it’ll protect him.

“What in satan’s name-”, he notices the dagger and looks to Blitz, then back at the dagger. He raises his eyebrows and walks over, pulling it out of the wall with a tug. He laughs, “You’re weak”, and leaves again.

I know, he thinks.

It takes Ozzie more than one day to get together the materials for the summoning. In fact, it takes about a month. Everyone, especially Fizz, hounding him every day about the details and whether it’s ready yet.

“Ozzie, he’s being tortured every day and I feel helpless!” he yells, pacing around the bedroom. Ozzie frowns, “I know, I’m sorry. I have everything I need in terms of summoning him, it’s just keeping him somewhere that is tricky. I didn’t have the materials to do so and had to call on Carmine and a few others to assist in making a specific room to trap him in”, Ozzie explains, “You know all this, you won’t leave me alone about it!”

“Ozzie, what if Blitz is dead when we get to him!” Fizz cries, collapsing on the bed, “I can’t lose my best friend again!” Ozzie sighs and puts some quieves on the bed to comfort him. They start licking his hat.

“Honey, he won’t be dead. Stolas clearly wants him alive to continue torturing him”, Ozzie explains. Fizz’s mouth just hangs open as he holds a few of the quieves, tears falling down his face, “You get how that’s worse right!!!” Ozzie narrows his eyes, “Is it?” Fizz just continues to cry and Ozzie pulls him close.

“We are almost ready. I’ve had Loona on my case too. Even Pringles is talking now! Which is impressive”, he mentions and Fizz sniffles, turning away from Ozzie and squeezing quieves.

Ozzie turns away as well, turning off the light and pulling the blanket over them both, “Goodnight, Froggie”.

“Night”, he replies solemnly through tears.

Blitzo leans his head on his knees as he sits on the couch, eyes drifting in and out of sleep. Every night, Stolas says he’s gonna do it. He’s gonna slit his own throat, killing this version of him and letting his spirit move back to the other him or whatever. And every night, he can’t do it and ends up pacing and muttering to himself.

“It’s okay, he can take another day. I can do another day here, it’s just another day! I don’t need to do it right now. I just need to try again tomorrow”. Blitzo isn’t having it, he feels so done with this.

“You said that a month ago”, he quips and Stolas gasps, “I beg your pardon?” Blitzo groans and stands up, “YOU SAID THAT A MONTH AGO!” he yells, trying to get it into the bird’s silly head.

Stolas steps back and puts his talon to his chest, “Blitzo are you alright?”

“You say you love him, but you won’t go save him”, he mumbles, crossing his arms.

“What?!” Stolas asks, offended, “I do love him! I do want to save him!” Maybe Blitzo is just living through Blitz now because he knows he has no future with Stolas, but he doesn’t care. Someone’s gotta stick up for himself.

“THEN KILL YOURSELF ALREADY!” he yells, taking the angelic dagger from the coffee table and putting it back into his hand talon.

“ you..want me to leave?” Stolas asks, frowning. His big ole’ owl eyes getting white pupils and Blitzo groans again, rubbing his face, “Birdy, I want you to take this seriously”.

“I am taking this seriously!” He defends, slamming the dagger back onto the table. Blitzo rolls his eyes, “Oh yeah, that’s why you keep talking yourself out of it”.

Stolas makes an angry bird warble and turns away, crossing his arms. Blitzo’s tail is swishing and he tries to will it to stop, but he’s angry too. If he can’t have this bird, why doesn’t he just f*ck off already?

Stolas whispers, “I’m afraid of death”, he hugs himself. Blitzo’s tail slows and he walks over, “You’ve never said that in the last month”.

“I’ve never had to face it head on alone, not really. I’m immortal, Blitz…o”, he tells him. Well duh, he knew that. He chuckles at almost calling him ‘Blitz’ and holds his hand, “You’re not alone”.

“Thank you”, Stolas says and takes his cheek, pulling his face close and kisses his lips deeply, letting them melt into one another.

“...Why?!” Blitzo asks, rubbing his own face as his cheeks get hot and Stolas pulls away, “What?! Was that too much? I’m sorry I just thought-”,

“Shut up”, Blitzo says and pushes Stolas on the couch, straddling him and tugging down his pants, his fingers dipping down to meet wet cloaca. Stolas moans and pulls Blitzo chest to chest, melding tongues and lips again in a focused flurry of warmth. Blitzo breathes heavily and continues rubbing the owl’s cl*t, just the way he remembers he likes. Stolas groans and rubs a hand talon over his bulge, attempting to unzip his pants with one hand but is unsuccessful.

“B-Blitzoooo”, he whines and Blitzo nods, pulling his hand out and pulls Stolas’s pants and panties all the way off, then discarding his own pants and boxers on the other side of the couch.

He admires the owl for a moment, vulnerable, quaking, and so so beautiful in the bask of the greed moonlight that’s flooding into the open windows. He leans further down and digs his face in wet cloaca, savoring the owl’s juices as he licks between folds, kissing and sucking on his cl*t.

Stolas moans louder, “O-oh, Blitzo, OOOh f*ck”, and holds onto one horn again, pulling his face closer, squeezing his face between his thighs. That turns him on even more, his face being used and continues eating out the bird with fervor, engrossed in what could be the last time he’ll ever taste him.

“F-f*ck Blitzo I’m gonna cum”, he hears those sweet, sweet words and squeezes the bird’s thighs, digging his tongue inside his hole to give deep sucks, then licks up the cl*t a few more times, pushing him over the edge.

“f*ck!” Stolas yells, squeezing both his horn and the couch, the owl cumming into Blitzo’s mouth just as Fizzarolli is walking back into the house, eyes wide.

“What the-”, he starts then he watches as Blitzo sits up, licking his lips and he chuckles, “f*ckING FINALLY!” he throws his hands up in the air as the shaking bird steel reeling from his org*sm looks to Blitzo, “What’s that about?” Blitzo smiles, “Hahah nothin’”, he replies as Fizz disappears into the bedroom, leaving them alone again. Blitzo runs and grabs lube from the bedroom, kissing Fizz on the lips as a greeting.

“Save some dick for me!” he yells and Blitzo smirks. He walks back over to Stolas and licks up his cloaca opening one more time, making the owl shutter. Then putting slick lube on himself, he places his hands on the bird’s hip bones, “Ready birdy?” he asks and Stolas nods enthusiastically. He pushes in slowly, making sure the positioning is right and f*ck his hole feels so good. It’s so tight and warm and wet. He starts thrusting at a steady rhythm, kissing down his soft chest when he gets the chance. Stolas leans a leg over the head of the couch and moans his name, driving him f*cking nuts.

“Blitzoo...Blitzooo. Oh f*ck Blitzooo”, he whines. “You’re taking it so good”, Blitzo growls and the owl stares up at him, and f*ck there are those feelings again. Those feelings he can’t seem to f*cking get rid of. He just wants to melt into the bird, become part of him. Be with him.

“Oh f*ck-f*ck, yes, oh Stolas I’m so close, baby”, Stolas moans, “Cum inside me, baby”.

“f*ck! Say, say you love me”. “What?!” Stolas asks and Blitzo squeezes his thighs, “Please. Say you love me, baby”.

“I...I love you darling”, and that does it. He releases hard, his body shaking and collapses on Stolas’s chest. Dick spirting out a tiny bit more in a wave and he groans, then pulls out slowly. Stolas pulls him close, rubbing his hand talon through the spikes at the back of his head. It feels so nice.

“Darling…” Stolas starts but Blitzo attempts to put his hand over his mouth, “Just...f*cking let me have this before you end yourself, kay?” Stolas’s eyes widen but then he resigns and nods, understanding. He kisses Blitzo’s forehead, “Okay”.

Chapter 5: Saved


Blitz hears a voice that isn't Stolas. Is Pringles back? Does he recognize it? He can't f*cking remember. He can't move either. But whoever they are, they're looking for him.

Before disappearing for an unknown reason, Stolas was in the middle of another session, and had just dug an angelic blade into his leg. It still sits in there, the blood undulating from his thigh. But he has no motivation to pull it out. He could get punished if Stolas comes back. So he stays still. Making no sound. Giving the strangers no hints to his whereabouts.


It's sad hours bois. Also, Stolas coming back will be next chapter. I realized that it's just unrealistic in the story for it all to happen at once, and needed to focus on Blitz's trauma. So evil stolas stays in birdy jail for a little bit first.

Chapter Text

Millie, Moxxie, and Loona finish drawing out Stolas’s sigil on the ground of the closed in room in the basem*nt of Ozzie’s tower, then lighting candles at the edges.

Ozzie reads over the incantation again and Fizz grabs the book, “Just let me say it!” he says.

“Hun, as much as I appreciate your theater prowess, I got this”. Fizz groans and gives it back, crosses his arms.

Ozzie smiles and bends down, placing a hand on his cheek, “Remember, you gotta be there to help Loona and the M’s get Blitz outta that Palace while we have Stolas here”. Fizz nods, “I know. I’m just trying to help more”. Ozzie kisses his forehead, “You will Froggie I promise”.

Moxxie tugs the King of Lust’s coat and he looks down, noticing the small imp’s hands in determined fists, “Yes?”

“I just wanted to know if I could be in here with you and Stolas. He hurt me and my best friend, I want to see him hurt too”.

“That’s...noble Moxx, but I’m worried that he’s just gonna try and hurt you more. Plus, remember we aren’t hurting him. He’s still the body of our Stolas. We are holding him here until ours returns”, Ozzie re-explains, Moxxie sighing as Millie puts her hand on his back.

“I know it’s hard to know he’ll never get his just desserts but, at least we’ll have B back”, she tells him and Moxx nods and follows her, Loona, and Fizz out of the room.

Ozzie takes a deep breath, “Okay. Time to do this”. He can feel the angelic hum of the steel coated walls of the room. For a sin like himself this would be easy to escape into a crevice. But for a lower demon like Stolas, it should hold him no problem, suppressing his magic in the process. He starts the incantation and the sigil lights up, the candles burning brighter. He’s never done a summoning in hell before, but assumes it works the same way. The candles on the wall go out first as he continues the incantation.

A large puff of black smoke starts to rise from the center of the sigil. The flames of the candles on the sigil, wave wildly then they too, go out. The room now only lit with the flames of Ozzie’s own purple-blue mane. The smoke clears and Stolas stands straight, looking around then staring at Ozzie with an unimpressed grin.

“Asmodeus. What a surprise. You could have called instead of all...this”, he gestures around the room.

“Well, this was the only way we could be sure you couldn’t take advantage of anyone”, he muses and Stolas makes a curt laugh, “Take advantage? You must have me all wrong”.

“We already know what you’ve done to Blitz, to Pringles, to Moxxie, to yourself…”, one hand gestures to Stolas’s nubbed wrist. Stolas looks down at it then back up at Oz, “Yes, I’ve heard you’re pretty skilled in prosthetics. Make one for me?” he asks snarkily and Ozzie laughs, “Oh I made one for you. Just not...this you”. Stolas scoffs and rolls all four eyes, “There’s only one me. There will only be. One. Me”.

“You keep telling yourself that, birdy babe”, he retorts, starting to leave the room. Stolas reaches,

“Wait! Didn’t you summon me for some reason?” he asks. Ozzie laughs, “Yeah. This is the reason. And you aren’t leaving this room until our Stolas is back in that body”, he replies, turning back around.

Stolas groans and tries to turn eldritch but no smoke materializes, looking down at himself, “What is this!”

“Just desserts, babe”, Ozzie says.

“Wait what are you going to do!” Stolas asks. Ozzie shrugs, “Heal those you’ve hurt”.

“Don’t you dare touch Blitz! I will kill all of you if you touch him! I will maim this body until there is nothing left!!!!” He screams in demand, huffing and feathers rustling. Ozzie checks his phone then looks to him one more time before closing the door and sealing it, “No, you won’t”.

The palace is completely quiet as they walk down the halls. Small hoof and paw steps clicking on the marble floor. Loona sniffs again but it's been hard to smell Blitz, even at the Ball. He just smells like iron, like blood. The smell comes from the bedroom and they all look at one another and shrug. Millie tries turning the knob, locked.

Inside the bedroom, Blitz lays on the ground and flutters his eyes, hearing the doorknob jiggle. It wouldn't be Stolas...he knows his footsteps, and he has a key to unlock the door. Kept in his breast pocket. Blitz tried to grab it once and got choked.

Millie considers breaking the door down. So does Fizz but Moxxie puts a hand in front of them both and whispers, "What if he's right in front of the door? Be careful. Loona and I will check the office, that's where Pringles said he'd keep him often. You two get in this room". They all nod and separate.

Blitz hears a voice that isn't Stolas. Is Pringles back? Does he recognize it? He can't f*cking remember. He can't move either. But whoever they are, they're looking for him.

Before disappearing for an unknown reason, Stolas was in the middle of another session, and had just dug an angelic blade into his leg. It still sits in there, the blood undulating from his thigh. But he has no motivation to pull it out. He could get punished if Stolas comes back. So he stays still. Making no sound. Giving the strangers no hints to his whereabouts.

"I'm worried, what if he's not in here and we're spending precious time checking the wrong areas!" Fizz says and Blitz blinks. He knows that voice anywhere. It seems so long since he's heard it.

"We gotta check everywhere Fizz, we gotta be thorough", she insists and Blitz tries to turn on his side, wincing as the dagger in his thigh turns with him.

Does he recognize that one too? Why can't he f*cking remember anything? He tries to say something, anything but when he opens his mouth it's like dust comes out. He's so thirsty and there are sores in his mouth that ache.

"And how are we gonna get in without busting the door in?" Fizz asks. Millie smiles and pulls a pin from her hair, "lockpick skills baby!" Fizz smiles. She turns the pin in the lock, twisting and pushing the mechanisms. It works, and the door is finally unlocked. Fizz pushes it open and rushes in.

"Blitz?!" He looks around then sees a familiar white and red hand raise from the floor of the other side of the bed, "BLITZ!" He runs over and kneels down, Millie following behind.

"Oh f*ck, B. Your leg" she comments, looking the dagger up and down, Fizz getting increasingly concerned. Blitz just gives them both a neutral face, breathing shallow, like he is struggling to express any emotion. Fizz rubs his forehead, "No need to talk, you're alright now. You're alright", he reassures and Blitz closes his eyes, letting out a breath.

"I can carry him", he says, scooping him up and hates how light he is. Millie nods, "I'll grab the others. It'll be worse if we try to take out the dagger now".

“Oh crumbs, Blitz!” Moxxie comments, eyeing the dagger, “We gotta get him to a hospital”.

“Will his leg be okay if we use the van?” Loona asks the group and they all look at each other with worried faces. They should have brought the crystal, dammit.

“Well, it’s all we got right now”, Fizz says as he runs to the van, the rest following behind. Loona gets in the driver seat, Moxxie in shotgun and Fizz and Millie in the back, comforting Blitz as he whimpers now from the pain, his eyes still closed. Millie tries to rub his horns, she’s disturbed when they’re so cracked and dry, every new thing they realize about Blitz’s state, earning a concerned look between all the friends.

Fizz quickly texts Ozzie that they’re headed to Sloth instead of the tower because of the dagger, and Ozzie replies that Stolas is secured.

“Ozzie has Stolas secured”, he tells the group and they all let out a breath, now they can focus mentally on Blitz. The car ride to Sloth is way too long as they exhaust all the gauze in the emergency first aid kit in the van on Blitz’s leg.

When they finally make it, Loona comments that there’s a possibility it could already be infected. The M’s and Fizz exchange another concerned look as they pass Blitz off to the baphomet nurses, watching him be wheeled away quickly on a gurney.

Fizz holds his head, “I knew we were too f*cking late, we should have done this sooner!” he yells out loud to nobody in particular. Millie sighs and pulls him into a hug, “I know. It’s hard to not think about the ‘what ifs’. But we got him now. All we can do is support him from here”. Fizz returns the hug as tears stream down his face, smudging his makeup. Moxxie hands him a handkerchief and he smiles and dabs his face, “Thank you”. “Of course”, Moxx replies.

They all head inside and wait. When a loved one is getting surgery in a hospital that is all you can, and want to do. Millie tries to get everyone to eat at least a snack from the vending machine but everyone refuses. Even when she herself tries to eat, it’s futile as her stomach churns thinking about the possibilities of the outcome of her best friend.

Ozzie arrives to the hospital to the surprise of the nurses and doctors, all bowing and he rolls his eyes, comforting Fizz immediately.

“Have they given any updates?” he asks and Fizz shakes his head, “None”. Ozzie groans and walks over to the front desk, “Prince consort Blitz Buckzo. What is his status?” The baphomet nurse widens her eyes and pulls on the collar of her shirt, “Ah, Asmodeus your sinfulness uh..I will check on that right away!”

Fizz smiles, “Thanks babe”. “Gotta use my authority for somethin’”, he chuckles lightly then makes his form smaller to sit down with everyone else.

The baphomet nurse comes back, her fellow nurses pushing her towards the group. Fizz stands up, waiting for her to speak.

“You can see him now, but we recommend a few at a time, he is not well with strangers”.

Fizz narrows his eyes, “But none of us are strangers”.

The baphomet tilts her head down, “Some of you might be now. He is deeply traumatized. We had our resident psychiatrist talk with him and...we believe he has selective amnesia based on his trauma. It’s unclear how it manifests. Therapy should help over time”. The friends all look at one another and Millie finally breaks, crying into Moxxie’s chest. He frowns and rubs his hand through her hair,

“Shhh it’ll be alright”, he reassures her, not really knowing. Fizz’s face is in Ozzie’s chest too, Loona having joined them in a hug.

“There’s..also one more thing to be aware of”, the nurse says. Fizz puts his arms up, “What else!” The nurse swallows and coughs, “We were unable to save the leg, we had to severe above the thigh wound”.

The group’s eyes widen and for Fizz the tears come again, unable to will them away, “Ozzie we weren’t quick enough. This is all my fault”.

Ozzie takes his face in his hands, “You know that’s not true, Froggie. He is brave and resilient, just like you. We will make him a prosthetic too. He will be okay, just like you were”. Fizz nods and continues to cry. Ozzie looks up at the nurse with a serious expression, daring her to say more, “Anything else?”

The nurse shakes her head, “No. Who would like to go in first?” they all look at one another, but they can’t decide. They all want to go in.

Ozzie speaks up, “How about The M’s and Loona go first, and then we’ll go in last. Since we’ll be the ones to take him home”. Everyone agrees and they head over to the room.

Millie and Moxxie head in first, Loona lingering at the door. Blitz pulls the blankets up to his shoulders, in a protective stance, his eyes wide, tail twitching against the side of the bed.

“Slowly Mills”, Moxx says, slowing down their pace, “Hey are you feeling, sir?”

Blitz’s eyes dart to the door frame at Loona then back to the M’s as he pulls the knee he has left closer to him, wrapping his arms around it.

“Millie I don’t think he-”, Moxx starts but Millie gets closer, “B, it’s us. M&M?” she puts a hand gently on his hand and he flinches it away. “B..”, she whispers and Moxx takes her hand, “Millie we can try again later, kay?” She squints and chokes back her sob, “Okay”.

As the M’s step back, Loona steps forward, swallowing her fear, “Hey dad”, she manages a small smile. As she approaches the bed, Blitz’s tail slows, and his eyes soften. She reaches for his hand and he takes it, squeezing so hard she thinks her fingers might pop out of their sockets. Now she isn’t immune to tears as they fall down her face, “I’m here, dad. I’m here”. He leans his head on her and she holds it, rubbing his horns. Taking some of the lotion from the side table and rubbing it on them, the dry cracks starting to heal.

Ozzie watches through the window and manages a small smile at the scene with Loona as Fizz paces back and forth.

“Sweetheart, you aren’t doing yourself any favors”. Fizz groans, “What if he doesn’t remember me Ozzie? Me!” he starts hyperventilating and Ozzie puts a large hand on his chest, “Breathe, Fizzy”. He struggles through the panic but the pressure on his chest helps and his breathing slows, just in time for Loona and the M’s to come out of the room. Millie still laying her head on Moxxie’s shoulder in defeat.

Ozzie puts a hand on her shoulder, “Like they said, with time he will remember”, he reassures her and they both nod, “I think we are gonna head back to our own home for a while, thank you for accomodating us Asmodeus”, Moxxie tells him and Ozzie nods, “I understand, anytime”.

Loona takes Fizz’s hand, “You ready to go in? He’s a little calmer now”. She can feel his prosthetic hand shaking but he nods, “Yeah”. He lets go and walks in by himself, and Blitz’s eyes tear up. Blitz tries to talk but he can’t seem to still, only letting out a small whimper.

Fizz walks over to him and before he can even place a hand on him, Blitz hugs him, wrapping his one leg around his waist. Fizz’s eyes widen and supports his bottom and pulls him close, Blitz’s tail wrapping around his arms as they both start to sob. Ozzie smiles watching through the window.

“You’re okay now Blitz. It’s Fizz, I’m here. I’m here”. Blitz continues to sob into his neck, not giving a f*ck if his makeup is messed up. His best friend, is here, alive, and needs him.

Chapter 6: Changing Back


Stolas feels light and airy. His limbs feel like they don’t exist, like he’s just a whisp of what he was. Where is he? That’s a loaded question. That could mean whatever he is right now or where his physical body is. His head feels so thoughtless. What can he see? There’s a mirror. I need to go through it.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ozzie unseals the door and stops Stolas with one hand as he tries to sneak out right as he opens it, closing the door behind him.

“Nice try birdy babe, but with all the sh*t you’ve gotten up to, you’re going to rot here until our Stolas is back”, he tells the Prince who is looking worse for wear as his feathers haven’t been preened, he doesn’t have any pain meds for his arm, and he’s still obsessively possessive over Blitz. Asking where he is any time he can. His eyes wild.

“I know you have him here, in this building”, he holds up his wedding ring finger, “It’s the bond we have, I can feel him”. Ozzie laughs, “Are you just going to continue to talk out of your ass?” he replies as he tosses him a plate of mice. Stolas takes it hesitantly, “You’ll never have your Stolas back. He’s too weak to do what needs to be done”.

Ozzie crosses his arms and shakes his head, “Desperation is not a good look on you hun”. Then leaves, sealing the room again. Stolas groans in anger and pounds the ground with his only hand talon,

“AAGGHH!!” he can’t believe they trapped him. He sits on the ground and pulls his knees to his chest, taking steady breaths, eyes twitching in anger.

Now he’s going to stay here for eternity forced to live with his never ending thoughts. He can’t remember the last time he didn’t have unbridled anger in his heart. He had disdain for his father, his wife, his daughter, for most of the royal court, and now for this imp. They were never fair to him. Never gave him what he wanted, unconditional love. And if they wouldn’t give it to him, he would force it from them or hurt them trying. This is who he is. He never cared who the Stolas was here besides posing as him. He was too sweet, too naive. Too weak.

Why don’t you cease this bitch crying..He never cried again, and lived to make others cry instead. Now this is how he’ll die. Alone, anyone who knows, being glad that he’s gone.

Stolas and Blitzo are in an empty lot near Blitzo’s apartment. Stolas is pacing and Blitzo grabs his arm, “Stop, please. You’re making me anxious”. Stolas laughs, “Oh I’m making you anxious hmm? Oh I’m sorry” he replies condescendingly. Blitzo sighs and Stolas covers his face, “I am sorry. That was rude. I’m just so scared”. Blitzo takes his hand and intertwines their fingers, and kisses the top of his hand, looking up at him with sweet eyes, “Then you’ll do it scared”.

He gives a small smile and pulls his hand away from Blitzo, pulling out his phone, “I have to do one more thing real quick. Just to...clear something up in this world”. Blitzo nods, “Take your time, but not too much time”, he paces over to the other side of the lot as Stolas dials a number, Octavia in this world.

Stolas waits with bated breath as it rings. He’s tried to call her a few times while he’s been here and every time, she barely let him get a word in without hanging up. Hopefully at least this time is different. The phone answers, “Yeah, what the f*ck do you want”, she says with vitriol in her voice. His eyes wince into a pained expression, “Darling, Starfire, please don’t hang up”.

“That depends”, she replies. Stolas stutters, “I-I am sorry for what I did to you. I just-wanted you to know that I love you more than anything in the world”. He still doesn’t actually know what this Stolas did to his own daughter, but by what he saw with Blitz, it couldn’t possibly be model father behavior.

“Is this a f*cking prank, dad?” she says with more disdain now and Stolas closes his eyes, “No-no I..I really am sorry. I love you Starfire”.

“f*ck off, Stolas”, she yells and ends the call. Stolas sighs, that was the best he could do before he willingly kills her father. Maybe here that’s what’s best for her. He seemed too cruel to ever say those words anyway.

Blitzo walks back over and takes the angelic dagger Stolas has been staring at every night for the last month out of his jacket pocket, handing it over to him.

“Ready Birdy?” Blitzo says, his own hands shaking a little. White pupils appear in Stolas’s big red eyes as he realizes that Blitzo is scared too.

“You don’t have to be here with me”, he says anxiously, hoping Blitzo insists to stay. Blitzo scoffs, “Nah, we had a plan. I’m going through with it, birdy”, he reassures and Stolas lets out a breath. He pulls Blitzo close and kisses his forehead, and the imp pulls Stolas’s head down by the feathers and kisses his beak, Stolas returning the last kiss.

Both flushed and anxious, Stolas shakily holds the dagger with one hand talon, the blade facing his chest, Right over his heart. Blitz leans his arms up and takes the hilt of the dagger in his two hands as well, giving extra leverage and force. Making it so that he can’t back out. Blitzo looks up at him.

“Blitzo I’m so scared”, Stolas says again. “I know”, he replies. “S-say something else”, Stolas insists. “I love you, Stolas”, Blitzo says earnestly. “I love you too, Blitzo” he replies.

Stolas plunges the dagger down into his chest, and for a moment Blitzo’s hands are only along for the ride, then once it’s inside, he uses his added force to make sure it hits it’s target. Stolas falls to the ground, caught by Blitzo and they leave the knife in, blue blood undulating from his chest. Blitzo pulls him, back to chest, toward him and holds him, rocking him a little until his eyes no longer light up.

Blitzo’s lip quivers as he wipes the tears falling down his cheeks. He continues holding the body until Fizz pings his phone and finds him nearby.

“Oh f*ck...babe I’m so sorry…” he says but Blitzo is having trouble hearing words. Fizz pulls him up by the arm, pulling him away from Stolas’s body.

“Hun if you stay here, the police could think you killed the prince…” he tries to tell him and Blitzo holds tight to Fizz and leans his face into his chest, whispering, “But I did”.

Stolas feels light and airy. His limbs feel like they don’t exist, like he’s just a whisp of what he was. Where is he? That’s a loaded question. That could mean whatever he is right now or where his physical body is. His head feels so thoughtless. What can he see? There’s a mirror. I need to go through it. He does, and ends up in a room. But not where he remembers the mirror being. It’s in a closed off room. And there he is. His body, anyway. On the ground in the middle of one of his sigils? His head feels so light. So meditative. Like he could just...float away. Why is he here? Is it for that person? He floats near them and he can hear their thoughts.

S1: I will kill him. Once I find him in this godsforsaken place I will kill him and the pain will be so great and pleasurable.

S2: Kill who?

S1: Who said that?!

S2: I think I’m you.

S1: Impossible.

S2: Many things are improbable but not impossible.

S1: Get out of my head.

S2: Who are you going to hurt.

S1: That low life imp that got away from me.

S2: An Imp? I think I loved an Imp once.

S1: You really loved him? Now that’s impossible.

S2: Is your mind really so limited?

S1: It’s much higher than yours.

S2: What’s their name, this Imp.

S1: Blitz.

S2: No.

The whisp form digs further into the mind of the body he saw, carving itself a new home, and pushing out the cheating tenant.

S1: Let me back in...Let me back in!!! But everything is getting thoughtless and floaty...and he can’t feel anything. And it’s the best he’s ever felt.

Stolas starts to wake up on the ground and his muscles feel weak, one arm throbbing. He can feel the hard steel ground as it aches his back, and finally flutters his four eyes open and sees two figures looking down at him.

“Welcome back Birdy Babe”, The larger one says with a smile, extending a hand. Stolas attempts to reach with his dominant talon and realizes the stub and yells, holding his arm.

Ozzie nods, “Don’t worry. I have a prosthetic all picked out for you”. Stolas looks unsure at Fizz who’s still giving him a skeptical look, “Ozz how do we know he really is back? He hasn’t even talked”.

Ozzie hooks his arm in Stolas’s and looks to Fizz, “I’ve been watching this room on a constant video feed. He went through something that literally looked like an exorcism, Fizz. I think it’s him”. Fizz narrows his eyes, “Then why isn’t he talking?!” he asks and Ozzie shrugs, “Trauma?! I’m not a therapist, Fizz. But I have all the proof I need”.

Fizz crosses his arms, “Well I don’t. I’m not having him in our tower or near Blitz until he talks”. Ozzie frowns at Fizz, “Fine”, He takes Stolas’s shoulders gently, “Hey birdy babe, are you able to say some words for us? Those are your favorite things”. Stolas’s eyes blink and he recoils a little from Fizz’s gaze.

“I-I’m sorry I just don’t know who either of you are…?” Their eyes bulge wide and Fizz facepalms, “Fuuuuuuuuuck. How does that happen to both of them?!” he comments.

“Well, trauma is a funny thing. I’m guessing it’s something to do with the transference from the mirror dimension. But uh, this will definitely put a damper in their marriage”, Ozzie replies and Fizz’s shoulders deflate, “I’ll say”.

Stolas just looks around confused and tired. Ozzie reassures him with a hand on his back again and smiles, “Don’t worry. You can trust us. Now lets get you that hand”, he guides him out of the room and Fizz heads back to the main tower to check on Blitz.

Blitz is leaning on Pringles as he tries to walk on his new leg, the prosthetic still struggling to line up with his other leg. He’s dressed in lounge shorts and an oversized T-shirt of Fizz’s merch, giving him ample room to move freely. Pringles smiles, “Take it slow, sir”. Blitz nods, pointing to the fridge.

Pringles chuckles, “Okay, you can get a snack”. They walk over to the fridge and Blitz opens it, handing Pringles multiple cheese sticks and a bottle of hot sauce, then digs in the cupboard next to the fridge for a ramekin.

Once the supplies are acquired he hops from Pringles to the bar seat, assembling his snack. Pringles walks over to him, giving the rest of the supplies, “Sir, as much as I am glad some of your energy is back, you must pace yourself”. Blitz waves him off and Pringles rolls his eyes and walks off, widening his eyes at Stolas in the hall, being walked to a separate area of the tower. Fizz walks over and puts a hand on Pringles’ shoulder, “Don’t worry, he’s back”, he reassures. Pringles smiles and nods, walking off to his room.

Fizz hops in the bar seat next to Blitz and looks on at his snack, “Watcha eatin?” he asks and Blitz points to the hot sauce. “Ah, classic” he says, and smiles, then rubs his neck. Blitz notices the tone shift and gets defensive, hugging himself, eyebrows furrowing.

“No no, I promise, it’s nothing too bad. It’s good! Mostly”, Fizz insists. Blitz slowly unclenches his hands from his arms as Fizz places a hand on his thigh. The touch from his best friend comforting him but his jaw is still clenched. Blitz takes Fizz’s hand and squeezes it, then nods, ready for the news. Fizz smiles, “Uhm the...Owl. Your..owl. Is back in his own body”.

His owl. Fizz has tried to avoid using Stolas’s name as it triggers him, so they’ve just called him ‘the owl’. But….his owl. Blitz rubs the wedding ring on his finger, feeling nauseous but also butterflies in his chest and tries to immediately hop off the stool, his new leg wobbling and sending him face first toward the floor, Fizz catching his chest.

“Woooah there, there’s more”, Fizz says, carrying him to the couch and setting him down. He groans and does a hand gesture for ‘go on’, Fizz almost smiling at his classic Blitz impatience.

“He doesn’t...remember us. I’m not sure how much he does remember yet”, he says and Blitz’s shoulders deflate, leaning his head on Fizz. He opens his mouth like he wants to say something but still nothing has been able to come out. He doesn’t know when something will. It’s been a few days since they saved him, and he’s been mute the whole time but not by choice. Fizz says it’s the trauma but he’s getting kinda tired of hearing that.

Fizz rubs a hand over his cheek, realizing he’s dissociating, “Hey buddy, you alright?” Blitz nods then shakes his head no and buries his face in Fizz’s chest. Why must there continue to be trials? Why must he continue to suffer? Why must they both? He cries until Fizz sets him in his bed and gets in behind him, holding him, that he’s able to slow the tears and lull into some form of sleep.


Something Something Stolitz having to fall in love all over again.

Chapter 7: Refugees In Lust part 2


Now where would they keep that bird? He hasn’t seen him in any of the common areas so there must be a separate apartment on another floor of the tower. Walking over to the elevator he scans the badge Fizz gave him and it opens, realizing he hasn’t really explored more of the tower since he got here. Sticking to what’s familiar. But this is important. I just need to see him.


Sorry this is a shorter one cause I've been extremely fatigued lately. I'll try to churn out a longer one next but it might be a few extra days.

Chapter Text

Blitz leans his head back and groans, Fizz snapping lightly in front of his face, “Hey, eyes on me. This is important Blitz. You have to be able to talk to the therapist, and if you aren’t able to speak, then you need to learn sign language”. Blitz pouts and signs, “Already know some”.

Fizz signs back, “And that’s good but not enough to express your feelings to the therapist”. Blitz co*cks his head in confusion and Fizz rolls his eyes and repeats it out loud and Blitz groans again.

“Want to see Stols”, he does the sign for bird at the end and Fizz looks down, “Blitz, we’ve been over this, it’s not best for you to see him yet. We need to keep you both separate until you’ve at least worked a little of what you’ve been through”.

Blitz frowns, it’s already been a week since Stolas came back. Angrily signing back, “I was only with that asshole for three months. He was fine before that...”, he looks away. Fizz resists the urge to smile as this is helping him practice his sign anyway, and entertains the conversation, gently guiding his chin back to face him.

Fizz signs back slower, “You need rest and rehabilitation”. Blitz crosses his arms then signs back quickly, “Boring”. Fizz chuckles, replying out loud, “It wasn’t just three months, Blitz. It was three months of you being constantly tortured at the hands of your husband”. Blitz gets defensive and signs back angrily, “That f*ck was not my husband. This one is”.

Fizz frowns and holds his hands, “I know you miss him. We told you he doesn’t remember a lot. He has to jog his memory too, and I don’t know what you expect from him when he doesn’t remember his own husband”, he’s honest, maybe a little too honest and Blitz’s lip quivers, pulling his hands away and turns away from Fizz. He pats Blitz on the shoulder, “It’ll be alright buddy. I’m here, so is Pringles and Loona. You have plenty of people who love you until Stolas remembers”. He leaves Blitz alone for a moment.

He lays on the couch rubbing his wedding ring. Fizz is right, and he knows he’s okay physically but he can’t help but want the emotional comfort of his owl. His husband to help him through all of this. Hell, they’ve both lost a limb, they’ve both gotten a form of amnesia. Surely it’s better if they heal together?

He makes a sly smile to himself and grabs his cane that’s leaning on the couch, and pulls himself up, steadying himself on his prosthetic and natural leg, walking down the hall.

Now where would they keep that bird? He hasn’t seen him in any of the common areas so there must be a separate apartment on another floor of the tower. Walking over to the elevator he scans the badge Fizz gave him and it opens, realizing he hasn’t really explored more of the tower since he got here. Sticking to what’s familiar. But this is important. I just need to see him.

He presses the button of a bottom floor that looks least familiar. One he’s never seen Fizz press when with him. The elevator wooshes and his stomach gets nauseous for a second, and he has to steady his head when it stops. Steadying the rest of him on his cane, he steps out, looking around. It’s just another hallway. He walks down and notices that this one’s lined with candles and somehow magically, still has windows to the outside, even though he’s certain it’s underground.

Luckily the ground is plush so his cane doesn’t make any noise as he tiptoes past rooms. He comes to one at a dead end and hides in the corner, listening.

“Uh. Asmodeus can I ask a question?” his voice. So soft and also the other one. Blitz shudders and hates that he does. f*ckin...get ahold of yourself it’s just Stols.

“Of course Birdy Babe”, replies Ozzie.

“If I’m a...prince then why am I here and not at a palace?” he asks. f*ck he doesn’t remember sh*t huh. Blitz wants to look at him. But he’ll surely be seen. Just a look.

Ozzie pauses a moment, “Well, remember the Imp we asked if you remembered?”

“You’ve asked me if I’ve remembered a lot of things”, he says and Ozzie nods, “I have, I apologize. The one we said was your husband”. So they did tell him…“Well yes, I remember”, Stolas replies with seemingly no emotion towards it. Making Blitz suppress a whimper. Why doesn’t Stolas feel anything when he’s mentioned?

“Well, he was tortured for a while when another version of you was inside your body. Remember, the other mirror dimension I told you about?” Ozzie says and Stolas nods, “Well we are hoping that through therapy, you will both get enough memories back and heal enough to be able to rekindle what you had and...well, go from there”.

“But don’t I have duties? Things to attend to? Granted I’m not sure what they would be but-”, Stolas starts and Ozzie puts a finger to his beak, “Not important birdy babe. Getting your memories and healing is more important”. Stolas nods, “I see”. “Does that answer your question?” he asks and Stolas smiles, “Yes, I believe so”. He just wants to go back to his duties? He doesn’t want to see Blitz or talk to him or even get memories back?

Blitz goes to grab his cane again but his hand slips and he trips from his prosthetic, falling into the doorway. Seeing Stolas.

“Blitz! You shouldn’t be down here”, Ozzie says sternly as Blitz stares up at Stolas, wide eyed, backing away by scooting his feet. Stolas just looking back at him with innocent curiosity. Then he suddenly feels extremely sick and throws up in the hall, shocking both Stolas and Ozzie. Stolas snaps the mess away and Ozzie picks up Blitz.

“Will he be alright?!” Stolas asks with genuine concern in his voice as he stands up and reaches for Blitz but Ozzie blocks his hand gently.

“Sorry, yes, he will be okay. I just need to get him away from this area”, he says as he walks Blitz away from Stolas, Blitz’s eyes blurry.

“...Wanna see Stols”, he whispers, tears falling down his cheeks. Ozzie widens his eyes as that’s the first thing Blitz has said out loud since they rescued him. He nuzzles Blitz and pets down his horns, “I know it’s hard, I’m so sorry”.

Fizz bombards Ozzie as he steps out of the elevator back into their apartment, “What happened, is he alright?” Ozzie nods, “He will be. He went seeking Stolas. Fell and saw him, had a bad reaction”, he explains and Fizz sighs, “Blitz…” he takes Blitz from Ozzie and Blitz signs, “Just wanna see Stols”.

“I know, I know. You will be able to in time, Blitz. But you have to be patient or you’ll just hurt yourself more”, he walks into Blitz’s bedroom and sets him on the bed. Blitz signs in reply, “Don’t want to wait, want him”. Fizz doesn’t answer and gets in the bed behind him and holds him again, comforting him.

Stolas rubs his arm with his prosthetic hand talon and looks around the room they were in. It’s a medical room, where Ozzie was just checking the prosthetic to make sure it’s functional. His current home is down the other side of the hall. Walking out of the room, he realizes that the imp forgot his cane.

He had called me Stols….a nick name? He can’t remember ever being married to anyone. It’s so foggy up there. Imagining things is hard but he can try to imagine that being tortured by someone he believed to be his husband is extremely traumatic. He looks down at the cane, He probably needs this…

Stolas takes the elevator up to Ozzie and Fizz’s apartment and looks around, “Hello? Anyone here?” he asks. Pringles runs out of the kitchen, “Sire?!” he asks and Stolas waves shyly, “Um-hello, I..have a cane for the imp that tried to visit me?” he says and Pringles nods, taking the cane from him.

“Thank you sir, I’ll get it back to him”. Stolas lingers for a moment then Pringles says, “You should probably get back to your apartment, sire”.

“Can I...ask you something first?” Stolas says to Pringles, the butler blinking, “Of course, sire”.

“Please, just call me, myself and the Imp, were we in love?” he asks, fiddling with his hands in anxiety. His prosthetic now making click sounds. Pringles chuckles, “Disgustingly and Immensely so, si-Stolas”, he replies, saying the prince’s name feeling foreign on the imps tongue but he’s eager to please.

Stolas smiles and nods, “Interesting. Thank you”, he replies, heading back down the hall to the elevator.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.